It is tough to be a thyroid patient with all the symptoms that befall us like a ton of bricks, but then add to that struggle the number of doctors that are miserably misinformed about thyroid disease.
Written by National Academy of Hypothyroidism
1. Infertility
When a woman thinks of getting pregnant, thoughts of having her thyroid hormone levels checked doesn’t even come to mind. Her doctor may not even suggest it. In fact, many infertility doctors are unaware of how thyroid function can impact a woman’s ability to conceive. Thyroid hormones directly affect the uterine lining, causing infertility or miscarriages to occur. Unfortunately, obstetricians and gynecologists are the doctors women look to when dealing with fertility issues or pregnancy. Arming more women with accurate information regarding the importance of thyroid function may prove helpful in educating more doctors working in other fields of medicine. In both excess or deficiency, thyroid hormones can negatively impact fertility.
2. Low Libido
Patients more often reporting loss of libido are those with hypothyroidism. Those with hyperthyroidism can also experience this symptom, but they can also experience episodes of increased sex drive, due to the sped up metabolism hyperthyroidism can cause. With hypothyroidism, the metabolism is slowed down, which means the reproductive organs are slowed down as well. The adrenal glands that produce hormones that convert into the sex hormones are also slowed down. Both men and women can see decreased testosterone and estrogen levels.
3. Depression
“Go see a psychiatrist,” your thyroid doctor advises. Hold on a minute. Inadequate levels of thyroid hormones T4 and T3 are most often the culprit of poor mood and mental wellness. With over 4000 patients, the Star*D study is the largest trial comparing antidepressant effectiveness for depression. It found that 66% of patients fail to respond to antidepressants or have side-effects severe enough to discontinue use. Of those who do respond, over half will relapse within one year. The trial found that T3 thyroid medication was effective even when other medications-such as citalopram (Celexa), bupropion (Wellbutrin), sertraline (Zolft), venlafaxine (Effexor), or cognitive therapy were not. Thyroid replacement with T3 was shown to be 50% more effective, even with the less than optimal dose of 50 mcg, under direct comparison with significantly less side effects than commonly used therapeutic approaches with antidepressants.
4. Obesity
Have you tried all kinds of healthy diets and followed exercise routines religiously? Have you put all your efforts into losing that stubborn, extra weight and still can’t get the desired outcome? One big lie that your thyroid doctor may tell you is “hypothyroidism doesn’t cause weight gain”. When a person is overweight, everyone blames them for eating too much and not exercising enough. However that’s not the whole story. Despite the vast number of weight loss programs in existence today, many overweight individuals are not successful at their valiant attempts to exercise more and eat less. Even if they do lose weight initially, many do not keep it off long-term. The overwhelming majority of times, there are metabolic abnormalities including low thyroid making it very difficult to lose weight. According to researchers, “Thyroid hormone maintains basal metabolic rate, facilitates adaptive thermogenesis, modulates appetite and food intake, and regulates body weight.”
5. Anxiety & Panic Disorders
One day you wake up with overflowing physical energy, even feeling severely anxious, with a rapid heartbeat, profuse sweating, trembling hands, and diarrhea, and you can’t stop losing weight. Then soon enough, without warning, your energy plummets. You feel like a slug, are constipated, your hair starts falling out, you gain weight no matter how little you eat, and you are severely depressed. You may have difficulty swallowing, sound hoarse, and feel like you have swallowed something that wont go down. And then, suddenly, your old symptoms return, and you feel anxious, sweaty, trembling, and panicky. This cycle can repeat itself again and again. While your symptoms resemble a mental health issue, they could be signs of Hashimoto’s disease, one cause of hypothyroidism.
Hashimoto’s disease, also known as autoimmune thyroiditis or simply Hashimoto’s, is caused by an autoimmune disorder. In this case, the body’s immune system sees the thyroid gland as a foreign body and begins to attack, damage, and kill thyroid cells along the way. As the cells are damaged or destroyed, they release their stored thyroid hormone, causing classic hyperthyroid symptoms such as anxiety, panic attacks, shaking hands, sweating, and a racing heart. Each autoimmune attack causes more and more damage to the thyroid gland until, ultimately, the gland is no longer able to produce adequate thyroid hormones. Every cell in the body needs thyroid hormones, so a deficiency can wreak havoc on the entire system, causing depression, weight gain, severe fatigue, brain fog, memory loss, and even overall body aches. With such a dramatic swing in symptoms, it’s easy to see how Hashimoto’s disease could be misdiagnosed as a mental illness like manic depression or bipolar disorder. And it happens much too often.
Both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can present with mental health symptoms.
6. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal tunnel syndrome, a condition where pressure on the median nerve causes pain, numbness, tingling and weakness in the hand, fingers, wrist, and forearm, is a common complaint. Some thyroid patients, in particular those with hypothyroidism, struggle with carpal tunnel syndrome, but don’t realize that there is a key connection between this painful nerve problem and their thyroid function. Hypothyroid patients often find themselves with CTS because those who have thyroid dysfunction tend to retain excess fluids in their connective tissues. Accumulation of mucopolysaccharides, another common occurrence in hypothyroid patients, promotes swelling around the median nerve which increases pressure and compression of the carpal tunnel.
7. Heart Disease
Have you been diagnosed with atrial fibrillation, high cholesterol, or high blood pressure? It is possible your thyroid hormone levels could be responsible. Thyroid hormones have a direct effect on the heart, causing it to speed up or slow way down, creating heart disease. Your doctor, after evaluating the heart disease symptoms, may refer you to a cardiac specialist. Cardiologists may only look at the heart disease symptoms at hand, not considering the possibility that thyroid hormone imbalance could be the cause.
