1. Preach. I am a Graves disease patient, who suffered with interminable gut issues for years before being dx’ed, only to have a doc test for and identify h pylori in my stomach. After treating it, the gut issues did get better- but there was no effect on Graves. Something in me kept saying that there must be a link between the two, so I kept reading up. Come to find out… h pylori, an extremely well adapted bacterium to the human gut, exhibits molecular mimicry that renders it similar on a molecular level to… the thyroid. Idea being, the immune system would ignore the h pylori, believing it is ‘self’. And in the majority of the cases, that is what happens. However, for the lucky few (genetically predisposed? environmentally triggered? who knows), the immune system (of which +70% resides in the gut) does detect this bacteria as ‘non-self’, and mounts an attack vs. it. This is one extremely hard to kill bug, though. So the immune system is relentless in its attack. Given enough time without treatment, the h pylori molecular mimicry to the thyroid serves to confuse the immune system, which then starts attacking the thyroid as ‘non-self’. There are several studies regarding the link between AITD and h pylori. So completely agree, gut health, and its bacteria, are of paramount importance.

    1. Helena what became of your graves?

  2. Concerned about hair fall out? Have been tested & was told that I’m low in iron & nothing wrong with my thyroid? I do have type 2 diabetes 🤔

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