Did you know that thyroid disease may be connected to your cervical spine, your C7 vertebra specifically?
For over a decade of Hypothyroid Mom, I’ve had the opportunity to meet many health care professionals with fascinating and unexpected insights on thyroid disease. I’ll never forget the first time a chiropractor mentioned C7. He explained that disruption of any kind to the last cervical vertebrae – C7 – at the base of the neck could mean the nerves and blood supply to the thyroid gland may be interrupted. At first, that name C7 sounded like some abstract term or the name of a robot or a self-driving car or something that didn’t sound related to my body. I had no idea that first time how many times I would later hear C7 repeated out of the mouths of Hypothyroid Mom readers talking about their C7 stories after I first published this article.
Thyroid & Your Cervical Spine
Damage or misalignment of that vertebra C7 can come from all types of conditions including herniated disc, bulging disc, scoliosis, spondylosis, dehydrated disks, degenerative disk disease, bone spurs, spinal cord infection, stiff ligaments, spinal cord injury, neck sprain, whiplash, fracture, neck arthritis, osteoporosis, cervical spinal fusion surgery, dislocation.
In 2014, the Journal of Craniovertebral Junction & Spine published a case report of a 21-year-old girl admitted to the hospital for chronic neck pain lasting 6 months. She presented with clinical features of hyperthyroidism including tachycardia, anxiety, and poor mental function. Testing revealed tuberculosis infection of the spine, termed Koch’s spine, that had damaged her cervical spine especially at C7. Following surgery that involved removal of C7, this young girl went into thyroid storm, a severe and potentially life-threatening complication of hyperthyroidism.[1]
And this topic involves all forms of thyroid disease. At the annual meeting of the American College of Rheumatology in 2014, thousands of rheumatologists met to review the latest advances in research. One of the studies presented was titled Autoimmune Thyroid Disease Is Associated with a Higher Frequency of Spinal Degenerative Disc Disease.[2]
In 2023, a 58-year-old female with a history of thyroid nodules went to a chiropractic clinic complaining of progressive neck pain. A cervical MRI revealed partial collapse of the C7 vertebral body. Fine-needle aspiration biopsy of her thyroid nodules and C7 vertebral body was performed and she was diagnosed with metastatic papillary thyroid cancer.[3]
A 29-year-old woman presented to the emergency room with psychosis. According to the researcher, psychosis is a rare initial presentation of new-onset hypothyroidism, known as myxedema madness, but this article here will leave you wondering just how rare psychiatric conditions like psychosis really are in hypothyroidism. But back to the story. The woman’s psychosis resolved with levothyroxine thyroid treatment, but her hypothyroidism persisted. According to her medical history, she had undergone a C6-C7 cervical spine fusion 3 years before and a C5-C6 fusion 18 months before this presentation of psychosis. The emergency room staff did new imaging that showed both of those fusions had failed. Here’s what happened next:[4]
Seven months later, a spine orthopedic surgeon and a neurosurgeon were found, and they performed cervical spine refusions of the C5-C7 vertebrae using both anterior and posterior techniques. Within 8 weeks of the refusions, the patient stopped using all of her pain medication. Blood tests confirmed the lack of pain medication use and also showed that the patient’s thyrotropin level had decreased to 1.160 ulU/mL (within reference range). During the 8 weeks after the procedures, the patient was weaned off duloxetine hydro-chloride. At a follow-up appointment 12 weeks after the procedures, the patient was asked if she needed her levothyroxine sodium prescription refilled. The patient stated that she had stopped taking levothyroxine sodium when she had finished her previous prescription 8 weeks earlier. Another blood test confirmed the thyrotropin level was stable at 1.140 uIU/mL.
Two years after the refusions, the patient remained free from needing opioid pain medications or requiring thyroid treatment.
~Berkowitz, M.R. Journal of Osteopathic Medicine, 2015
The C7 vertebra at the base of the neck is highly susceptible to degeneration, trauma, disc dysfunction, and misalignment because it bears the primary load from the weight of the head and neck. Run your hand down the back of your neck, do you feel your C7? It’s the one that feels like a bony knob sticking out at the base of the neck. Have you ever experienced terrible neck pain and even pain right there at that bony knob? I have.
The cervical spine (neck region) consists of 7 bones, labeled C1 to C7, and C7 is the last one (the 7th). It’s the one that sits at the base of your neck.

Nerves, Thyroid & Other Body Parts
You see, the nerves linked to the thyroid gland can be mapped down the spine specifically to, you guessed it, C7. And misalignment of C7 can cause pinching of the nerves to the thyroid gland. Look again at that image above and think about it for a moment. C7 is right at the base of the back of the neck and your thyroid gland is right at the base of the front of the neck. Pretty darn close, right.
