1. blank Lenette Avery says:

    I have had a complete thyroidectomy and two parathyroids. My thyroid was completely wrapped in a hashimotos mass. I cannot get anyone to prescribe me anything except a T-4. The exhaustion, brain fog, weight gain, and many other problems is a daily battle. If your doctor knows of a doctor that would help me (I’m in Kentucky) , or even your doctor, I would be ecstatic to go.

  2. I have inflammation of thyroid very painful does LDN help

    1. I’m happy you’ve found LDN helpful, Kathy. Good to have you at Hypothyroid Mom.

  3. blank Jenny Nygren says:

    I have Hashimoto’s for two years, I am also in perimenopause, so dealing with the symptoms ugh! My TPO was 535 when I was diagnosed 2 years ago Now with supplements and lifestyle changes is 135. I just started LDN for 3 days , and the headaches are so irritating. After reading all these positive post I will probably go back yo LDN. Wish me luck.😁

  4. blank Glenda Montgomery says:

    I have been to Barnes hospital in st louis and mayo in Rochester. No one could figure it out. Alot of raised eyebrows and accused of anorexia. (I weighed 94 lbs) i cant gain any weight and have always been that way my entire life. I am so hungry but I can’t eat. If I do I feel like I have taken a bottle of Nyquil or Benadryl. I am nonresponsive. My GYN took bloodwork and sent me an email and gave me LDN 10mg. Haven’t started it yet. I hate medicine and its side effects. Thanks for the ccx article. Guess I’ll try it.

  5. Hi Tristin,
    such a promising article!
    Izabella Wentz ( talks about LDN.
    During threatment with LDN did you follow the special diet (AIP f.ex)? Are you following the diet after you ABs came back to norm? How about your thyroid panel blood test? Do you take some meds? Some supplements?
    How about your gut (bacteria, Viruses) health? The reason why we have Hoshimoto is our gut issues. Adrenals can be restored easily, but it is very difficult to restore the gut health (especially when you was born with some issues (mother had gut issues, no breastfeeding etc)
    Thank you.

  6. Thanks for sharing your journey!

    I have a different story – hoping someone might be able to relate. So far, no doctors have been able to explain why this happened.

    I’m 37. Have always been healthy with what people would consider a “fast metabolism”. Thin, active, and could easily gain muscle.

    I became addicted to opiates for 10 years.

    Upon getting sober, I was placed on naltrexone 50mg as an “opiate blocker” and to help with cravings. The naltrexone treatment was stopped 6 months into sobriety. That month, my hair started falling out. My muscles hurt. I began gaining weight, even after attempting to correct my diet. Started losing even MORE hair. I’ve lost about 50% of my hair in 4-5 months.

    A doctor finally checked my thyroid levels – they were within normal limits but my antibodies were through the roof. I was diagnosed with Hashimoto and placed in a low dose Nature-thyroid.

    I asked to be placed back on the naltrexone I was on before my hair started falling out. I started it 2 days ago.

    I’m curious if the opioid abuse and then the naltrexone was just holding off Hashimoto from developing all those years. Anyone have any idea?

    Thanks !

  7. Can I ask how they diagnosed the staph infection? I am keen to get this assessed with me? how did they treat it? Thank you so much for this, I was wondering if I continue with my naltrexone that I have not long started, decided to keep going!

  8. blank Ilaria Poggesi says:

    Dear Tristin,
    Thank you for sharing this amazing content!
    I have Hashimoto’s disease but my problem is that I have huge quantities of auto antibodies so I am on HRT and I take huge quantities of thyroidal hormones.
    My question is: is there a protocol for patients who are on hrt but want to test ldn?
    I am looking for it, but cannot find it.
    Could you help?
    I would like to know the dosage of ldn and if it works how do I reduce the hrt?
    Thank you so much for any help.
    Love from Italy.

  9. You are doing amazing work! Thanks for sharing your wonderful posts. I was at my worst when I discovered LDN. Low dose Naltrexone helps me a lot. I’m on 4.5 mg. Made me feel better, helped with skin conditions. I get 50mg naltrexone pills (a way cheaper from “GETLDN247” ❤️, just Google it), than get it compounded into 4.5mg doses. I’ve been doing this a few years with volumetric dosing. 50ml of distilled water with a 50mg tab of Naltrexone. Dose 4.5mg (4.5ml) with an oral syringe.

    1. Fredd, I’m happy you’ve found something that is making a difference for you. All the best, Dana Trentini (aka Hypothyroid Mom)

  10. Did you by any chance keep a journal of your recovering using LDN? I was wondering how long it took to start feeling somewhat normal again.

  11. Thank you so much for sharing. I begin the LDN Monday and I finally have hope.

    1. blank Tammy Holden says:

      What has your experience been on LDN? I am getting ready to start it….

  12. Thanks very much for this post. I’ve just started LDN for Hashimoto’s. Can I ask … what was your starting dose … and what were the reasons you ended up dropping the dose later to your doctor’s recommendation? Are you taking it in tablets, capsules, or liquid?

  13. blank Susan Zorn says:

    Thank you so much for sharing your experience. I have struggled with Hashimotos for 43 years. It is very discouraging to be treated by doctors that only have a superficial understanding of the disease. It is heartbreaking too that family fails to educate themselves about Hashimotos and draws the conclusion that the sufferer is a hypochondriac. Only recently have I learned about ldn treatment. I have been extremely encouraged to hear of your positive outcome. Your journey has helped be to make the decision to solicit the advice of professionals that are progressive and informef. I haven’t dreamed in years and am looking forward to that result. Thank you so much.

