1. Thank you for this encouragement and honesty

  2. I had a hard time leaving my kids for treatments . My youngest had a really hard time understanding why mommy just felt bad all the time. We tried so hard not letting them know about the cancer side but my youngest especially is very perceptive he knew things were not the same with momma. I would alway try and push even if I didn’t feel like it for them.. it is hard when you are so tired. We had difficult days especially until my medication was adjusted to what I needed. I had a lot of emotional ups and downs but thankfully I am much better now. Like in the article sometimes my husband would refer to me as being sick because he really didn’t understand but The further into all this we as a family learned more and understood more and now if I am having a bad day my family understands I am tired and not sick and I am going to be ok.

  3. I had a very hard health day today. I also have hashi’s… among other things. It was also a terrible parenting day for me. Which made everything feel even more awful. I’m laying awake at night and came across this article. I am legit crying like a baby. Thank you so much for this beautiful perspective. I feel like I’m never able to be the mom I want to be, but you’ve given me another view of the mom I could be. Thank you thank you thank you.

  4. I wish their was a “Guy’s Guide to Hashimotos” for the guys out there, like me, who actually have the disease.

  5. Hi, I’m a 66-year-old Grandmother who has Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis for several years. Most recently, I am struggling with extreme fatigue and also depression. Do you have any tips or ideas to help me? Any suggestions will be deeply appreciated. I feel like I’m 100 years old! Also, I had lab work done last week but haven’t gotten the results yet. Thanks.

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