1. I have mood swings, anxiety, depression, constant cold, weight gain, gluten sensitive, dairy sensitive, trouble sleeping, work out 60 minutes M-Sat, and all of my blood tests came back normal. I am 24, this is not normal, or is it and I am just over thinking everything?

    1. May, If you suspect that you might have a thyroid problem and want to know for sure, comprehensive testing is the first step. Here in this article you’ll read about the 6 key lab tests you need to request from your doctor and why each one is important:

      If your doctor won’t run the full panel, you also have the option to order it yourself:

      Good to have you at Hypothyroid Mom.

  2. I know I am sensitive to gluten but had the sensitivity test done and it showed nothing. I don’t eat gluten and am still very achey in my joints. If I eat gluten I have terrible mood swings and joints hurt worse. Any idea what else to eliminate even though my test came back ok?

    1. Corn, I just realized I have an issue with corn. It acts the same way as gluten, but a little different. Try eliminating corn and see what happens!

  3. blank Donna Houchins says:

    Never knew it was a thing until I went low carb which means no bread and pasta. After a year on it I went to a tea room with daughter and granddaughters. Had some of those cute l’il sandwiches they serve at those places. Big mistake! Within hours I felt like I had the flu! Achy, brain fog, GI upset.
    My daughter and granddaughter have many of these symptoms too. Now to convince her to try to give them up for a few weeks to see if she notices any difference in her or her daughter
    I was able to reduce my thyroid med ( with supervision of course) and have been on the same dose for 3 years, a new record. Who knew?

    1. Hi Donna, Thank you for sharing your experience with gluten. I have a feeling many of my Hypothyroid Mom readers have sensitivity to gluten and/or other common food sensitivities like dairy, corn, eggs, nuts, soy, sugar, caffeine, legumes and nightshades but they just don’t know it.

  4. My husband has suffered in the recent year with many if these symptoms. He’s 64 but this sensitivity has just come on. After 2 weeks off gluten he feels he’s had a miracle. No brain fog, knees better, sleep so much better. He’s his old self again. And now he notices any hidden gluten with increased symptoms. So we are being more diligent Great article. We are sharing his result with so many others who have similar issues to give it a try!

    1. That’s wonderful Cathy to hear how well your husband is doing since going gluten free. Wonderful to have you at Hypothyroid Mom. Regards, Dana Trentini

  5. Hello Margaret
    I have just seen your plight. Have you had any allergen testing for sensitivities, incompatibilities or allergies? In your case it would be a great idea to surf the net for allergy/allergen testing kits, or facilities. This could cost a minimum £100, for a screening that covered as many foods as possible. Remember too, that being women, our symptomatic biology and health can be a little more complicated, partially due to hormones and this will mean we need help to identify what exactly is going on but to know for sure what problems you may be experiencing through eating particular food stuffs in the first instance; then work out which of them you need to leave out altogether and which can be re-introduced when your health improves, because we do need as wide a range of food in our diet. Removing too many things can leave you with more problems than you started out with. Naturally we need nourishment. My very best wishes to you.
    Marion Morgan

  6. Hi Jennifer,
    I’ve read a lot about gluten and nutrition in general. I wanted to know your opinion about what our food is being made out of rather than labeling gluten as the culprit to all of these issues. I’m not totally sure I believe that gluten is to blame for all of these symptoms… but more the GMO and other unnatural aspects of foods with gluten in it. I did an experiment by attempting to grow mold on certain foods, and it turns out sliced bread (Pepperidge Farm in this case) doesn’t even grow mold. I’ve been holding onto this slice of bread for almost a year now, and while it’s totally inedible, there is no sign of decomposition. Without doing further research, this tells me that food that doesn’t rot/mold was never made with “real” ingredients in the first place. I think these preservatives and chemicals being used in food is much more to blame for skin issues, chemical imbalances that lead to depression/anxiety or other systems not functioning properly. I’d love to know your take on what processed food and genetically modified food is doing to our human body systems. Thank you!