  14. blank jerrie Davidson says:

    I took LDN, I had headaches for about a month. My doctor only kept me on LDN for 3 months and my antibodies did go down but significantly. I will insist on staying on them for 6 months which sounds like the recommended protocol with every thing else I have read. I have been fighting Hashimoto’s for 20 years. I felt wonderful the 3 months I was on LDN. Since being off of it I have reverted back to the “normal” for me. I will try again. Thankyou for sharing your story.

  15. I had migraines when I was your age. After many years I finally started putting them on my “bathroom” calendar where I kept track of my periods. Eventually I was able to see that they were connected. I got them the second day after I finished my period. That’s not the normal time to get them but after I made the connection I could predict when the next one would be. There wasn’t much they could give me back then, but nowadays there are doctors who could prescribe hormones to help. Your migraines may not be the same as mine but to be sure put them on the calendar. Even though I didn’t get relied, at least I could avoid big commitments on those days.

    1. blank Rachel sexton says:

      I am thinking of going on LDN for hashimotos as the fatigue and Brian fog days I wish it be over! I did reduce my antibodies with diet and supplements from 1,400 to 460! How long do you have to take LDN for as it’s very expensive in Ireland

  16. My dreams are so vivid, I feel like I have not rested… hoping they calm down. I am in my second or third week. I was about to quit and came across this. I will continue to try. My antibiodies are out the roof.

  17. blank Kathleen Bright says:

    Hi Dana,
    I have had Hashimoto’s for probably decades but a recent test (less than a year ago) only determined that; before then I was being treated for Hypothyroidism. Anyway, like you I was misdiagnosed for many years and in the interim thought I was going down right crazy with mood swings, depression, anxiety…you get it…so now that I know what it is I am actually being proactive in trying to be Hashi free. My Naturopath recently put me on LDN, 4 weeks now, I started on a really low dose .05ml and have now increased it to the .3ml I am to remain on. After reading your post I am very excited to see my results in a few months! I do get a lot of morning headaches though since being on it, other than that my dreams have not changed…

  18. I have Hashimoto’s and hypothyroidism. I am on Thyroid NP 60 mcg medication. My question is, can I take LDN with it. If you know

  19. I am so sick today and I am tired of being sick and tired!!!! IBS, endometriosis, adenomiosis , chronic iritis, pituitary tumors and now hypothyroidism!!!! When does this end? How can I get help?

    1. I am seeing a naturopath and she just prescribed this medication to me – if you have not seen one I highly recommend it!

  20. blank Kaye McClaren says:

    Very curious as to LDN dosing timing. If I’m correct Bihari insited that to most effective it should be taken between 12-4am. What are/is your experiences with timing and thoughts on effectiveness if not taken at that difficult time? Thank you.

  21. How did the doctors test/diagnose your staph infection?

  22. I had the same thing happen with my thyroid antibodies. Unfortunately I had Hashimotos for over 40 years before I found LDN so lots of damage already. Am currently working with Dr to lower my NDT. I have many other autoimmune conditions so will be interested to see how they go with LDN. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi Denice, All the best with your LDN treatment. I hear from many Hypothyroid Mom readers that rave about LDN for helping their autoimmune diseases. All the best, Hypothyroid Mom.

  23. My dad uses it for his Hashimoto’s and my husband for his MS. It’s been a game changer for both! Currently having my thyroid looked at and will be using LDN if the results come back as suspected. My husband and I recommend looking into LDN to anyone and everyone who has “something” it could help and always get weird looks, but two people in my family are free of big pharma, money making drugs (and their HORRID side effects) and living BETTER lives because of LDN. Finding a doc to treat/prescribe isn’t always easy, but worth it!

    1. Thank you for sharing Kimberly. It always helps to hear success stories. Good to have you at Hypothyroid Mom.

  24. Sooo…I actually have LDN. Suspect either fibro or hashis. Can’t get a doctor to test antibodies or run any kind of c reactive protein test etc for pmr. I have had reynauds for decades. I’m 49 and likely perimenopausal and in near constant muscle tension hell. My 4th chiro conceded I have no structural issue but a muscle issue he can’t figure out. Back to my their I have hashi and/or fibro.

    My question…I had genesight done. Naldextrone is tested. Annnndddd for me can up in the yellow zone so the Dr who ran that says she’s never prescribe. Basically says it’s questionable to be effective with my genes. But that is naldextrone as an anti opoid for drug use.

    Worth even trying?? I’ confused and stressed and tired of always being in psik and off balance as I’m so tense it throws off my balance.

  25. Happy to hear you’ve found something that works for you. I do not permit posting advertisements for particular products. That’s probably not your intention but I will delete it.

  26. blank Naomi Pollock says:

    That sounds very exciting, but does anyone know of any doctors in Britain who would prescribe this medication?

    1. Hi Naomi, The LDN Research Trust group is holding the LDN 2018 conference in Glasgow Scotland on the 7th July at Glasgow University, Wolfson Medical Building, and will be LiveStreamed around the world online for everyone. I recommend attending livestream as I am, but if that doesn’t work try looking up the various doctors listed under Speakers because several of them are located in the UK. Here is the link to the conference page:

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