In 2015, the Journal of the American Osteopathic Association published a case report of a 29-year-old woman brought to the emergency room for psychosis caused by hypothyroidism, or myxedema madness. She had a 3-year history of chronic pain ever since a waterskiing accident followed by cervical spine fusions of the C4-C5 and C6-C7. The patient’s hypothyroidism was believed to be caused by a somatovisceral reflex dysfunction related to disruption of the nerves in the region of her cervical spine. While in the ER, imaging of the patient’s cervical spine showed that her previous spinal fusion surgeries had failed. When the failed fusions were surgically corrected, the patient’s hypothyroidism resolved. Two years after the successful refusions of her cervical spine, the woman was pain free no longer requiring pain medications and no longer requiring thyroid treatment.[5]

Misalignment of your C7 vertebra, and all of your vertebra really, can present with symptoms in completely different parts of your body. You see, there are networks of nerves fibers that travel from your neck region to other parts of your body that you wouldn’t expect to be connected. Here’s an example. The nerves of the brachial plexus travel to the scapular region (oh how I hate pain in my shoulder blades!) and into your arms, forearms, and hands. It’s not surprising really when you consider that carpal tunnel syndrome is one of the classic symptoms of hypothyroidism. Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome including a tingling feeling or pins and needles, numbness and sometimes pain in the wrists and hands. Other common thyroid symptoms related to the arms and hands include shoulder and elbow bursitis, tendinitis, tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow, De Quervain’s tenosynovitis, frozen shoulder, trigger finger, rotator cuff injury, and peripheral neuropathy.
In 2019, a case study was published in the journal BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders about a 50-year-old man presenting with increasing cervical (neck) pain as well as numbness radiating down his left arm and fingers that medications failed to alleviate. An MRI scan revealed spondylosis of the middle and lower cervical spine, a prolapsed intervertebral disk at C7/T1, as well as a thyroid goiter.[6]
It makes sense now that damage or misalignment of any kind of the C7 vertebra would affect your thyroid gland, but the reverse makes sense too. Given the high occurrence of goiter and thyroid nodules among thyroid patients, as well as enlargement of the thyroid gland from inflammation say from Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, it would make sense that any enlargement or protrusion from the thyroid gland may physically press against that C7 vertebra and result in misalignment or even damage from their mere proximity, right.
Pinched Blood Vessels & Thyroid
The cervical spine is intertwined with not just nerves but also blood vessels. C7 disruption can pinch the nerves as well as the blood vessels including the blood vessels to your thyroid gland.
In order to function properly, your thyroid gland requires proper blood flow to carry oxygen-rich blood via arteries to the thyroid gland and take the waste products away from the thyroid gland via veins. If there is disruption to that blood circulation to and from the thyroid gland, say from the blood vessels being pinched by misalignment of your C7 vertebra, it can impact its functioning.

If you look closely at the diagram above you will also notice the carotid arteries which branch off from the aorta (the largest artery in the body) a short distance from the heart. They extend upward through the neck carrying oxygen-rich blood up to the head including your precious brain.
Hypothyroid patients come in droves to Hypothyroid Mom complaining about all sorts of head and brain-related symptoms, everything from brain fog, attention deficit, memory problems, headache, vertigo, mental health issues, hair loss, and eye and ear problems too. Considering the possibility of interrupted blood flow to the thyroid gland but also to the head region from cervical spine disruption, I often ask my Hypothyroid Mom readers with symptoms related to the head region these questions:
Do you experience dizziness, blurry vision, or ringing in your ears upon turning your head from side to side?
Do your brain-related problems calm down when you lie down?
Do your symptoms worsen when your neck is in a particular position?
Sure enough, the answer is more often than not – YES.
[1] Huzurbazar, S., et al. Thyroid storm following anterior cervical spine surgery for Koch’s spine. J Craniovertebr Junction Spine. 2014 Jan-Mar; 5(1):52-54.
[2] Cohen, H., et al. Autoimmune Thyroid Disease is Associated with a Higher Frequency of Spinal Degenerative Disc Disease. 2014 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting. Session Title: Osteoarthritis – Clinical Aspects: Therapeutics. Session Type: Abstract Sessions. Abstract Number: 2252.
[3] Cheong, B., et al. Thyroid Cancer Presenting as Neck Pain at a Chiropractic Clinic. Cureus. 2023 May 20;15(5):e39276.
[4] Berkowitz, M.R. Resolution of Hypothyroidism After Correction of Somatovisceral Reflex Dysfunction by Refusion of the Cervical Spine. Journal of Osteopathic Medicine. 2015 Jan 1;115(1):46-49.
[5] Berkowitz, M.R. Resolution of Hypothyroidism After Correction of Somatovisceral Reflex Dysfunction By Refusing of the Cervical Spine. J Am Osteopath Assoc. 2015;115(1):46-49.
[6] Themistoklis, K.M., et al. Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion combined with thyroid gland surgery, a tailored case and literature review. BMC Musculoskelet Disord 20, 629 (2019).
Had a series of anxiety/panic attacks that had become more chronic and not so acute (symptoms of hyper-T). Blood work revealed high Anti-TPO. At the same time I have been working to correct a neck hump and poor posture. After reading this article I’m thinking there might be some correlation. Also been working with cranial sacral therapy and vagus nerve exercise/massage. Still searching for all of the connection points in an effort to find a wholistic treatment plan. Thank you for sharing this.