Low Thyroid Hormones
With too little thyroid hormones circulating within the body, your heartbeat slows down and can even cause irregular heartbeats to occur, Bradycardia. Low thyroid hormones reduce the function of the heart, sometimes causing fluid to develop around it, causing pericardial effusion.
Low thyroid hormone levels can also cause high cholesterol for many people. Increased levels of “bad” lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol are directly related to sub-optimal thyroid function. These hormones not only make cholesterol (good or bad), but they are also responsible for eliminating the cholesterol that we do not need. When the extra cholesterol isn’t removed, plaque develops within our arteries, clogging them. The result can be heart disease, stroke, or even heart attack. In a Dutch study called “The Rotterdam Study”, it was found that elderly women with subclinical hypothyroidism were almost twice as likely as women without this condition to have blockages in the aorta. They were also twice as likely to have had heart attacks. Having autoimmune hypothyroidism with elevated antibodies to thyroid peroxidase increased the risk even further.
Blood pressure can also become high when thyroid hormones are too low. Arterial stiffness, thickening, and decreased elasticity can occur when too little thyroid hormone is circulating within the body, increasing peripheral vascular resistance, causing blood pressure to rise. Many doctors prescribe statin drugs for high cholesterol levels and blood pressure medication without first checking thyroid hormone levels to see if they could be the the underlying cause.
High Thyroid Hormones
When thyroid hormones levels are too high the heart beats faster which can lead to a condition known as Tachycardia. Tachycardia can go unnoticed until palpitations, heart pain (angina), shortness of breath, or dizziness starts to occur. A prolonged fast heart rate can also cause incoordination of the electrical impulses that travel to the heart. The effect on the electrical impulses of the heart can cause a serious condition called atrial fibrillation (Afib) to develop in the right atrium of the heart. Afib causes your heart to beat erratically and can be quite uncomfortable. The constant quivering or irregular heartbeat may lead to stroke, heart failure, and many other serious heart problems.
Both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can promote symptoms commonly seen in ADD/ADHD. This isn’t to say that ADD and ADHD don’t exist, nor is it to say that you can’t have these conditions while suffering from a thyroid problem, but due to the lack of knowledge and improper thyroid testing many people are incorrectly diagnosed with ADD or ADHD when really they have a thyroid problem.
When looking at the symptoms of hypothyroidism and ADD, they are eerily similar. Hypothyroidism symptoms include:
- Brain fog
- Short and long-term memory issues
- And many, many, many more
ADD symptoms include:
- Difficulty focusing
- “Zoning out”
- Difficulty remembering conversations/tasks
In addition to the similarities listed above, hyperthyroidism and ADHD have extremely similar symptoms, as well. In the case of Hashimoto’s disease, a person’s TSH can rise and fall with symptoms of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.
Hyperthyroidism symptoms include:
- Difficulty staying still, constantly moving
- Brain fog/lack of attentiveness
- Irritability/mood swings
ADHD symptoms include:
- Constant fidgeting/moving
- Difficulty focusing
- Quick temper/easily angered
These conditions do sound very similar and could be easily confused in children and even in adults. Another, not as well-known thyroid conditions, can also mimic ADHD: thyroid hormone resistance. This is a condition in which the body does not properly respond to the thyroid hormones and instead of the pituitary gland lowering the production of the TSH hormone, it stays the same and the body continues to produce unnecessary thyroid hormones.
9. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
Do you have Gastroesophogeal Reflux Disease (GERD)? Did you know that that could be an indication of thyroid dysfunction? If not, don’t worry. Most thyroid doctors don’t know that either. Excess stomach acid is often considered the culprit, but looking beyond heartburn commercials reveals the projected public perception can be contrary to the underlying physiology. GERD is frequently treated with proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), which are the most potent suppressors of gastric acid on the market. Digestive medications are a multi-billion dollar industry. With stomach acid at the center of it all, it is easy to see why reducing it might be the answer. Yet delving further clearly illustrates that’s not always the case.
When it comes to the thyroid, your thyroid doctor must understand the importance of gut health in a treatment protocol. Not only is the majority of the immune system located in the gut, but the thyroid relies on healthy gut bacteria to convert thyroid hormone T4 to active T3 as well. Another consideration is the close relationship between stress, thyroid and the digestive tract. We all know that pit in our stomach or lump in our throat that can come with stress. Other effects of stress on the digestive tract aren’t as noticeable however. For instance, stress can contribute to “leaky gut“ (intestinal permeability), which is associated with autoimmune disease and symptoms that come with it. The thyroid is part of the HPAT-axis (Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal-Thyroid-Axis). The thyroid and its symphony of hormonal functioning are also affected by stress since adrenals regulate stress response.
10. Insomnia
“I’m not sleeping at all. But maybe I’m just stressed.” I hear this from many women in their forties. It’s true, the stressors have seemed to multiply and attack from all sides – kids, marriage, aging parents, bosses, coworkers, employees – all just look like hungry mouths screaming to be fed. But the difference now, is that hormonal changes are making it difficult to handle these inevitable life challenges. In the perimenopausal years – usually when a woman is in her forties – ovarian production of hormones starts to shift. Insomnia is one of the most common symptoms of perimenopause. What disturbs me most about hearing women describe their insomnia that has been occurring for months, is that women are not sharing this with their friends, nor mentioning this to their doctor. They seem to just accept it as inevitable, an effect of living a full life, or just a natural sign of aging. If this is only happening sporadically, or only after a rare, particularly stressful day or after too many glasses of wine, then there is no real cause for concern and the best approach is to minimize the stress at hand. However, any symptom you are having is a signal from your body that it is out of balance and some intervention is necessary. The primary culprit during perimenopause and menopause is a hormonal imbalance or deficiency.
