1. blank Maxine Morgan says:

    It was great to read your comment. I suffered from Hyperthyroidism most of my young life. I nearly lost a baby at 23. My body was losing weight. I couldn’t sleep or sit still and my waters.broke at 6 months pregnant. They managed to get me through to 8 months by keeping me in hospital on strict rest. At 25 I had radioactive iodine treatment. From then on it was a.battle to keep off the weight but I did feel a.lot better and had a good life. Now in my late sixties problems are starting again. Now hypothyroidism. I feel exhausted after cleaning the house, making a bed etc.But theDrs insist my levels are normal. Here on the west coast sth Island NZ there us not much choice in Drs. They don’t stay long. No one reads your file. But I’m 70 next year and grateful for the life I’ve had. Dry skin, frizzy hair and all.

  2. blank Maureen Forbes says:

    Thank you for this very well written and inspiring article. I totally agree with everything you have written. Be your own health advocate do not be fobbed off by GPS who say your blood is in the normal ranges. You have signs and symptoms and need to be listened to, by not being submissive or aggressive but assertive and determined, best wishes to everyone with this journey.

  3. So I have two forms of arthritis & autoimmune hyperthyroidism & was unable to have kids due to chemotherapy meds. I suffer from everything listed especially the feeling the cold in summer at times…😢 Some meds tell me to stay out of the sun & some tell me to get some sun 🤷🏼‍♀️ So it’s a juggling act always. Also suffering the fatigue & dizzy spells, plus constant infections are annoying (currently on flucloxacillin antibiotic atm) I always wonder if I will go into remission 🙏🏽 But since I have been on Methotrexate for over 20yrs & subcut it myself for the last 4yrs I forgot what it feels like to be “normal” 🤷🏼‍♀️😢 So I do understand the pain & anxieties surrounding this hidden issue that people don’t understand & think your putting it on! The most annoying part is it’s not seen as an injury so no help from ACC! & because of all my issues I had had to change jobs so many times & can’t do what I want to do!! 😢 🤷🏼‍♀️😡 Some days are challenging but generally I take life with a smile & as positive as I can, if I didn’t life would not be worth living & I like living but not with all these issues, but I just get in with it…👍🏼👍🏼 I am a lot luckier than others & I am thankful for every day I open my eyes!! 👏🏽✊🏽😊👁😎 To anyone who is struggling I would love to help, I know where you’re coming from… Here in New Zealand, we have a saying in Maori which is Kia Kaha (stay strong) So Kia Kaha to you all!! ✊🏽🙏🏽👍🏼💜🤩xx

  4. blank Ashley Wehr says:

    Thank you, thank you.
    This is what I have going through for years and no doctor listened to me. My thyroid #s were in normal range so doctors didnt believe me when I said I had a problem. It took 5 years for a doctor to be like yes you have hypothyroidism, let’s help fix your symptoms not your #s.

    I so needed this, and to know I am not alone.

  5. blank Sathya narayana says:

    I felt good today after having exposed my face for sunlight 15 min.
    Planing to have same kind of sunbath every day to improve my metabolism.

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