  7. blank Deon Hughes says:

    Have you had anyone mention high blood pressure as a symptom? I took a break from eating gluten for several weeks in solidarity with my son who had to go gluten free. After 2 weeks, my 160/120 (and sometimes higher) blood pressure was back to 115/72. Now, anytime I eat gluten or quinoa my blood pressure shoots up within a few hours.

  8. blank Kaylee Pentz says:

    First time I’ve actually heard a MD confirm gluten to depression. I’ve battled with depression off and on for years I’m addicted to sugar I get mod swings and all the crazy I’ve found out that breads etc… is like a TNT it has a long fuse then one day BOOM!! I get blow up. I’ve felt like a crazy person for so long. It nice to know that all the craziness is from gluten. Time to get real now and take it out..I’ve recently been diagnosed with pcos so all the more reason.

    1. Try reading the hormone cure by dr Sara Gottfried. It’s helping me I hope you find it as useful. She talks lots about pcos too. x

    2. blank Amber Wilkinson says:

      Oh my! That is disturbing. I’ve wondered myself, when after a week if there are no signs of mold…Um, what is in here?!
      I just discovered this interesting show on Netflix called “Cooked”. I found it linked on another Pinterest blog about Yeast. And how Gluten itself may not be the problem. And like you said, more of the other unnecessary ingredients.
      I’m going to try making my own, homemade bread and see if that helps.
      I was tested, and came back negative for Gluten sensitivity. But, yeast was positive.

      1. blank Margaret Bunce says:

        I have been to many doctors all my life but to no avail. I have never had a health happy gut all my life. Doctors just don’t get it they just think that throwing a pull at it makes it ok . I have sorted it out for myself as best I can. The list of side affects I have suffered is
        endless. From Diabetes high blood pressure headaches exhaustion diarrhea fainting sweats it just goes on.
        My daughter called an ambulance but they would not take me to hospital as they said it was as tummy bug, they, didn’t want to infect the hospital even though I had hit my head when I fainted due to the pain. My family worry about me when I am ill. Just remember about cross contamination, I don’t go into bakeries as gluten is in the air and will upset you or coffee shops as caffeine is the same. So just be careful and don’t buy anything that says might contain gluten because it will. Look after yourself out there and take care.

        1. blank Emm Young says:

          I accidentally had gluten yesterday. Today I had a very important meeting at 10am. I couldn’t think. I didn’t know how to get into the email to get the link. I lost all ability to function and ran out of my house leaving the husband in shock. Obviously the meeting was cancelled. It is now 6pm and I have not eaten all day. I’m depressed and suicidal. This should be over by tomorrow. I have another important meeting in the afternoon. Gluten and GMOs have ruined my life. I’m 71 now.

  9. blank Victoria N. says:

    I had some of these issues, but they all turned out to be thyroid related and cleared up once I got on the right dose of thyroid medication.

  10. blank Michael Cap says:

    Thanks for sharing all of this exciting news on gluten and its effects on the body. I have now decided to go all in on a gluten free diet. I share all of the same symptoms your above readers have mentioned. I’m sick of (pills) medication.

    1. blank Michael E Schabow says:

      I just now read this. I have most all the symptoms and plan on beginning a gluten-free diet at once. I certainly would have appreciated my doctors to tell me this 40 years ago.

  11. blank Branka Hadziselimovich says:

    Hi ,l have a granson 9year old in my care which has been diagnosed gluten sensitive by naturopath ( not Drs or numerous pediatricians ) they never connected his constant toilet visits ,fatigue, skin ich ,fatigue ,mouth ulcers esp his face ticks ,brain fog and most of all his face ticks and neck and shoulders spasam in last two years .I took him of gluten with lots of minerals and vitamins and heather options .Manly all this has mostly resolved except mouth ulcers he gets them quite often ,his weight is very thinner ,like he has not grown a lot and plus he has developed very severe anxiety and panic attacks . Our treating dr was very upset with me for taking him to naturopath and putting him on gluten free diet and myself as l had very similar symptoms lBS ,that l asked her to send me to childrens hosp to have all 5his tests as he was of gluten as he was of gluten , with a promise l will put him back on gluten after tests (AND GET THIS HE IS IgG deficient ) l went bechk to her after results she brushed this off as l was told mush earlier that this was all in my head and send me to sociological help . This is so wrong by drs the way they treat most of us l need to know what more test l should do for him please . I hope l xan get more testing as they suggested pediatrician to put him on sacotic drugs in which l was shocked and most definitely refused for his panic attacks anxiety . Thanks a lot