Progesterone and Sleep
Progesterone declines first during the perimenopausal years. Progesterone is only produced during the second half of the menstrual cycle: from ovulation until bleeding occurs. So if you’re bleeding more often, spotting between periods, having heavier periods or not ovulating at all and skipping periods, your progesterone levels are low. Progesterone has a direct, sedative effect on the brain, by stimulating the brain’s production of the neurotransmitter GABA and stimulating benzodiazepine receptors. Yes, progesterone is nature’s Valium! In turn, progesterone deficiency causes insomnia, irritabililty, anxiety and even panic attacks. Progesterone also is a respiratory stimulant, meaning that it deepens breathing and can prevent sleep apnea. Many untreated perimenopausal women gain weight, causing sleep apnea, which in itself destroys sleep quality.
Estrogen and Sleep
Hot flashes and night sweats are one of the most disturbing symptoms of perimenopause and menopause, mainly caused by estrogen deficiency and fluctuations in estrogen levels. Although estrogen doesn’t always decline first in perimenopause, if you’ve started skipping periods, that’s a clear sign that you have an estrogen deficiency, because you didn’t make enough estrogen to ovulate. The most common symptoms of estrogen deficiency are hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, missed periods, lighter bleeding, and depression. If you’re not having any problems falling asleep, but you wake every night at 2:00 AM drenched in sweat, or you feel hot just as you awaken every morning, then you’re most likely feeling the effects of low estrogen. Estrogen is both a serotonin agonist as well as a GABA agonist, two neurotransmitters that promote good mood and a sense of calm. Insomnia and depression are inextricably linked, so if you’re suffering from both of these and you’re perimenopausal, estrogen deficiency might be the cause.
Cortisol and Sleep
Cortisol is the adrenal hormone that wakes us up in the morning and helps us combat stress throughout the day, then declines at nighttime, allowing us to sleep. When we’re stressed, whether from external sources like the economy, or internal sources like infections or hormonal changes, our adrenals pour out massive amounts of cortisol initially, then often crash if the stress is insurmountable. During menopause, cortisol levels can spike during the night, causing those nighttime awakenings and disturbed sleep. Optimizing adrenal function is another key to that perimenopausal insomnia.
Thyroid and Sleep
The typical hypothyroid patient is so steeped in fatigue that they can sleep all day long. However a small subset of hypothyroidism causes insomnia. It’s as if the body doesn’t have enough energy during the day, then finally spikes at night, preventing the body from recharging and perpetuating the vicious cycle of fatigue. This may also be due to cortisol spikes at night, as mentioned above, but optimizing thyroid function is essential for healthy energy production and sleep-wake balance.
11. Headaches & Migraines
Headache is one of the most common symptoms in hypothyroidism. According to a study published in The Journal of Headache and Pain, patients with subclinical hypothyroidism have a higher risk of lifetime migraines. Another recent study found that headache disorders may be a risk factor for the development of new onset hypothyroidism. It is also believed that decreased levels of estrogen and progesterone, which occurs before/during menstruation and during perimenopause and menopause, may cause blood vessels to spasm at the base of the neck. Low adrenal function or an imbalance of brain chemicals, such as serotonin and dopamine, may also play a role but are often completely overlooked.
About National Academy of Hypothyroidism
The National Academy of Hypothyroidism is a non-profit, multidisciplinary medical society founded and headed by Kent Holtorf, MD, which is dedicated to dissemination of new information to doctors and patients on the diagnosis and treatment of hypothyroidism.
READ NEXT: 16 Signs You Might Be Hypothyroid & 10 Tips to Help
After i had my daughter, doctor insisted on me taking radio active iodine to kill off my hyperactive thyroid. Worse decision ever! Found Thyrovanz and I was myself again (my grandson even said I was outstanding and looked amazing! Unfortunatly the supply came to a halt for a long, long, time and now my barrel belly and all other symptoms have reaccured 10 fold. I wont even look in a mirror. Doc keeps pushing Levo which does nothing. Wait for labs and we’ll check your levels…Thank God the supply is back!! I am so anxious to get my order again. I hope I get it before my giant belly explodes and I can tie my shoes again without taking heartburn pills. I’ve actually been fearful of not breathing and nobody gets it. I know what works and thank you Thyrovanz I may have some life left in me now!
I had mine killed w iodine as well when i was 18, wish i never did! 34 and i feel like im 64! Thanks for the info about the other medication im going to talk to my doctor about it!
Thyroid root cause is often MTHFR
I have all the diseases listed except heart and also MTHFR
Thank you, Ashley! He is all we need!!!!!!! Blessings to you and yours for a Merry Christmas!!!!
The majority of the population don’t suffer from high stomach acid….but low acid (symptoms are the same). Taking most PPI’s only cause this to get worse. I found that if I drank dill pickle juice or took a tablespoon of Bragg’s ACV in a small glass of water a couple times a day helped me better than any of the drugs that doctors and pharmacies push on you.
us there natural remedies to control
I am 49, weigh 280, and feel like a sow on hind legs.I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism when I was 5 weeks old.I lose a lot of hair when I brush it, my hair is 18″ long.I Take 200 mcg’s. Of thyroid a day.Every time I change doctors, they bring my dosage all the way down to .oo1 mcg’s.Don’t they realize they’re fucking me up?My thyroid has always constantly squeezed my windpipe and make me gag all the time.This got me in a lot of trouble discipline wise at school.If I had a nickle for every time I got detention or suspended for ” disrupting class”.No relief in site being the story of my life….I Hate it.Why me?