I was born with complete rupture trauma of brachial plexus nerves due to brachial plexus palsy injury during birth , and started to have hypothyroidism before reaching puberty, now i’m 35 and have been taking Synthroid for years, I have subclinical hypothyroidism and no hashimoto’s, no problems with converting T4 to T3 but still medication hasn’t completely cured my symptoms , I’m wondering if there’s a spine surgery that could reverse my hypothyroidism?
This makes so much sense. I was diagnosed with Hashimotos in 2005. I’ve been on synthroid ever since with levels stable. Started having pain in my arm and hand in 2018. Found out I had a bone spur around my c6 & c7 that was beginning to compress my spinal cord. Saw a neurosurgeon who did the surgery to remove the spur and fuse my c6 & c7 vertebrae in 2019. I’ve been pain free and back to normal ever since. Our thyroid really does mess with EVERYTHING!!!
I’m sorry to hear this happened to you Nicole. Thank you for sharing your experience. I know your story will help other people here visiting my Hypothyroid Mom website that may be going through something similar.
I had a C4-C7 fusion last May. Since then, nothing has been right. I saw the surgeon for pain after a l5-S1 fusion several years before and he assumed stenosis was the issue. After two other doctors telling me my MRI looked normal and there was no need for the surgery, I’m left with constant neck and shoulder pain, fatigue, brain fog and anxiousness. I wonder if trauma to C7 or nerves surrounding from surgery isn’t the culprit. Thanks for this article.
Hi Bambi, I’m happy the article made you think of looking more closely at your C4-C7 fusion. Good to have you at Hypothyroid Mom.
I’ve had thyroid problems since 1988. First..Graves disease..hyperthyroidism. I had the I 131 treatment which did not bring my thyroid level down enough. So..3 months later a second treatment which brought level down too much which resulted in no longer having a thyroid. Since this time I have had neck problems with headaches often and halitosis. Would this cause these two embarrassing problems for me? Three different doctors not interested in finding reason for halitosis. Ugh!!!
Thank you.
Hi Pam, I”m sorry to hear your struggle finding a good doctor to help you. It is a sad story that I hear from countless Hypothyroid Mom readers over my ten years with this website. Over the years, I’ve compiled lists of thyroid doctors based on my Hypothyroid Mom followers’ recommendations. I share a list of doctors by region for every person that schedules an individual consultation with me, in case that might be of interest to you: https://hypothyroidmom.com/contact/ Another thing you can try is to search here for information as I’ve created a directory to organize my articles by symptom: https://hypothyroidmom.com/thyroid-warning-signs-from-head-to-toe/
Could it be a candida infection of the GI tract? Maybe removing thyroid significantly decreases immune system strength enough to let bad bacteria grow? Do you also get thrush? I’m no doctor.. just speculating.
I’m sorry to hear all you have been through and your child. I can only imagine the pain and discomfort of having EDS. I wonder the prevalence of thyroid disease in EDS groups. Chronic pain is a major stressor on the body. With out adrenals and thyroid so intricately connected, it is not surprising that I often hear from people who tell me that chronic pain was the start of their thyroid problem. I wish you well and happy to have you at Hypothyroid Mom.
my chiropractor tells me i have an un-natural curve to my neck and spine and go never stop moving or i wont be moving at all. is this due to being hypo?
“Bones are the slaves of soft tissue”, namely Muscles, Ligaments, Tendons, & Fascia. Remember something pulled your c7 into the position it is, it did not move on its own. Most often the most important, and effectual treatment is for these soft tissues (that determine the position of the vertebras, can also occlude blood vessels, and potentially entrap nerves) is a highly trained Massage therapist. Look for a NeuroMuscular therapist, NeuroSomatic therapist with lots of training. I personally lowered my thyroid numbers from 7.6 to 4.1 using this methods and some supplements. The muscles along the transverse process in my neck were very sore, as well as “Longus Coli” and “Longus captious”, anterior cervical muscles. We have a clinic in Naples Florida were we practice this and other technics , but hopefully you can find someone closer to you.
Good info! I’m considering Rolfing as I’ve had neck issues for years
Oh, man. This really hits a nerve with me. I am struggling with neck pain. It isn’t focal to C7, but the muscles are super sore. I have tried stretches (which seem to make things worse) and exercise. I would caution people who say to see a chiropractor. It can actually cause a stroke in some people. My daughter has HAD a stroke, and her chiro won’t touch her neck. Just a thought. I absolutely will see a DO for adjustment though. He works on muscles and tendons too, not just joints. I have mold toxicity and CIRS, (plus low hormones, and blah blah blah…) so I just assumed the pain stemmed from that, but this really makes sense. I am calling the DO, ASAP.
I fell off a ladder broke my neck at 3&4the doctor fused my injury.I was always wondering why my muscle and my loss of weight.I think that this article gave me the answer.I am a 56 year old man.I need a great doctor in Houston texas .I have seen so many doctors that just don’t seem to care.
