1. From what I’ve learned about fasting, autophagy only begins after four days of solid fasting.

    1. Experts all agree autophagy begins after 17 hours of water fasting.

      1. Thanks for sharing Shelley. I will take a look more at the research on this. From what I can see, more research is needed on how to trigger autophagy. So far the research seems concentrated on animal studies and hopefully soon researchers will turn their attention to this topic in humans. Studies like this one on mice suggest food-restriction for 24 or 48 hours to trigger autophagy. I wonder though about shorter fasting windows like 16/8. I hear from many of my Hypothyroid Mom readers who tell me that they are experiencing significant improvements in their health including weight from these shorter fasting windows and I’m hoping more research will be done on this topic. It might be that the benefits are not due to triggering autophagy but in the process of ketosis. Have you found benefits from fasting? Good to have you at Hypothyroid Mom.

  2. People with autoimmune disease may have trouble with detoxification due to the MTHFR gene mutation. The gene mutation is believed to be in around 50% of people, with some experts saying more. I myself have this gene and also Hashimoto’s.
    I am treating it using AIP and my nutritional practitioner to help my body detox better. If one detoxes too fast the toxins are released into the blood stream and flood system with dangerous side effects if the liver can’t properly filter and flush. This leads the body to reabsorb the toxins as the liver’s detox pathway isn’t working right due to MTHFR. Correct the underlying issue of why you’re not detoxing right in the first place. Toxins build up in the body in various places; joints, fat layer, muscles, etc. Research Mthfr and get tested for it and start correcting it via diet and supplementation (through a knowledgeable doctor) before trying any detox protocol to prevent any harm you may cause during a detox/fasting program; or you may create more problems.

    1. Where do you find a good Practicioner to help with detox if you have mthfr and hashimotos? I’m in dallas. I don’t even know the type of doctor that would know this specialized information. Thanks!

  3. Ao what if you are taking levothyroxine already? I believe you said connect the dots, so it made sense that you had an autoimmune disease so I assume you were taking a medicine for it prior to learning much about it, unless you were completely hollistic. But either way what if you have started a medicine for it such as levothyroxine, can you still fast? And will it heal it naturally? Does this mean stop taking levothyroxine, what if you only had low thyroid and not an autoimmune disease and it boosted right back to normal within a month? Is this still possible to fast and boost autophagy? Please let me know.

    1. I am so interested in a response to Ari’s questions. I have the same thing, hyperthyroidism taking Levothyroxine. I have been doing 20/4 fasting sometime 23/1, and 48 hour fasts. I’d really like to hear whether I’m doing well or hurting my health, on a positive note, I feel fantastic, with the exception of stressing every once in a while since my dad moved in with my husband and I. Besides that I could use more activity but I’m more active than ever before. Help.

  4. Wait, what? Some of this was a little unclear. I have just started poking around at IF and Hashimotos but didn’t really understand this with the low protein, higher carbs….. What? Could that be explained to me like I’m a regular person and not a nutritionist?

  5. blank Mea culpa says:

    Might want to check the MFS master fast system

  6. This was such a great, informative article! Thank you!!!! My question is how can I safely intermittent fast and reach Autophagy when having HPA Axis dysfunction and hypothyroidism? There seems to be such a fine line with how long I fast and just how bad my body might feel ( ice cold hands, white noise and ringing pressure in my ears and head mostly). If it were not for these symptoms, I would easily do 20/4 or 24hours fasts to ultimately heal my body. My intention is to do just that and I would love any suggestions on how to titrate up in my fasting windows without stressing my body. Thanks for much, for your site, and for listening right now!


  7. blank Rukhsana Khan says:

    Is it safe for someone who has Hashimoto’s and is on thyroid meds to do the water fast for 3-5 days? Do they continue to take their meds during the fast?

  8. Mmm…from what I understand, a 16 hr fast would not be long enough to put your cells into autophagy.

  9. When i got married, i could not give birth, it has been 4 years now we are married no child, i was having marriage crisis as a result of this, my husband was thinking of divorcing me. i was tired and frustrated and i love my husband so much, what should i do was the question on my mind, i came across Fertility Cure Home , who i contacted and great healer prayed for me and help me with a herbal remedy which i apply. after which few months later i conceive my first baby, all my thanks to Fertility Cure Home, the great roots and herbs temple. If you out there need help to get pregnant, you should contact Fertility Cure Home through his email via fertility [email protected]

  10. blank Wendy Haslam says:

    I was wondering why early menopause and prolapse was missing from the list of symptoms

  11. I was wondering what the best natural treatments would be for eliminating parasites?

    1. I have read that a combination of green walnut hull, wormwood and cloves, 3 together, are good for parasite cleanse. Probably in capsules which I can’t swallow, I’d need to search for a tincture

  12. blank Winona Gates says:


    I have had Hashimoto’s since 2014……. During Hurricane Harvey i was bitten by a tick and now have lyme disease, and co infections….. So this has prompted Docs to test for parasites via stool culture. (parasites and ova, and c&s) which were all negative. I am being treated anyway because testing is not accurate at all……several different types of worms are being eliminated in my stool……. I sent one off to the lab and they still stated it was negative….. HOW? So obvious….. Our common stool testing is flawed for sure…. I definitely believe this is a problem in the US and assist in causing Hashimoto’s….. I hope that you continue to really stress txt for parasites…….. Thanks for sharing your article on the link between parasites/hashimoto’s…….. For i am a PRIME example that this is a reason for my hashimoto’s….. There are other companies doing different testing for parasites…… Also, it’s obvious if you have worms in your stool……. I hope i can recover from lyme disease……….. I am not happy i have it, it is debilitating, however it has been helpful in getting me fully dx and txt………….

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