How thyroid disease has completely changed my life

How thyroid disease has changed my life

Despite obvious family history of thyroid disease (her mother, aunts, cousins and grandmother are all sufferers of thyroid disease) and many common symptoms of hypothyroidism, Jane Rochester struggled and suffered needlessly for decades. Her tale of ill health and unfortunate genetics is sadly not unique and in fact shared by hundreds of millions of people around  the world. I have no doubt the majority of my Hypothyroid Mom readers will be nodding their heads as they read Jane’s story and feel like she is telling their own story too.
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You know you have an (untreated) thyroid problem when…

You know you have an (untreated) thyroid problem when...

It is a pleasure to include my friend and fellow thyroid advocate Sarah Downing at Hypothyroid Mom. She is passionate about helping thyroid patients around the globe. [Read more…]

The Two BIG Problems with “Typical” Thyroid Hormone Treatment – Part 2 of 2

The Two BIG Problems with "Typical" Thyroid Hormone Treatment - Part 2 of 2

Yesterday I posted Dr. John Robinson’s first part of his two part series The Two BIG Problems with “Typical” Thyroid Hormone Treatment – Part 1. It was incredibly popular with my readers. I think that’s because we are hearing from a doctor who actually gets how to treat us. He doesn’t just sort of get it, he gets it fully. We need more doctors in the world like him.
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The Two BIG Problems with “Typical” Thyroid Hormone Treatment – Part 1 of 2

The Two BIG Problems with "Typical" Thyroid Hormone Treatment - Part 1 of 2

I would be a VERY ILL WOMAN TODAY if I had a doctor that was only willing to prescribe T4-only Levothyroxine drugs like Synthroid. My life literally changed when I found a doctor open to exploring ALL the thyroid treatment options to find what was right for ME.

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16 Signs You Might Be Hypothyroid & 10 Tips To Help

16 Signs You Might Be Hypothyroid & 10 Tips To Help

Functional medicine physician Dr. Jill Carnahan shares the top 16 symptoms of hypothyroid and 10 tips to help. It’s a pleasure to include Jill at Hypothyroid Mom.
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Cortisol and Thyroid Hormones

Cortisol and Thyroid Hormones

Have you had saliva cortisol testing done? I have and it was one of the most important pieces to my thyroid puzzle. Turned out my cortisol was low throughout the day.
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