    1. A lysine supplement is safe and usually works in 24 hours to heal my mouth ulcers.

    2. I’ve found that canker sores in my children are usually caused by either a non-organic potato product or high fructose corn syrup. You might want to try getting him on an organic diet. Gluten-free breads with potato flour (in my experience potato starch is not an issue) might be the culprit if you are feeding non-organic gluten free products. It sounds like you are doing a wonderful job caring for your grandson by not giving up in your search for answers.

  12. Your article was very insightful, I was diagnosed with celiac’s 4 years ago, and could tell a difference almost immediately, would love to know how long I really had it and just brushed it off as IBS 🙁 My question is, I still have joint pain, exhaustion, weight gain and a few of the other things in your article………..yes I’m 55 and still going through menopause (hopefully on the tail end) so unsure if it’s that or can you still have the issues that go along with celiac’s even if you maintain a gluten free diet?

    1. Coeliac’s are born with Coeliac disease, it can go Ito remission for a while but it will return. Coeliac disease runs in families. Not all siblings will be affected, my cousin on my dads side of the family also has coeliac. I was a sickly, thin child, gut problems, tired all the time, mouth ulcers and problems with my teeth, my periods did not happen until I was 16 yrs of age. I was eventually diagnosed with coeliac condition at the age of 37 yrs via a gastroscope & biopsy. I avidly avoided food with gluten, barley ,oat ,wheat and rye, and within two weeks I felt and looked so much better. I never cheat and eat what used to be my favourite cakes, etc, I do miss ‘normal bread’, the best ever gluten free bread I tasted as normal’ bread was from a company called Mrs Crimbles’ in the UK, which is where I live, unfortunately they didn’t get the supermarkets ear :(. I can count on one hand how many I have inadvertently eaten gluten, when this happenes within half an hour to an hour, I feel dizzy and feel nauseous, I sit outside with a pint of water, a blanket around me and just vomit into a bucket for hours until the gluten has gone from my system, sorry to say this but coeliac & hypothyroidism does go hand in hand, my under active thyroid began In my late 50’s, so you’ll also probably be diagnosed with hypothyroidism/hashimoto’s syndrome too. Levothyroxine will be prescribed to top up your thyroid levels. Both conditions are with you for the rest of your life. Both can be controlled, but there are so many different physical problems to endure. Sorry if my post has scared you but it’s better to know these things and tackle them head on. My daughter has not had symptoms of coeliac but she has just been diagnosed with hypothyroidism/hashimoto’s syndrome, no doubt her doctor will also test her for coeliac disease in the coming weeks. Eliminate gluten and you’ll feel great within weeks, but only after your gastroenterologist has given you a gastroscope & biopsy.

  13. blank Melissa Hill says:

    This is a great article and so true. I had extreme fatigue, weird rashes, significant joint pain and major stomach issues. I still ran marathons despite all of these issues but when I collapsed after running a half marathon I knew it was time to figure out what was going on. The extreme fatigue was debilitating at times. I went for a physical and blood screen. My blood showed NO iron and my thyroid had concerning numbers. We fixed the iron with daily iron pills I still take 6 years later. After my doctor wanted to know the cause of the iron deficiency, my gluten allergy was diagnosed with a colonoscopy and endoscopy. And finally they found my hypothyroidism once I became gluten free and managed my iron. It took less than 2 weeks to feel like a different person. I can get a good night sleep and feel I like I actually slept. The fatigue is significantly less and my marathon running which I love is enjoyable again. Thank you for this article and all links. They are very helpful.

  14. After reading “Wheat Belly”, I decided to see if gluten was the culprit for a myriad of health issues I was experiencing. Bingo! I’ve been gluten-free for almost 10 years. For the first few years I ate a little gluten and told people I was about 80% gluten free…which is like being a little bit pregnant. I finally went total gf about 8 years ago…and I have never looked back. My life improved 100%. Unfortunately, I’ve gotten accidentally “glutened” a few times which causes me to feel pretty bad. I never made the connection until I started reading and gathering more information about the effects of gluten on the body… I just thought it was IBS, food poisoning or gastrointestinal bug. Now I know. Knowledge is power! Thank God for all who have shared their experiences through their posts!!!