Hi Steve, That sounds very painful to break your neck that way. I’m sorry to hear this happened. I hope this article at Hypothyroid Mom helps point you in the right direction. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if a serious neck injury like yours could have caused not just thyroid issues but other health issues. As for the thyroid, it can be hard to find an open-minded thyroid doctor unfortunately.
In case you struggle to find a doctor open to prescribing NDT in your area, I’ve been compiling lists of doctors based on recommendations from my Hypothyroid Mom readers for the past ten years. I have lists for every US state as well as the UK, Canada, and Australia. I provide a list of doctors in a person’s region for every person that I meet for an individual virtual consult in case it is of interest:
Great to have you at Hypothyroid Mom.
I fell off a ladder broke my neck at 3&4the doctor fused my injury.I was always wondering why my muscle and my loss of weight.I think that this article gave me the answer.I am a 56 year old man.I need a great doctor in Houston texas t
Makes sense, my thyroid issues began after an accident where I broke the bone below my nose.
That sounds very painful the break the bone below your nose, Janet. It all makes sense when we connect the start of our symptoms to things like injuries. Good to have you at Hypothyroid Mom. Best, Dana Trentini
Someone help me!
Hi Julie, Let me know how I can be of help. I know it is challenging to find good thyroid treatment but please know there is hope to be well and worth every effort to get there. In case you struggle to find a doctor open to prescribing NDT in your area, I’ve been compiling lists of doctors based on recommendations from my Hypothyroid Mom readers for the past ten years. I have lists for every US state as well as the UK, Canada, and Australia. I provide a list of doctors in a person’s region for every person that I meet for an individual virtual consult in case it is of interest:
Great to have you at Hypothyroid Mom.
I just had a lightbulb moment! This started for me after a ski ing accident in which I broke my coccyx. Bingo!
Happy the article was helpful Maria. I hoped it would bring about some lightbulb moments for my readers. All the best, Dana Trentini (Hypothyroid Mom)
I have had intense itching and some ache at that area for over 35 years.., starting when I was pregnant with my daughter 40 years ago. Doctors, chiropractors and osteopaths just shrug but sometimes I have to scratch till it hurts and the area becomes red and inflamed. From time to time I am in pain and my head finds no place comfortable. Nothing helps. I have Hashimotos and I am on Tertroxin (T3) only as nothing else helped for over 10 years. This makes perfect sense. My Osteo whom I see at least 8 times a year, has to constantly adjust my Vagus nerve. I also have shoulder bursitis. peripheral neuropathy in fingers and have had two carpal tunnel surgeries which made no difference. They went away after being treated for hypothyroidism.
I read somewhere that the intense itching you describe are interrupted nerve signals that are signaling pain but the connection is screwy. I’ve been a paraplegic (no movement or sensation below my breasts) for six years. The feel-y parts of my back itch 24/7, although the intensity varies along with the rest of my neuropathy symptoms. It’s maddening, isn’t it? No relief.
I’m sending you good vibes💟☮️☯️
I’ve been hypothyroid since I was 15 years old, I’m now 51! I have so many food allergies which I’ve never had. And gluten intolerance. Idiopathic Anaphylaxis. My vision has gotten worse. I have to take pure Synthroid bc levothyroxzine is made fillers and gluten and I feel awful on that. My biggest question is my levels are perfect per my doctor but I feel awful! So if we are taking our thyroid medicine why do we still experience all these conditions? TIA
Your doctor needs to treat you based on symptoms not your “normal “ levels. My previous endocrinologist said most people feel the best when their levels are between 1-2
Hi Dawn, The thyroid story is quite involved but one of the main problems with mainstream thyroid treatment is the T4 synthetic thyroid medications prescribed like the ones you take. While some do well on them, many do not because our bodies must efficiently convert that T4 thyroid hormone to the active T3 form that the cells of the body need to function. That conversion is the issue for many of us and why so many of us feel better on a combination of T4 and T3. The first step is to get a copy of your latest thyroid labs to check that you’ve had all 6 of the lab tests in the chart in this article here at Hypothyroid Mom. Check that your levels are optimal not just normal: https://hypothyroidmom.com/top-5-reasons-doctors-fail-to-diagnose-hypothyroidism/
All the best Dana Trentini (Hypothyroid Mom)
It’s hard to get to a good dose of T3 for me. I took Synthroid for 26 yrs and now I’m trying to take (was trying NDT/T3 now just trying T3 alone)T3 only. I have low cortisol (found by doing saliva test)I had issues with taking Hydrocortisone (crashed to often) taking low dose Medrol. I have low aldosterone taking florinef (found via blood test) poor tummy absorption (take enzymes) low sex hormones(found by blood test) feeling very frustrated. It’s a struggle
Hi Katherine, I wish it was a simple solution to say here is medication X that works for everyone. The truth is that it is a lot like a detective game where we piece together all the different many pieces of the thyroid puzzle. It shouldn’t be so difficult in this day and age to treat thyroid disease but I hear from so many of my Hypothyroid Mom readers still struggling. It sounds like you’ve tried different options. That low cortisol may be part of the issue. Our adrenals and thyroid are so closely tied together. 2022 is the ten year anniversary of Hypothyroid Mom (yes I know wow that’s a long time!). I thought that by now everyone would have a great doctor but it is still a hard struggle.