I had hysterectomy in 2011, and I don’t take estrogen because it turns me into a real horrible bitch.Is it because my dad is mean and stupid and my mom is a narcistic know it all? Or is it my pituitary gland being starved of estrogen? my serotonin level is actually fine.
Estrogen alone made me a she-beast. When my dr added progesterone and testosterone to the mix, I was happier- much happier, lost 25 pounds, have the sex drive of a woman in her 30’s. I’m 56 and willing to take the risk of doing hormone replacement vs living miserably!!
What type of HRT are you taking, biodentical or patch, etc? Thanks
Hello CC….I’m so glad to here you are fine now. I’m thinking of asking my doctor for your ‘mix’, but I don’t think it would be wise, as I had a deep vein thrombosis in my right armpit when I was 25 (I’m now 72). It was from a change-over to a mini contraceptive pill which I knew nothing about, so that put an end to the pill and HRT for me (and my worried sister). Hence the DVT put another scare into me when Covid came about recently…blood clots I didn’t want again, and I haven’t risked having THE vaccination. Thank you for reading my post…good luck to you and our thyroid friends.
Have you been checked for Cushing’s Disease?
Your story sounds exactly like my daughters venture. It’s a bit eerie!
So sorry to hear you’ve been through so much. Docs andd Endocrinologists’ ignorance causes a nightmare.
I’ve been through 8 docs and 5 endos and only when i had thyroid antibodies tested did i get my true result.. primary autoimmune underactive thyroid.
I was told after 3 TSH tests i was fine.. i’ve had to track my symptoms, fight for proper testing, get tested for everything else and sign away responsibility of my 5th endo in order to be tecnically overmedicated.. yet i feel optimal on a slightly higher dose and sluggish, slow and brain fog etc on their dose.
Please find an endo that will listen to your research/symptoms you’ve tracked.. go armed with knowledge andfind research papers that show the docs dosing levels are low.. them they may ask you to sign a waiver but may slowely adjust your dose.
3 months to get in your system and brain to work it out and if too high.. 2 weeks to remove from system.
Hope this helps..
Here if you need more info. X x
Mary, do you take t4 and t3? If not you probably need to. do you see a functional or integrated physician? If not you need to. Also, get the book Stop The Thyroid Madness. Its life changing
Hello Dana, I would like to get advice on what I need to do next. I have suffered with hypothyroidism for many years. Also have been to many doctors and still experience many debilitating symptoms. Like many people, my lab test results are always normal or within normal limits. Of course, I take Levothyroxin with the rest of all hypothyroid sufferers. My symptoms range from severe to debilitating. I weigh more now than I ever have and can’t seem to get rid of it. I sweat profusely, insomnia, intolerant to heat, dry skin, hair loss, brittle nails and hair. But the most debilitating symptom is anxiety or panic and extreme digestion problems. I have a pituitary tumor that has been removed twice but has grown back. My third surgery resulted in only 40% being removed due to it being wrapped around my carotid artery and optic nerve. I have no idea which doctor to go to next or which medicines I should be taking. I’m very frustrated and feeling helpless.
Everything you wrote before the pituitary tumor describes me to a tee. I don’t have any advice to offer. Just want you to know you’re not alone.
I would be looking at a supplement called “Alovea Immun” by the company When you put in the address, make sure to capitalize the first letter (“A”). Alovea Immun gives the body the tools it needs to heal itself. Also, they have two other products that would be well worth considering–“Alovea Limitless” which acts as an anti-inflammatory (tumors in the brain often expand while they are healing so an anti-inflammatory is necessary). Alovea Entourage should also give the body what it needs to deal with this tumor. Alovea is a great company whose products have a great track record over the years . Well worth considering. This is not meant to diagnose, prescribe, etc.
P.S. A supplement called DIM helps chelate excess estrogen out of the body. (Excess estrogen contributes to hypothyroidism) Also, the company, Alovea has a hormone balancer. Hope this helps.
Have you ever tried the natural thyroid hormone (NP Thyroid) is what I’m taking. It’s not synthetic
In the estrogen section you left out an important symptom that went undiagnosed in my case. I started having off and on periods and had a dangerous pregnancy with my daughter. I was on bed rest much of the time due to bleeding and cramping. She was finally born in good health except for three weeks in the hospital with bilirubin problems. My bleeding problems grew with time until it became difficult to leave the house. I went to my doctor and they did a D&C to see if they could figure it out. That made no difference and the bleeding worsened. Finally they tested me again and I was admitted to the hospital for extreme anemia. While there I had a more involved thyroid test and they saw that the thyroid was almost non-existent. I then had a nuclear scan and was found to have growths on the thyroid and in several places in that area. They determined that this condition had been going on for about sixteen years. I was given thyroid hormone and the growths shrunk and since I have to continue taking thyroid hormone, the growths remain under control and I have thyroid tests every three months to make sure it continues to be controlled. IN addition, the bleeding miraculously stopped. This has been quite the journey. I blame the severity of it on the doctors who early on said that the thyroid was a little low and they would check it again next time. I could have avoided many years of misery if they had followed it up sooner.
Yep. Been going thru this (and more) since they took out my thyroid after RAI failed. That was 42 years ago at the age of 21. It’s been a constant struggle.
What about Lupus, I’ve just been diagnosed with Cutaneous lupus erythematosus, which is Lupus of the skin, and a lot of the symptoms are very hypothyroidism like?
Same here, check out Janie Bowethorp’s website Stop The Thyroid Madness (
It is saving my life right now! Lots of information and studies with lots of help on your journey. I’m taking Armour natural thyroid with extra T3 and starting to feel the best I have in years!