  15. I loved this article. I have suffered with Anxiety and panic disorder for 17 years. I cut out caffeine about 5 years ago and never really thought about anything else I put in my mouth up until a month ago. I cut gluten completely out of my diet completely (my mom aunt and grandmother are all intolerant) and I wanted to see if it might make me feel feel better. After about 2 weeks I said to my husband “I haven’t had an anxiety attack in about a week” So then I started doing some research on anxiety and gluten and WOW!!! I never would have linked the two together. So I tested this theory and decided to indulge that following Sunday. It had been about 3 weeks at that point since I had any gluten so I ate pizza and crackers and bread. and whatever my kids were eating that day. The next day I felt soooooo awful. Full fledged panic attacks. It was like my anxiety came back ten times worse. Could not believe it. Its nice to see that there are things like your article that can give us panic induced group a little relief so we can do other things besides meds to help ward off the anxiety naturally

  16. I suffered with migraines for years until I discovered I am celiac. Now I only get them on rare occasions. (Found this article on Pinterest)

  17. Those are not gluten sensitivity issues it’s called celiac disease it’s very real and comes with many more issues

  18. Thank you for this information. I eliminated gluten from my diet almost two years ago when I reached my limit with the doctors. All they wanted to do was prescribe medicines. After about a month without gluten, my skin (eczema) and my stomach were 100 times better. Every time I think “maybe it’s not gluten” and I eat something I shouldn’t, the symptoms come back and they are worse than before. I wish everyone would consider trying the gluten-free diet. It’s so worth it.

    1. That’s wonderful to hear, Andrea. I hear from so many Hypothyroid Mom readers that find dietary changes make a world of difference.

  19. blank Sharon L Moody says:

    This information is extremely helpful. Thank you so much. Now I have a an outline for a course of action for treatment. Knowledge is indeed power. S. Moody- SC

    1. So true Sharon. Knowledge is everything. Good to have you here at Hypothyroid Mom.

  20. Yes,yes,yes. I was diagnosed with celiac 4 years ago. Recently both of my daughters (26 &31) were diagnosed with hashimotos. Their antibody levels were sky high. Upon getting mine checked, they were only 60. I attribute this to my eating gluten free. Spending all my free time nagging my daughters of the evil I call gluten. Great article, informative and one I will share. Thank you

  21. Great article! I have been suffering from hypothyroidism for 4 years. Nothing severe, but I had really annoying symptoms which made my life uncomfortable. My family doctor gave me the option to start thyroid medication but I just didn’t want to take medication for the rest of my life… 🙁 In July 2018, my naturopath gave me the idea to try stop eating gluten (I never had stomach issues so I would have never thought that gluten can be an issue for me). I did that and in a week or two I felt much better: my energy level was sky rocketing and the few extra kilos I couldn’t loose for years (and I tried my best, believe me, eating healthy and exercising) started to melt away without any extra effort… After 2 months, I went for blood work and my TSH level dropped from 6.4 to 2.43!!! I couldn’t believe it! I didn’t take any medication, not even supplements. Only avoided gluten. I recommend to everyone with thyroid issues to try this out. I know we are all different but it never hurts to try and maybe it works for you as well! 🙂

  22. This is sooo interesting. I also recently learned how gluten and dairy and be really bad for hypothyroidism . I went GFsnd DF a month ago. I am noticing little things but wondering why its still so hard to lose weight. I wotkout regularly. Im hoping next time i have my tsh tested it will be better numbers

  23. Wow this speaks volumes to me ive hypothyroidism i have many of these symptons here regarding gluten but also could someone relate to swollen stomach (look 9mth pregnant) & also what is gluten what is it in so i know to avoid it thankyou .reading these blogs has really opened my eyes .i would really really apreciate any advice thankyou in advance x

    1. Also my hair falls out massively,I was losin hair at the front at 1st, that grew back . Now its fallin out at the back ,by the currently bein prescribed carbimazole 2 5mlg daily.ANY ADVICE would be very much grateful thanks in advance

      1. Hi Annie, I struggled with hair loss so bad I could see scalp through my hair in the sunlight. Here is what worked for me and it turns out to be one of the most popular articles now at Hypothyroid Mom so clearly many thyroid people have hair loss issue. I wrote the article for hypothyroid hair loss but one thing to add for your situation is that hyperthyroidism too can cause hair loss and it would be worth it to get more than one medical opinion about your thyroid treatment to see if it helps.