In case you struggle to find a doctor open to prescribing NDT in your area, I’ve been compiling lists of doctors based on recommendations from my Hypothyroid Mom readers for the past ten years. I have lists for every US state as well as the UK, Canada, and Australia. I provide a list of doctors in a person’s region for every person that I meet for an individual virtual consult in case it is of interest:
Great to have you at Hypothyroid Mom.
Please help!
Hello all. Thank you for taking your time to share support and knowledge. This is such an impactful disease with so little diversity in treatment.
I have had spinal issues and Hashimotos since I gave birth 11 years ago. The bulging discs were never treated but I have been on levo with levels steady ever since.
I have had breast cancer and major surgery from that and am now finding out I have severe cervical stenosis. I am 39. I have had all sorts of health issues resembling Hashi.
Now I’m venturing in to: do I have surgery on my neck?
Or do I wait for my spine compression to take me out slowly and painfully? …
Or do I take a look at what’s going on in my neck to cause swelling everywhere in there.
Could it be the Levothyroxine? The original bulging discs, or poorly treated Hashimotos?
I’m in Cleveland, Oh and after many costly tests, still searching for a Doctor to truly listen and think outside of the box
Hi Amy, I’ve been compiling lists of thyroid doctors based on patient recommendations from my Hypothyroid Mom readers for the past ten years. I have lists of open-minded doctors for every U.S. state if you are interested. I share a list of doctors for a person’s region for every person that I meet in my individual consults in case it might be of interest to you: https://ny786.infusionsoft.app/app/orderForms/Talk-with-Dana-Trentini-30min
Everytime I am on meds, my Central cycle stops, and all is stored and I start bloating. Then I stop but the n my neck is so bad I can’t cope. Not sure what to do. Have Hashimoto’s disease. I have suffered for 25 years with so much pain because can’t take medicine.
This is AMAZING! I’ve been doing my own research for years, because I’ve been suffering from random swollen lymph, joint pain, digestive issues, anemia, skin conditions, the list goes on… and was just recently diagnosed with papillary thyroid carcinoma, but they say it has nothing to do with my other symptoms…so I just got lucky? lol… a couple years ago I suddenly went from hypo to hyper overnight after getting some mysterious flu-like illness. I went to emerg and they had nothing to tell me. I also found out I have bone spurs on my C6-7? Plus issues with my joints since puberty. I mean, your body is a closed system and everything’s connected…makes sense one thing would affect another. Doctors rarely look at it that way though. I’m going to make an appointment with a naturopath in the morning. At least they look at the whole picture…
I’m guessing I actually have an underlying autoimmune condition as well.. or many. Runs in the family.
Hi Ellen, You are so right that everything is connected in the body even when physically the organs seem far apart. Yes get a second even third medical opinion always when you know something isn’t right with your body. Good to have you at Hypothyroid Mom and wishing you wellness ahead. Best, Dana Trentini (Hypothyroid Mom)
OMG!!! This makes so much sense – I have had my thyroid tested for years and always comes back in the lower “normal” range – recently I had a fall and this is what started us down the cervical injury –
I’m actually scheduled for a triple – possible quadruple fusion c2/3-7
Thank you
Wishing you all the best for your upcoming surgery. I’m sorry to hear what you are going through. It is unbelievable how our spine can do so much to our entire body including the thyroid. Regards, Dana Trentini (Hypothyroid Mom)
I am 62 and have pain in my lower neck constantly. I have not been to a doctor concerning this but now thinking I will. My ears ring to the point that it is very annoying. I have never had weight problems until the last 2 years-basically when the neck pain started. I have many problems that are mentioned by others. My feet and ankles swell. I am always cold. My eyebrow are nearly non existent. I have restless leg sometimes at night. I do have some form of arthritis-a couple of doctors say rheumatoid another says no. Some blood work shows ANA blood test to be positive. I’m tired and usually have lots of energy. Alot of these things, I bush off as being older but maybe not.
Hi Beverly, Thyroid symptoms can be so very vague and bizarre that it can take years before patients and even their doctors connect the dots. Here in this article I’ve include a chart of the 6 key hypothyroidism lab tests with optimal ranges to ensure you get full thyroid testing to be sure: https://hypothyroidmom.com/top-5-reasons-doctors-fail-to-diagnose-hypothyroidism/
All the best, Dana Trentini (aka Hypothyroid Mom)
Hi I was diagnosed with the same issues as above. Even though I have been diagnosed with these issues I still suffer from intense pain especially in neck,shoulders, & my left ankle. The ankle was broken in a roller skating accident years ago. Surgery made it better for a short time. Now I can’t get through a day without max dose of Tylenol,600mg of gabapentin, and 60mg of cymbals. I worry about future effects on my body from continued use of these meds. I will be asking my dr about the possibility of a problem with my c7 next time I see him. Do you have any suggestions for questions when I see him?