And they said I was just crazy🤭🤭
: debramazzarelli says on January 31,2020. I just saw my endo who suggested Trulicity. Not covered by insurance company. I am doomed to starve self to maintain 170 lbs. when just 2 years ago I was140, 5’9” tall, happy focused, no angst. And exercised daily: am now lost at just trying to maintain. Fit in fewest of clothes. Cortisol his. TSH off charts., back to insomnia and fatigue and foggiest brain ever. Turning 65 in a few months. Felt and looked great.
Endo says try meteor in, say it doesn’t work and then I’ll get Trulity to help my insulin levels. Why aren’t pharmacists forced to listen to phds. Forsake of patient. So frustrated.
You mean the high side of normal. Low side of normal actually means your thyroid is working better. Please read more. If your thyroid is low it’s working better or going to hyper if to low. High side going hypo or working slower. Confusing? Yes. But, after 33 yrs of having this desease I finally understand it. Regards!!
Yes I too float up snd down with hyper and hypo.. had subacute thyroiditis a couple of times as well. I can relate to all symptoms listed in all comments above, especially the throat feeling like something is stuck, cant swallow, voice hoarse, extreme gerd,
I have hereditary spherocytosis(white persons sickle cell)hypothyroid,rosacea, and other not so fun things going on.i have read about LDN low dose naltraone,i want to try.problem is ohio drs are very conservative and won’t prescribe it.shame on them,I have read over 100 reviews on LDN and every one was full of praise.please do a facebook search for LDN.full of great info.i am sick and tired of being sick and tired.
A naturopathic doctor will prescribe LDN. I searched my state for naturopathic doctors and went to one, well worth the drive. Has gotten my thyroid going in the right direction.
I was finally diagnosed with hypothyroidism 3 years. I had asked my PCP many times about my thyroid levels and he always said they were fine. It took an endocrinologist to diagnose and begin thyroid meds. I felt so much better.
I began needing to see my dentist for a lot of caps. Last year he put five caps on my teeth. I asked why and he just had no idea. Then the bad news on one of my cleaning dental visits. One of my molars was dead. Then in two months I caught a glimpse of my bite wing x-rays another root from a molar looked grey. I asked why ? I was told I needed a root canal. The flags and bells and whistles went off in my brain and I pushed to know why? No real answer again. I went to see a maxalfacial dentist and finally heard the truth. My teeth were dying from the root up. The reason was my thyroid med. He warned me not to stop taking my meds but also that I would lose most of my teeth. The thyroid med causes dry mouth which means all the good bacteria die off and the bad takes over. No reversing it.
I have low thyroid, dry eyes, dry mouth and Lupus. Have had some dental work also. Tried an implant twice but they worked their way out, guess the end game is dentures.
Judy, have you been diagnosed with Sjogren’s in addition to your lupus and Hashimoto’s? I have all three, and the Sjogren’s is what is causing my teeth issues. Just lost three teeth and got implants. Now I’m worried about keeping them! I use Biotene mouth wash and spray to help with mouth dryness, and eye drops for my dry eyes – gel at night and regular during the day. Maybe it will help if you’ve never tried it. Please let me know if you have other suggestions. Good luck! Trisha
Same with me. Five teeth infected. I had all five filled. I was diagnosed withbpre diabetes. I since been taking vitamin d3 which was really low. Changed my diet . I been feeling better. If my teeth continue to deteriorate I an asking for new meds. Its been such a challenge. I also changed my insurance Bkue shield never checked anything. My new insurance checks everything.
May I ask which thyroid medicine you were taking at this time? My teeth are just horrible, like falling apart, cracking and I’m considering implants. Did you change medication & if so to which one?
Appreciate your response,
Wow explains the state of my teeth.. am also on codeine and tramadol also causing dry mouth I couldn’t understand why the teeth I lost were hollow and the roots of those removed were decaying blamed it on letrozol a hormone blocker thanks for your comment 👍
About 30 years ago I was so fatigued I could barely get through the day & I worked full time too. I went to my PCP & saw his Physicians Assistant. She did bloodwork…TSH, T3 & T4 along with the usual. She said my thyroid was on the low side of ‘normal’ & asked me if I wanted to try meds to see if it would help. I’ve been on meds ever since for hypothyroidism with dose adjusted a couple times. I take Armour Thyroid every day. I’m thankful she was willing to let me try the meds even though I was within the normal range. It’s important to have the T3 & T4 tested along with the TSH!!! Good luck everyone.
? Once you get to the proper T3 T4 TSH numbers with meds why can’t I loose the pounds that hypothyroidism have me?
Becky, I didn’t start losing until my t3 and t4 were ‘optimal, and I changed what I was eating (3+ years ago). I am corn, soy, gluten, grains, and dairy free. I started eating for my health. I figured I ate whatever I wanted for 50+ years and it was a time for change due to being hypo. I first joined a thyroid support group online, started following the AIP diet, and started exericising a few times a week. It has been the hardest, yet most rewarding thing I’ve ever done for ME. Good luck.
May I add to your comment that it is FREE T3 and T4 levels you need to check, not just T4 and T3. Unless the test says free in front of this “T” levels it is measuring bound (to protein) levels which are worthless information. Reverse T3 also tells quite the story and is associated with how you feel.
Insomnia is the worst. I take Melatonin rather then any sleeping drugs. It doesn’t always help but it gives me a better quality of life. I just now dont fight it but use Netflix to get through some nights.
Didn’t sleep but 3 hours a night for probably 50 years, found a naturopathic doctor who prescribed LDN and have slept like a baby since.