    2. Annie to answer your question about where is gluten found. It’s in wheat so pretty much anything that you eat that contains wheat will have gluten in it. I have a gluten and wheat intolerance that I never knew about until I went to naturopathic doctor and she did blood work which tested me for food allergies. My regular doctors would just treat me for the various problems but did not figure out it was the gluten. I have hypothyroidism and many of the other symptoms in this article are spot on. Hair loss is part of hypothyroidism but also can be caused by other illnesses. I went gluten free and I feel better. I would suggest you get allergy tested and I would go to a naturopath because they look into causes and not just treat the symptoms with pills. Good luck!

  24. Thank you Dana for giving all of us who suffer a light at the end of the tunnel. I was diagnosed with Celiac at age two (I am 67) and I have 11 of the 12 side effects. I was finally diagnosed with Hashimotos eight years ago. The sad part is that by age six my mother thought I was ‘well’ (I was starting school) and it wasn’t until the mid 80’s that I learned Celiac was a permanent disease. I believe there was too much damage eating gluten those in between years. My worse side effect is Chemical Sensitivity. My heart breaks for anyone with a gluten disorder because it only leads to a long life with constant issues. Blessings to all and keep reading, a gluten-free life is much much better now than it was in the 1950’s

  25. To bad I can’t get the necessary help to correct my problem I have all of those symptoms what do you do if you’re homeless and at the mercy of the fast food industry

    1. Many fast food places will make something gluten free! Ask for no bun on your burger, make sure the fries have no flour added, get a grilled chicken sandwich with no bun (or just grilled chicken if at a fried chicken place), don’t eat croutons if getting a salad. Drinks don’t normally have gluten in them so that should be safe.

  26. blank Joanne Popper says:

    Great article. I went gluten/dairy free about two months ago. I am menopausal and began experiencing severe pain in my left hip, down to my knee, and low back. My left ovary has always been sensitive to cysts and pain. I was beginning to think I wasn’t going to be able to work for much longer. I could hardly walk without severe pain, and was starting to feel very depressed. I stopped eating everything, pulled out my juicer and also added a lot of fresh ginger along with vegetables and within three days my pain was greatly reduced. I’m now learning how to cook gluten and dairy free. It takes a lot of adjustment, but it’s definitely possible to go gluten free and still enjoy things like going out to dinner. The most surprising thing is that many people will think it’s all in your head, so I’m careful who I share my new lifestyle with and how much it changed my life. I stumbled across the connection between gluten and menopause after months of searching for answers. I only hope other women who are suffering from gluten sensitivity during menopause make the connection.

    1. Check your Facebook messages

  27. I almost cried reading this. Ive had hashimotos for nearly 20 years and just learned about gluten, dairy, and all of these other thongs to try.. I was always called a hypochondriac and was given drugs for anxiety depression and diagnosed with IBS…and there was nothing they could do about my fatigue amd brain fog. Traditional medicine always told me all i could do was take my synthroid….I am angered by the lack of acceptance in traditional medicine of all of this information out there…. and also hopeful for relief. I have been gluten and dairy free for about a month now and have normal bowels for the first time….my thyroid level went down to .25….which makes me think my body is absorbing nutrients and synthroid better. I need a new dose now!! There is hope after all and food really can be a great medicine too…thank you for the great information!!!

    1. So wonderful to hear you are starting to notice improvements Nikki. It’s amazing really what eliminating food sensitivities can do for our health. Good to have you at Hypothyroid Mom.