Hi Susan, I’m sorry to hear the pain you’ve been in. That sounds awful. Absolutely yes go have your spine including cervical spine checked by a professional. One thing I would recommend doing is getting a copy of your lates thyroid labs and check that you’ve had all 6 hypothyroidism lab tests included in the chart in this article here on my Hypothyroid Mom website and check that your levels for each are optimal: https://hypothyroidmom.com/top-5-reasons-doctors-fail-to-diagnose-hypothyroidism/
If your ANA test is positive you need to see a rheumatologist
I think I have intuitively known this for years because my health drastically declined at age 26 after my car was hit from behind at a stop light by a driver going 55 miles per hour. However, I have never read or heard this from anyone else before, especially with references like these. Thank you! I now have reverse curve of the cervical spine and while it took me a while to get diagnosed, my symptoms of Hashimoto’s started directly after the accident. And of course now my hormones, other endocrine organs, etc. are all malfunctioning. I have tried chiropractic, but due to Ehlers Dahnlos Syndrome(a genetic connective tissue disorder) my adjustments don’t last very long at all and my spine slides right back where it was. Is there any sort of exercises or therapies that you have found that might help with this?
My chiro gave me a cervical pillow that helped reverse my cervical spine issues. I had a reverse curve in my neck too; but 6 months after using the pillow to correct it I was able to lower my thyroid dose!
Hi. Will you send me the name of the pillow your Chiropractor recommended please.
Thank you,
I feel like a lightbulb just went off in my life! I’ve had three cervical spine surgeries, three years ago, all within seven months of each other. Since then I’ve noticed symptoms of hypothyroidism. Recently I’ve had bloodwork and my thyroid panel is normal. I was just diagnosed with a 2 cm nodule on my left thyroid that wasn’t there three years ago. I revisited my spinal surgeon who did my third and final surgery three years ago and he stated that my cervical spine was misaligned and that we should consider a complete reconstruction of my cervical spine. I’m only 43 years old, and none of this makes sense to me. I was in no accident and I had no falls. I am desperate for a direction! Do I pursue the misalignment of my cervical spine or do I pursue the thyroid nodule? I am on no medication for the thyroid this was just discovered a few weeks ago. I’m begging for an answer…
Just to clarify my third spinal surgery included infusions of C3/4, 4/5, and 5/6.
my name is theresa and i have had half of my thyroid removed and have hashimotos. i am very sent sensitive and have a bad taste in my mouth that makes everything taste bad. it burns my mouth and tounge and have been told when kissed by my husband it taste chemical. ive tried everything from tooth paste mouth wash but it dose not go away have u ever heard of this
I have had this , did you figure out if this was related ?
Hi and ty for this valuable info! I suffered whiplash from an auto accident with a semi then was DXd with c7 damage, degenerative disc, stenosis, & cranial nerve issues. The following year my thyroid was removed. Later a scoliosis & lyme diagnosis followed. Now I’m wondering: do you know ‘if cervical dystonia’ is related? Received that DX around the same time as well as central pain syndrome. Do you have a specific type of doctor recommended to address the C7 issues? Ty! 💖
Another amazing article, thank you!! You are such a fantastic resource!
Thank you so much Jaclyn. Wonderful to have you at Hypothyroid Mom.
Hi, this is very interesting. I have 1/2 my thyroid and also have cervical spondylosis. I have what is called a “military neck”, whereby the curve in my neck is non existent, which greatly exacerbates the whole neck thing. Recently, I decided to start doing neck “exercises”, just those I found on physical therapy youtube vids. This has been tremendously helpful in keeping things in alignment and has also helped my blood pressure! Years ago I would have neck adjustments with a chiropractor, but I would get SEVERE vertigo post visits.
Can you give me a link to the utube videos for military neck? I also had a badly slipped c6/c7 disk about 20 years ago. I hung upside down after my gym workout. I believe that was the only reason surgery was not necessary after 10 months.
I have a very large nodule on my right thyroid. This article suggests that injuries/trauma to the C7 could cause hypothyroidism. My levels are always in normal range. I have long suspected that this huge goiter is pressing on the nerves in the C7 region which is causing my constant trap tension and debalitating tendonitis at times. I’ve seen a chiropractor that is widely known for his bodywork and he is convinced my nodules are causing all my pain. Doctors disagree. I do have stenosis in that area but I wonder if the thyroid is actually pressin on those nerves causing things to be worse than they normally would be.
I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease and hypothyroidism 1 year ago, less then a year after I had an accident, when motorbike hit me from the back and damaged my neck. Your article totally makes sense to me!
oh wow Alla I’m sorry to hear about your accident. I am wishing you all good wishes for better health ahead. Regards, Dana Trentini (aka Hypothyroid Mom)
This is very interesting and makes total sense! I’ve had hypothyroidism since I was at least 15, I’ve always taken supplements for thyroid and adrenals, I’ve always done chiropractic, usually my supplements take care of the problem, but this past year nothing is working and symptoms are getting worse, I’ve never heard anyone talk about c7 having anything to do with thyroid but makes perfect sense. I also have that nasty bump on the back of my neck . What can anyone do, acupuncture, particular kind of adjustment, I’m confused on what the treatment for this is?
