1. hello i was 25 yrs old i was pregnant of my second children. she borned i was fine but few months i noticed i have no energy and sleephead lots i breastfed my daughter..i went to see dr family about tired and gained weight lots.. dr said i ate too much and i told him i dont eat only one supper and fed my daughter..i dont have energy to cook the food for myself… then my blood result.. dr called me to urgent to see specialist dr for thyroid…first thought i have a gland cancer but not it is hypothroid..i take first .1mg the same med call synthroid or levothroid(cant spell)since. it works for me since up and down…now i take now .2 was higher .3. any idea what help me reduce my hypothroid by how???
    ii still weight problem.

    1. p.s. i am now 65 yrs old..

    2. Hi Jeannine, Postpartum is a common time for women to first develop a thyroid condition or worsen an existing one. The reason for this is that our sex hormones and thyroid hormones are closely connected. The thyroid medications you mention contain T4 thyroid hormone only and while these work for some people they don’t work for everyone. Here is an article about the other thyroid medication options:

      Regards, Dana Trentini (Hypothyroid Mom)

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