Protein & stomach acid – and the massive importance for thyroid health

Protein and low stomach acid - and the massive importance to thyroid

Has your doctor told you that you have multiple nutrient deficiencies including low iron, low vitamin D, magnesium, and B12 but you have no idea why?

Do you struggle with uncomfortable acid reflux?

Do you take over-the-counter antacids or have you been prescribed a PPI (proton pump inhibitor)

Do you experience indigestion and belly bloating after meals especially meals high in protein?

Does your thyroid TSH lab test come back “normal” but you feel far from normal?

Do you experience these typical signs of low stomach acid?

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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Hypothyroidism & T3: My Personal Battle

Chronic fatigue syndrome hypothyroidism and T3 thyroid hormone

How many Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) patients actually have thyroid imbalance as the cause of their symptoms even when their thyroid lab tests are declared ‘normal’? I’ve wondered this for some time.

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Make Every Thyroid Pill Count!

Make every thyroid pill count

“Take your thyroid pill every day and you will be fine.” I really wish it was that simple. Do you know there are common prescription medications, over-the-counter supplements, and even foods and drinks that can impact the absorption of your thyroid medication?

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What You Must Know About Your Thyroid Medicine: Falsehoods, Formulations, and Fillers

What You Must Know About Your Thyroid Medicine: Falsehoods, Formulations, and Fillers

Are you taking thyroid medicine but still feeling sick?

This doctor graduated top of her class in medical school and has received multiple prestigious grants from the American Thyroid Association. Her pearls of wisdom are must-read for every hypothyroidism patient.
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Top thyroid medication, according to 3,665 hypothyroidism patients

Top thyroid medication according to 3,665 hypothyroidism patients

I’ve been asked numerous times to share the results of a poll that I posted on the Hypothyroid Mom Facebook page, titled “Which thyroid medication works best for you?” [Read more…]

5 reasons conventional doctors can’t fix your thyroid

5 reasons doctors can't fix your thyroid

Why did I create Hypothyroid Mom?

I have spent countless hours over the last 5 years pouring over published studies on hypothyroidism. I have scoured the Internet every day searching for the very best thyroid experts and doctors. I have answered email after email and social media comments and posts from people struggling with hypothyroidism at all hours of the day and night. I have devoted my life to this blog that I created called Hypothyroid Mom. And you may wonder. Why?


Yes I said rage.

On a cold, snowy day in New York City on January 20, 2009, I lay on a medical exam table on what would be one of the worst days of my life. I had miscarried at 12 weeks and was being prepared for a D&C, a surgical procedure to remove my baby. A technician had just taken an ultrasound and walked out of the room to reconfirm to the medical staff that my fetus had no heartbeat. I sprang off my bed and ran to the image on the screen. I felt my body shake and my fists clench as I stared at the image of my unborn child. From a place deep in my soul came a wail, “What happened to my child?”

I had unnecessarily lost my unborn baby all because my doctors had not read the Endocrine Society guidelines for pregnancy. Yes. Seriously. A TSH of less than 2.5 in the first trimester was clearly stated in the 2007 guidelines and mine was close to a whopping 10.0 with raging symptoms.

Why had I trusted my conventional doctors to have the answers?

Why had I not done my own research and been my own advocate?

Why had I not told my doctors to go to hell when they insisted that my symptoms were all in my head?

I should have fought like a ferocious lion for my child.

And I have to live with that regret for the rest of my life.

I will tell others.

I promised myself as I lay on that medical exam table.

I will let the world know.

I promised.

And Hypothyroid Mom was born.

I was determined to get to the bottom of this. I wouldn’t rest until I got myself well again and all my Hypothyroid Mom followers with me.

I searched high and low for thyroid experts when I first created Hypothyroid Mom in 2012. At that time there weren’t as many health experts and doctors writing about thyroid as there are today. I had to really search for the best information and I struck gold when I landed on this man.

Chris Kresser.

I hope he knows how many people he has helped. Including me.

I recently had a chance to connect with Chris and ask him some of my lingering thyroid questions. I know there is much written about thyroid but I wanted to dig deep into some of the issues that are not usually covered. [Read more…]