I’m 57. I was in a car accident at 17 and suffered whiplash. I saw a chiropractor after but only made it ache worse so stopped after only a few treatments. I just kept my neck warm all these years and was ok. Fast forward to menopause at 51 – total hysterectomy (large necrotic fibroid) and Graves/RAI at the same time, along with left trigger thumb release, ruptured appendix and broken left wrist plate/screws (all in 1.5 years)! Hormone hell! Suffered on Synthroid and no sex hormones for 2.5 years until I found a Functional Medicine doctor myself and got on NDT and BHRT – much better now. I knew the trigger thumb was related to thyroid problems as I’d found a research article on it, but I didn’t know the whiplash/C7 was related too! Wow! Thank you for this enlightening article!
Hi Brenda, I’m happy to hear you’ve found a good doctor. It is unbelievable how we can be doing well on our thyroid medication for years and when WHAM menopause wrecks everything and we have to find our new optimal thyroid dosage and treatment. Hopefully from now on out your health will remain steady. Be well, Dana Trentini (aka Hypothyroid Mom)
Hi Brenda,
I’m in hormone hell (menopause) now and when I was diagnosed with osteoporosis 5 years ago, my endocrinologist reduced Synthroid from 200 mg to 125; a month later, my GYN said I was “too old” to keep taking bio-identical estrogen orally (I was 49) & put me on Estrodoil Patches & Oral Progesterone. Between both changes (lowering Synthroid & pharmaceutical hormones, I rapidly gained 65 pounds in 3 months, then another 30! I’ve never been overweight. Ever and I’m miserable. Can you please explain what the letters stand for that your Functional Medicine Dr prescribed for you? Thank you!
Wow! An eye opener. I was in a car accident when I was 17 and had whiplash. Thought nothing of it, I have wondered over the years, if that was the beginning of my failed health. I was originally diagnosed with hypothyroidism in my early 20’s. Then later when I was diagnosed with Addison’s disease the doctor told me I actually have Hashimoto Hypothyroidism. Since then I have been diagnosed with RA and Sjogren’s Disease. All the while I’ve had problems with the aching and pains in the base of my neck. Now this makes sense. How come doctors don’t know about these connections?! Thank you for the wealth of information you bring to everyone! You are a godsend!
Thank you Nikki. It means a lot to me to know my articles at Hypothyroid Mom are helpful to you.
What about those of us who have had our thyroid removed?
I have hypothyroidism. I have ringing in my ears and had an accident from a l company truck hittin me from the back.Iwasstoppedat the red light . The driver of the truck foot slipped instead of putting breaks he press gas petal. The C7pained me .what concerns me is the ringing got worse.. I saw ENT he say he don’t know .who treats ringing in ears. It’s terrible
Hi Heather,
I also have a 21 yr old son who is in constant pain so I do sympathize with you. As a mother, I know how difficult it is to have a child in pain and not being able to help alleviate or take away their pain.
I am not a doctor or am I trying to diagnose your child. I can only suggest for him to see a Chiropractor since he has scoliosis. Seeing a Chiropractor will help him with his back pain. My son goes to see a Chiropractor weekly due to having Fibromyalgia and is in constant pain. I also go to a Chiropractor every week to get relief from my neck pain that came about from a car accident when I was 18 yrs old. If I skip a week, I notice the difference immediately, not only in my neck but also in my body as a whole.
My chiropractor has mentioned to me a few weeks ago to go see an Integrative Medicine practitioner. He states they are more comprehensive and seek to find answers to cure ailments/illness instead of just putting a bandaid on it. He referred us to The Kaplan Center for Integrative Medicine.
I truly hope you can find answers/help for your son’s ailments, so that he may have a better quality of life.
This is very informative and helpful. Thank you very much.
I am 51 yrs old. I had a back injury when I was 18 yrs old and was diagnosed with lumbo-sacral scoliosis caused by the accident aside from a natural thoracic scoliosis which I may have inherited from my mom’s side. Years later I was diagnosed with hemi facial spasm (HFS) and later on when I gave birth I was also diagnosed with hypothyroidism.
Your article made me realize that all the things that I was diagnosed with has a lot to do with how I am feeling over the years. Several doctors and a lot of diagnosis cannot explain the pain that I am experiencing. I underwent cholecystectomy 2 years ago and from then on the numbness and tingling sensation I used to experience graduated to my right arm up until the shoulders, my doctor said it is peripheral neuropathy. I have been taking a lot of medicines over the years and I am particularly worried about how my liver takes it. No one doctor can explain this to me until I read your article. Thank you very much!
My son has had sever back pain for a number of years now and no health professional believes he has pain. My son is autistic and has been taking over the counter meds for a few years now and has been self medicating by taking to many that all the health professionals think he has a drug seeking problem.
I have an under active thyroid but my sons thyroid hasent been checked.
