An Old Fashioned Doctor’s Approach To Hypothyroidism

An Old Fashioned Doctor's Approach To Hypothyroidism

Oh how I wish the good old days of hypothyroidism, when doctors really listened to a patient’s symptoms, would come back again. Let me be blunt. The modern way of treating hypothyroidism sucks.

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My Darn Hypothyroid Legs

My darn hypothyroid legs

“I can’t feel my legs. They’re numb or something, Hey wait, are they swollen?” I wondered as I shaved my legs one day several months after the birth of my first son in 2006. I glided the razor over my lower legs again then again and again as the feelings of surprise then disbelief then fear came over me suddenly that something was wrong with my legs.

It would take many more months before I received my diagnosis of severe hypothyroidism. Now looking back all these years later, my body was whispering, okay more like shouting, warning signs that something wasn’t right.

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