I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism in 1993. I have been on Levothyroxine ever since. I My husband and I had just moved to Florida. It was June and I had double layers of clothes to keep me warm. When I went to the doctor he said I was fine. I knew there was something wrong. I had blood work done on my own and the results came back hypothyroidism. Back to the doctor and all he could say was “we will have to talk”. Since then I have had 2 breast cancers, radiation, double mastectomy and chemo. I have reflux, diabetes, & heart problems. I have 5 stents and a mitral valve clip in my heart. April of last year I was hospitalized for 2 weeks with the flu. After 3 weeks in rehab I was diagnosed with afib. My hair was falling out & my nails were flaking. My caretaker asked if my thyroid was checked. No it wasn’t. When checked I was now “hyper”. I also was anemic. Had a transfusion of 4 units of blood, 2 500 units of Iron and B12 shots that I will have for the next year. I’m having an endoscopy in 2 weeks to see if the bleeding is in my stomach from the reflux meds. My cancer doc says the bleeding can also come from the colon but I’m too old for a colonoscopy. I will be 90 in a few weeks. I think many of my problems are thyroid related. Since I have my new meds my afib is gone. I also have Sjogren Syndrome an autoimmune disease which may contribute to my health problems. I have a knee & a hip replacement. My Mother lived to 103 and just took a vitamin pill each day. I am optimistic that I will find out what my problems are and be back to my social life soon.
It is ridiculous that so many of us feel like death, yet Drs ignore our symptoms or just TSH us to death. Endocrinologists are the worst culprits. Can some group ignite change. I am dying here. Bed bound with ME/CFS. So many other problems, hopeless.
Hi Nancy, I too struggle with all the above symptoms. My doctor used radiation to destroy my thyroid and now I am on Synthroid. Which is hard to regulate. You have to be your own advocate and Find a doc that will listen.good luck to you.
Hi Nancy, I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism 5 years ago. I take medicine for it but I don’t feel well. I’m tired all the time. No energy. Gained 60 lbs . my hair is falling out and I have terrible dry skin a Long with eczema
I look in the mirror and wonder who this person is looking back at me
I use to be very attractive and slender
O don’t have the energy or the drive to even fix my hair pretty or out on make up.
I don’t even remember what it was like to feel good. I try to talk to my endrocolgist and all she says is well. Your level is good” I have pretty much given up
I guess this us the way I’m going to feel now. I’m 59 years old with a lot of life left but.
Don’t give up, be your own advocate, find a new doctor! You can and should feel good and don’t stop until you get there! I’ve had this thyroid disease (first Graves/hyper now Hashimotos/Hypo) since 1991. I have had a few physicians both Primary Care and Endocrinologist. I have done a ton of research and it’s my belief the correct range for TSH is 0.30-3.0. I have found through trial and error that I feel my best at a TSH of 1.50 and that is what I tell my Doctor. And I no longer get pushback, they just adjust my meds accordingly. CHANGE DOCTORS and try to go with an Endocrinologist until you find one that cares how you feel!!
Best to you!
I have all the symptoms above, I have had bloods taken so many times, each time my Dr tells me I don’t have thyroid disease, so what IS wrong with me please someone tell me ?
Try this test TSH4. Many years it didn’t show once I had this blood work it showed and you must fast for 12 hours before sometimes it takes more expensive test to confirm good luck
I have all the symptoms above. I take synthroud an i put on massive weight since i first started no matter what i do just cant loose or keep it off, i feel like walking death an its really no kind of life, im told my levels are within bounds but still struggle, its a constant battle everyday to maintain all these , i just learned from this there all connected
Have the Dr check your thyroid antibodies. I had the same problem for years until I read a article about hypothyroidism. My levels were way higher than they were supposed to be.
you probably do have it. My doctor I have now says if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck -It’s a duck and they should have treated you regardless of bloodwork it was obvious what was wrong with you! I felt the same way. I was put on steroids and went from 120 to 240 in in 4 months. I had such a bad reaction to them. They killed my adrenal glands and my Thyroid. I was so hypothyroid but the steroid skewed the blood test. After that, I’m not sure why it took so long to test positive, but it did. Years. 10-12 years of infertility, weight issues, headaches, everything on this list. It was awful. Don’t give up, keep pushing and if you don’t get the answer go to another Dr.
Hello all. Levothyroxine did not work for me. I have Hashimotos and suffer from all symptoms mentioned above. I am currently prescribed Nature-thyroid, progesterone and cortisol. A few other suppliments as well like b vitamins and CoQ10. Sadly most conventional Doctors do not have the knowledge to know. I recommend the Hotze website. Dr Hotze has helped so many but unfortunately doesn’t take insurance. Dr. Jill Taylor in Humble, Tx is who I am currently seeing. She has an informative website as well. Prayers and best wishes for you all to find some help and symptom relief A.S.A.P. I know what y’all are going through and it’s not easy. Please look them up on the internet. Knowledge is power!
What tests should be done? I’ve had mine test many many times and I’m always told it’s in the normal range, yet I have almost all the symptoms you list, more from the first set.
Ask for a full thyroid panel test to be done. They usually only test the T4 range which could miss if you have Hashimoto disease.
You need more than just a TSH. Find a good naturopath that will test not only TSH but T3 and T4 as well as AIG (I think those are the correct letters). It stands for Anti Immune something. Often the bodies of people taking Levothyroxine are not capable of converting it to a T3. Their bodies can’t do it and they need a different med.
I have Been through this journey as well, ladies, and please be encouraged..
