One Comment

  1. HI Dana, I am desperately looking for answers. I am 38 years old and have 4 children. I have always had a weight problem and struggled with depression and always felt different. I just thought it was me. I am starting to remember things and slowly putting things together. About 7 years ago I was pregnant with my 3rd child and they noticed my blood work I had thyroid issues. So I went to an endocrinologist and they just started monitoring my blood work. They said I was hyperthyroid. I had signs of both hypo and hyper. My heart was racing, sluggish, my carpal tunnel was painful, I started not being able to breath, wheezing and coughing all night. My gp said I have asthma and gerd. What the heck! So I had an inhaler and it helped. So after I had my son they monitored my blood work and then I stopped seeing anyone, it was a waste of time and money to monitor. So fastforward a couple years, I was pregnant with my 4th child and they started monitoring me again. Same symptoms, heart racing, tired super dry skin, still coughing when exercising, depressed, anxiety, the list goes on. So after I had my 4th baby I stopped going to any doctor I just felt like they were not listening to me. So fastforward 2 years, which was last year I was choking and couldn’t breathe so I went to same endo doc and seen a new doc at same practice becuz other doc retired. They nodules and I was hyperthyroid, so they did a biopsy, it was neg for any cancer. I did RAI treatment and they said I would prob turn hypothyroid. During this time I became more depressed and anxious and gained over 30 lbs. Endo doc just kept monitoring my blood work, As of Sept of 2016 my tsh 1.66 and t4 .79. I cried to the docs fill in cnp and she said maybe a diet pill? I dont want a diet pill, something is wrong with me!!!! Please help me!!! So here I am now in the present still up over 30 lbs feeling more like crap, still depressed, tons of other things going on but no help and no answers. I am coughing more than ever and my thyroid ultrasound I still have nodules. I know I am leaving out things just can’t remember. I have not breast fed in almost 3 years and still have a little breastmilk or something that leaks. I do have quite a bit of stress from my husband, financial and having 4 young children. I just want to feel better! I want to go back to work in the next year when my last baby goes to kindergarten but I feel like I am incompetent to work feeling this way. Please help me!!!!!!!!!!!

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