1. Deborah Chancellor says:

    My entire family has hypothyroidism, but my doctor checks T4 and TSH and says mine is good. I’m just on the edge of normal with .558 ulU/ml on the TSH. I have many symptoms, hair loss, fibro myalgia, zero energy, muscle twitches, etc.i got off my biotin for last blood work since i had heard out skews the results.

  2. Jill Miller says:

    I had my Thyroid completely removed with cancerous lymph nodes 13 years ago. I have been on synthroid the entire time with like everyone else my numbers are gho but my symptoms are not. I was diagnosed with restless leg and put on levadopa 10 years ago. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia 10 years ago. I have has ADD for as long as I can remember and also put on medication for that that I hated because it made me angry all the time I I had to stop. my anxiety attacks are horrible and I have constant areas of skin itching . unfortunately my Endocrinologist from Rochester mayo says my numbers are good and that is all he can do is keep the synthroid dose correct. it was my Primary that put me . it is a constant battle of up and down days and mentally exhausting. I also have vertigo once a month and raynauds disease. I am coping with a daily weight on my back.

    1. Jill- l also have had my thyroid out. l finally gave up on my endocrinologist, when l found Dr. Jeff Kotulski from Mankato, who has a clinic called Between the Bridges Healing Center. He prescribes a compounded thyroid supplement of T4/T3 thru Lake Elmo Compounding Pharmacy of Redwing MN. They send it to me when l need it. Dr. Jeff does is not covered by insurance, so it is all out of pocket expense. Good luck with your search for help.

  3. my TSH is 3.5 but I feel terrible. My prolactin is also elevated 544. I’ve had 2 miscarriages, panic attacks, low HR, brain fog, heavy limbs, strange tickling sensations in my arms and legs, fatigue, a little weight gain but not much. But apparently my thyroid is within normal limits. I have antibodies for hashimotos and my mum also has it. I also jave coeliacs disease. I just don’t know where to go from here, I feel like no one is listening. I’m having MRIs now for my pituitary gland, but I feel like its all coming from my thyroid.

  4. I am hypothyroid from removal of my thyroid. I am on 210mg bovine ndt. I’m gaining weight, losing hair and simply not feeling good. is it safe to take more? My doctor doesn’t think I need more from looking at my labs.

  5. Well I don’t have any of the symptoms detailed, but have been on levothyroxine for over 30 years as all my hair fell out over a 4 month period and has never grown back! But the doctor says my blood tests are ‘within the normal range’ and he won’t change my dosage or try anything more!!

  6. Janet kotlarz says:

    People don’t believe me when I tell them that I have a condition Hyperthyroidism, They think I am offering up excuses for my behavior. I. Had the radiation treatment at least45 years ago . I am 70 now and we have no Doctors around Sharon Pa . Qualified in this particular illness. That’s actually a condition …. lol

    1. Hi Janet, I have many people that visit Hypothyroid Mom who are hypothyroid now since radiation treatment for hyperthyroidism including Graves’ disease. In this day and age it shouldn’t be so hard to find a good thyroid doctor but it remains a problem for far too many people. Good to have you at Hypothyroid Mom.

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