      1. I was diagnosed with Hashimotos and hypothyroidism over a year ago now and the only thing I was told to do was to take Synthroid. I was bound and determined to help myself and the symptoms I was having so did a lot of research and reading articles upon articles as well as books. I started to take vitaman B as my first option hoping this would help it didn’t . I was so lethargic , tired , fatigued , nauseous and brain fog, could barely get through a day and I knew based on how I felt I shouldn’t have been driving but had no choice. I thought if this feeling carried on I would be on disability very soon. I went to a health food store and met a man there that said he has a dead thyroid and has to take 21 drops of iodine a day . Since doing this his blood tests were level and he was not on medication at all. I was all out of options so I bought some iodine meant for thyroid. When I took it I didn’t realize you should take it with water so I took two drops directly on my tongue and I finally felt awake for the first time in about 2 years. I continued to take 2 drops twice a day and felt amazing. This started to absorb into my system and wasn’t having the same effect anymore and I didn’t feel I should keep increasing the drops per day. I read up on a hashimotos diet and how I should eliminate canola and soy oils from my diet as well as gluten but this wasn’t as important. I removed all completely for 5 months testing here and there adding these things back into my diet but felt a huge difference and felt lethargic again anytime I ate anything with these things in it. I researched every restaurant and found they they cooked their food with canola or soy , only once have a found a restaurant that used olive oil. So needless to say I cut out all restaurant food as well. To this day I have not taken the synthroid and probably never will , my TSH levels are good as long as I don’t have anything with soy, canola oil or gluten in my diet. It has been difficult and have cut out all store bought salad dressings, mayo , most crackers and cereals. It has been worth it. I still from time to time will feel lethargic though which tells me there is probably something more I will have to cut out. Slowly but surely I know if I do this I will fell better. I just wanted to share my story since I felt completely helpless and didn’t have any help at all while going through this. I hope this helps someone out there. I am open to any further ideas from anyone that maybe help me further.

        1. Hi, do some research and possibly get checked for the MTHFR gene mutations. It is fascinating reading and may be helpful on your journey. I got my test from 23 and me, the ancestry and health test, it was much less expensive than a straight blood test. There is way to much research to type here. Good luck.

        2. What kind of iodine was it?

  28. Went to an endocrinologist for the first time today. I’ve had hypo for 13 years, and is now Hashimotos. I also have vitiligo, since 5 years old. The endo I saw today said there is no corolation between gluten and thyroid function. I was shocked, and frankly don’t believe him. Been GF for 6 weeks and do feel better. I’ve read and researched so much on the corolation between the two. Anyone else have a doc say this?

    1. I have Hashimoto’s and adrenal insufficiency. My endo is wanting me to do the Whole30 diet. You stated that you felt better being gluten free for six weeks. Do you think it has helped with your fatigue? Did you experience muscle weakness before you went gluten free? I am trying to cut out gluten and I am really hoping it will help with these symptoms for me. I am on 105 mg Armour daily and I don’t know whether it is the med or possibly gluten that are causing these symptoms.

    2. blank Twylah Guy says:

      I have vitiligo alopecia & hosomotos plus so much more serious GCA & PMR

  29. This has helped me put some pieces together about my hypothyroidism and symptoms.
    I’m so glad I’ve found some answers. In the past four months I’ve had what I think we’re anxiety attacks or palpitations ( heart beating really fast) right after I had spaghetti for dinner either the same night or the next day, which of course for me led to indigestion for a straight week! Which at this point I followed the B.R.A.T diet to try to correct or take it easy on my gut. I started to think with this second a( heart racing) of course I had had pasta the night before, I started to put two and two together and because of the information posted here Dana and thank you!!! I’ve come to terms that I may have a gluten sensitivity happening here. Will discuss these issues with my doctor. Also looking to cut gluten out of my diet for the long term. I have t felt like my optimal self for a long time. Looks like I know what to do now.
    Thank you so much!

  30. blank Darren Piera says:

    Fantastic article! Our family found a definate way to test food intolerance called ImuPro. As suspected gluten was one of the high intolerances in my hashimitos wife and daughter. Wifes migraines have ceased, her vitiligo is improving, and hopefully their hashimotos is on the mend. Thankyou for success where conventional medicine has only treated symptoms.

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