His Gp has now prescribed him meds but he’s now saying they don’t help. He’s had scans and X-rays but they say they can’t find anything wrong. I’m grasping at straws now and trawl the internet for answers. Do you think this could be what he has. He has a bulg at the base of his neck where his head is bends down. He doesn’t have a straight spine he has scoliosis at the top of his spine.
I’m going to start emailing doctors to see if anyone can help as he’s so suicidal now about the pain that I fear I’m going to lose my son. He deserves to live a pain free life. My sons 21. I was gonna go private but I can’t afford it as I’m a single mum who struggles with my own mental health because of this.
I work full time try to take care of my son and have no help or support from services.
Thank you mrs heather diamond
I can tell you from personal experience that your son should see a neurologist. And the only scan he should have done is a closed MRI. I had X-rays, and open MRI’s and none of them caught the ruptured disk that was pressing on nerves and the area around my thyroid because it was to the inside of my necks. Insist on a CLOSED MRI. I also have spondylitis and osteophytes that are pressing against my spinal column which can cause some major brain issues at the first sign of inflammation or worsening of the condition. Changes the signals up and down the spinal column. My injuries are at the C4,5 and 6. So not the 7 but I still have issues due to the severe inflammation in the whole area. (headaches, flashing lights, ears ringing, nerve pain and numbness down my right shoulder, arm and hand, dizzyness, limited range of motion, difficulties swallowing etc…). Also, I encourage you to insist your sons thyroid be checked. If a doctor wont do it, find another doctor. If finances are an issue find a local charitable clinic. We found an amazing one for my Autistic son. Also, some hospitals offer financial aid and charity if you qualify. St., Thomas Hospital in Nashville offered me free radiographic options such as free MRI and X-rays along with majorly discounted visits with a world renowned neurologist. Just a little research and paperwork to get access to these amazing options. Best of luck to you and your amazing son….
For over 6 years I was back at forth to er and dices in agony I was never taken seriously as they couldn’t find anything. I had many mriand X-rays no amount of meds helped. I was in the point of giving up, my mother made me an appointment to see a chiropractor, I was skeptical, they gathered all my scans and did their own tests and they were shocked as my scans showed clear damage and misalignment of my back, especially c7 area and lower, I been going there for treatment now for a few months and already seeing a huge difference. I am not in constant pain.
I have never heard of this link between thyroid and C7. I 2 years ago have had fusions of C4 & C5 and C6 & C7. Now this is making sense! I have now started to decrease my thyroid med because I am on too much.
I have all the symptoms of hypothyroidism… I’ve never heard of the C7 link before but now wonder if the loud click I get from moving my head sideways might be a spur or arthritis of this vertebrae…? Very interesting!
I have the same question as previously asked. What type of doctor do I search for?
Thank you, this is wonderful information. I will be sharing with my current Drs.
This is such an excellent and well written article HTM. I love it. I get a great deal from the guest expert writers on your website but I just absolutely have to drop what I am doing and go through any article that is prepared by you personally. You describe your journey as a personal one and you can relate to the actual suffering that you are writing about. When you fill this with references to medical research it really provides a read worth reading over and over and over again. Thank you for all that you do. I look forward to learning more about the HTM Centers.
I agree, the best information I’ve read yet, Thank you ! I’ve had C4, C5, C6 and C7 replaced with Titanium disc.
I’ve had neck pain for years. What kind of doctor can help with this?
Find a NUCCA (National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association) certified chiropractor! I’ve been going to one for years. He is the only one that has really helped me with my decades old neck pain. Treatments are VERY gentle unlike the usual chiropractic treatment you might be used to. Results are not immediate but if you stick with it you will be very happy.
So where would we go or were do we even start?? Most Endos or MDs think we are crazy..
I agree with you. If I mention to my Dr that I might have an answer to my issues that’s worth investigating, that he can’t figure out, he gets highly defensive. Any suggestions….
Go to a Chiropractor. I go every week to get some relief from my neck pain. If I skip a week, I notice it immediately.
So what can be done about it?!
Go to a Chiropractor. I go every week to get some relief from my neck pain. If I skip a week, I notice it immediately.
this explains all I have a thickening of my C7 that shows up in my MRI’s I have had neck issues most of my life & also have Hashimoto’s Hypothyroid Why don’t Dr’s put these neck issues & thyroid together to get a better diagnosis?
I wonder the same Judy. My hope with Hypothyroid Mom is to help my readers connect the dots.
Love this.
Thank you. I’m happy you liked my article.
It is awesomely the BEST !!! Thank you so much sweetie !
Oh interesting. I have no sensation in the skin surrounding my C7. Dr’s just lumped it under Central Sensitization. They think I have fibro, trigeminal neuralgia, small fibre neuropathy in my hands and feet, chronic fatigue, brain fog, dizziness, etc. I also get golfer’s, tennis elbow and trigger finger easily. I have cortisol dips and spikes through the day and I have a consistently low body temp. My Dr’s have told me my thyroid levels are normal and shut the door on that and won’t refer me to an endocrinologist. I’ve never been able to rule it out for myself because my Mom had Hashimoto’s and thyroid cancer. We have some very similar symptoms. Thank you for sharing this.