12 Things You Should Never Say To or About a Thyroid Patient

12 Things You Should Never Say To or About a Thyroid Patient

It is a pleasure to include my friend and fellow thyroid advocate Sarah Downing at Hypothyroid Mom. [Read more…]

Chronic Hives and Hashimoto’s Autoimmune Thyroiditis

Chronic Hives and Hashimoto's Autoimmune Thyroiditis

Whenever I hear from a Hypothyroid Mom reader struggling with itchy red welts known as hives, I ask them if they’ve had full thyroid testing including thyroid antibodies for Hashimoto’s and the answer is too often NO. [Read more…]

10 Signs You Have Adrenal Stress and Natural Treatments For It

10 Signs You Have Adrenal Stress And Natural Treatments For It

The thyroid and adrenals are so intricately connected. It wouldn’t be a surprise to me at all if many of my Hypothyroid Mom readers are struggling with adrenal stress and they have no idea. A Yale-trained physician shares the ten signs of adrenal imbalance to watch for and the natural treatments she uses with her patients.

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Is Your Chronic Pain Related to Your Thyroid Health?

Is Your Chronic Pain Related to Your Thyroid Health?

I hear from so many Hypothyroid Mom readers struggling with chronic pain. Doctors often completely overlook their thyroid as a possible culprit. [Read more…]

Skin signs of thyroid disease

Skin signs of thyroid disease

Thyroid pioneer Dr. Broda Barnes wrote, “When thyroid function is low, circulation is reduced. In advanced cases of hypothyroidism, the skin, in fact, may receive as little as one-fourth to one-fifth the normal blood supply.”

I suspect I had undiagnosed hypothyroidism for most of my life. From a very young age skin conditions including dry itchy skin, itchy flaky scalp, dry frizzy hair, dry cracked heels, loss of the outer third of eyebrows, brittle nails, loss of eyelashes, pale colorless skin, and chronic eczema have been a constant in my life. I went through a period of rapid hair loss that devastated me so much that I spent over one year researching the causes of hair loss to save my own hair. Thankfully with optimal thyroid treatment many of my skin issues have improved.

I wonder just how many people with hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism are struggling with skin-related conditions. Do they know these skin issues may be a sign their thyroid condition is not optimally treated?
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24 Nutrient Deficiencies And The Symptoms To Watch For

24 Nutrient Deficiencies And The Symptoms To Watch For

Nutrient deficiencies are a common issue for hypothyroid people. My doctor discovered that I had multiple severe nutrient deficiencies. I suffered for years with common symptoms yet I had no idea that my body was deficient in nutrients.

Could this be happening to you?

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