I am learning to trust in Him.. The Great Physician.. He may heal us He may not, but in all things look to and put your hope in Him.. those of high who don’t know what Im talking about, please ask someone who is a Christ follower..❤
Absolutely thanking you for this best advice 🙏🏻
Hello I am 43 and I’ve been hypothyroidism for many years. I originally was placed on Armor 90mcq and seemed to work good but I continued to have very low sex drive, horrible migraine that I’m still taking injections for and Zofran for nausea, I’m always tired, and I can never loose weight. Once I started seeing my new pcp she took me off of my armor 90 mcq because my labs were good. Well that’s because I was on medication. Every since my labs have been 5.40, 6.10, most recent from May 10 was 7.10 and I forgot to mention that 2 months ago she put me on levothyroxine. I’m still not feeling any better still no sex drive, I could sleep all day, I have no energy what so ever I always feel like I’m going bald with all the hair that I loose. My skin is terribly dry and I continue to gain weight. Still no change in my migraines or any of the other symptoms. I feel sorry for my husband because he always feels rejected it’s a fight every night for us. I go to the doctor tomorrow after work to go the results. I’m full menopause no ovaries either. I’m not on any medications for that either. Thank you all for listening to me I just feel so depressed.
I have a lot of the same, although I’m on a different med( levothyroxin)
But I Listened and I understand Hun!!!!
Hello Beverly, I completely understand and I feel your pain. Five years ago I started showing symptoms and was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. I was put on Levothroxine. I haven’t felt well since. I can’t even remember the last time I felt well. I have gained 50 lbs. My hair is thinning terribly. My skin is dry and I have no energy. It’s absolutely terrible. I look in the mirror and I don’t even know who the person is looking back at me
. I have never heard of the Armor meds as mentioned in a few posts here. Maybe I should see if the doctor would let me try that.
I want my life back😞
I’m wondering if you may not be on the right dose? It can be difficult. If you are seeing your PCP I would ask for a referral to an endocrinologist, someone who specializes in thyroid disease. You need to tell the doctors what YOU need. It has been hard going through my thyroid being removed but luckily I had someone who had been through it and told me what I need to do. You have to take control of your health care because if you don’t no one will! I hope everything works out.
L.p.I finally got a referral to an awesome endocrinologist! I was diagnosed with Hashimoto disease/Hypothyroidism. I had been taking Levothyroxine for years. Come to find out I developed a Metaballic Syndrome due to all the medication my PCM had put me on for all the other medical conditions caused by the thyroid desease! I cannot take anything in a pill form! The chemicals labs use to put medication into a pill form are what nearly killed me! My body was in a critical state by the time I finally got to see the endocrinologist! My PCM is furious because she doesn’t believe this, but ALL my lab results prove it. I’ve also lost 18 pounds in 5 months!!
I’m not sure an endocrinologist is the answer. I went to one. All she wanted to go is write me a RX. She mentioned that I might be low on selenium that she would order the lab but that it might effect my Diabetes medication. During my visit she was looking at the wrong patient file. Also I suggested she run a FULL panel of all the labs dealing with Hosimotos and she “I don’t do that, that’s something you can have your primary doctor do”. Find a good functional medicine
For those of you that are experiencing dry mouth and are taking Synthroid, it’s possibly the talc that’s added as a filler. There’s another medication called Tirosint it doesn’t contain talc. I had my thyroid removed in 1993 and suffered until this year with all the things y’all talk about. I insisted to my doctor that she try me on Cytomel. I have had a life altering experience. My weight is under 150, my brain no longer goes ninety miles an hour. My husband (of 47 years) says he sees the difference. Speak up when you go to the doctors ask to try something different if you feel what your taking isn’t making you feel better. And add Jesus to the mix he makes life so much better.
Hello Everyone,
After years of living with symptoms, my new PCP identified Hashimoto’s as my problem and referred me to an endocrinologist. At first I was on levothyroxine, which did nothing for me. Now I am on Tiroscint, a more expensive drug that also is doing nothing. In the meantime, my PCP suggested a home sleep study because of my sleep issues. It showed nothing wrong. As time went by my sleep increased to 20 hours in 24. The few hours I was up, I was exhausted. My friend recommended a monitored sleep study with all the wires, etc. while it took some finagling to get the insurance company to cover part of it, my diagnosis was of CENTRAL SLEEP APNEA…I had never heard of it! And there is little literature available to learn of it. Basically as I currently understand it, as a result of heart or stroke issues, the brain stem fails to tell the lungs to breathe as we sleep, of course there is no way for us to know that because we are asleep! I just had my titration session to determine the cpap settings needed to optimize my night-time breathing, but even one night gave me nearly two days of feeling almost normal again. I have to wait now to see the doctor and obtain my prescription for my own cpap, so I can’t speak to the long term benefits of the treatment. In the meantime, I want to yell it from the treetops that I have hope for the first time in over 20 years of feeling lousy and fearing Alzheimer’s because I have been so forgetful. May God Bless you all with a solution to your issues.
I’m shocked that i actually have EVERY single symptom. People don’t understand the fatigue and think i’m just lazy. I’m going to my doctor in a few months for a complete physical, and i’m going to talk with him about switching from levothyroxine to armor or another one. Any feedback on the differences of brandnames?
Thank you.
I had my thyroid removed to the right and half the left. Had a border it was making my life awful. After bout 10years had to go on medicine ending up taking Armour. I still have problems with them having to change meds up or down. Have to watch medicine for colds or flu have had 3 thyroid storms the last one being very bad from taking a generic Zpack. Not to many people knew bout the storms might need to check them out.
My sister was hyperthyroid. She ended up being life flighted to a major hospital from her small regional hospital. She died three times and they managed to bring her back each time. They put her into a medically induced coma. She was in the hospital nearly 3 months and required PT once she was released. Thyroid storms are nothing to mess with!
My doctor tried every brand in various doses. The only one that helped is NP Thyroid. I have to take 2 of the 60 mg., because it does not come in 120 mg. But it has helped with nearly all the symptoms. Despite forms the doctor filled out, my insurance doesn’t cover much of it — but GoodRx used at Walmart pharmacy got it down to 1/3 the original price. Hope you find what works for you!
Hi I’ve been on throxin for many years as I’ve gotten older I’ve developed a new symptom that I’ve got ringng noise in my head also feel like I wake up to a hangover every day plus i carry around a smell about me only I seem to notice so not sure if it inside my nose sometimes it’s so strong I want to be sick any advice I’d really appreciate it
Hello I am on meds for thyroid two different pills one one day the other next day. So why do I have all the symptoms still if I take meds should I not be good. Also taking estrogen n progesterone. Hate all the feelings. Teresa
I too am hypo thyroid and I still has all the symptoms till I went on Armour thyroid. I feel like myself again and I have no symptoms. I hope this helps you but many doctors don’t prescribe this and from what I have researched it’s because drug companies push other more profitable Drugs. Good luck!
Listening to you makes me feel less alone but not really better. I have just recently experienced the severe fatigue- terrifying! Another new symptom is heart palpitations and tingling. I’ve started taking supplements: ashwagonda, probiotics, and vitamin B complex. I already take D and levothyroxine nd antidepressants as well as mood stabilizers. I feel like labs are key but I got a bill for $600 for my detailed ones and that was when I had insurance. Hang in there ladies! Never give up!
I went to two functional doctors and they did all the blood panel work, put me on progesterone and estrogen, Armour because my T3 wouldn’t convert. I’m hypo but instead of gaining weight I lost 43 pounds and did not need to do I quit going to her, the other one I went to told me to eat whatever I wanted to do I could gain some weight. I gained about eight pounds and she just totally dropped me without an explanation and sent me to an Internist who told me I don’t have a thyroid problem. What in the hell is going on? I’m pretty sure when he did my blood work he only tested my TSH, T4, and T3. That tells you nothing. I’m supposed to see an Endocrinologist in December. I went to functional doctors because they are supposed to be the best when getting to the bottom of ur thyroid problem. But that didn’t happen. I doubt it will happen with this Endocrinologist either. Because I probably know more than he does about getting to the root cause of my thyroid problem. I have researched this thyroid thing very throughly and I started taking leaky gut supplements and probiotics, multivitamins, Brazil nuts, pumpkin seeds and all the vitamins and minerals that are supposed to help ur thyroid. The problem im having is I cannot take but half a dose of my 15 mg Armour because it makes my heart feel like it is going to jump out of my chest. That makes no sense to me. Why can’t I take Armour? They tried me on synthroid and cytomel the first time and the cytomel did me the same way. I can’t take T3 for some reason. Except for 7.5 mgs. What do I do?I don’t really feel bad as far as being fatigued goes. I just don’t know what to do. Any suggestions?
It truly sucks! So many people are suffering with this problem and just cannot get any help. I’m on those supplements you mention. I exercise when I have the energy to, yet, my sleep is a mess. I’m a U. S.Army Veteran And they don’t know shit at the VA either. I went to a Naturapatic Doctor who doesn’t take insurance I was charged $800+ for about 20 minutes of his time. I was still
messed up. I thought about going back to him to ask for a refund, but he died. I’m so afraid of drugs I don’t know what else to do. I hope you find a Solution. I’m gonna keep on doing “self-care.”
Dear Hypothyroid Mom, let me try to break down my thyroid problems without giving my life story. I’m 60 yrs old, I have all the symptoms u have listed for hypothyroidism. I’m presently on 100Mcg Levothyroxine per day. I also take Zoloft, Wellbutrin and Vistaril for anxiety. I have had anxiety attacks since my Mothers death in 1986. I have had 3 surgeries 1991, 2001 and 2010 pituitary tumor removal. The last surgery in 2010 left with 65% of the tumor that could not be removed due to where the tumor is and the risk factor of blindness, Aortic rupture, etc. I have been to dr after dr to no avail. Of course, all testing came back normal except for high cholesterol and hypothyroidism. I would like to be advised of where I go next, what test do I need and how to find a dr that will know how to treat me?
Dana, I was reading the comments and came across yours. The medications you are taking for your depression had me concerned about a couple of things. The tumor you mentioned that you have and it’s location. I do not want to cause you any stress. I just felt I should mention it to you. The two antidepressants Zoloft and Wellbutrin taken together effects the central nervous system. With the location of your tumor I felt a bit concerned about the combination of those medications not being the right combo. I’m not a doctor, not even close. Just another women with thyroid problems. If the tumor is in a place where it could cause a seizure, maybe you should speak with your doctor and make sure they are safe for you. God Bless and I wish you the best! *Kristen
Dear Kristen, thank you for your response. The doctor that gave me these meds, is well aware of my tumor and it’s position in my brain. For many years I took Sertraline but I was prescribed Wellbutrin, Vistaril and now Mirtazapine due to breakthrough anxiety attacks. I don’t really know why these others were added but I’m guessing due to my age and weight increase. Not only are my hypothyroid symptoms are worse and my stomach is a mess. I have been reading a lot about how some experts are beginning to believe that anxiety is more a symptom of hypothyroidism rather than a psychological problem. Unfortunately whenever I am anxious my stomach goes crazy(sometimes as my as 15 bouts of diarrhea a day) or if my stomach gets sick then my anxiety explodes. It’s a vicious cycle that has debilitated my everyday life. You would think that I would be super skinny, that’s not the case. My abdomen looks like a barrel and is constantly blotted. My legs and arm are skinny so I look like a big ole apple with toothpicks stuck in it. I can’t help but feel that I’m lacking the proper medications for my thyroid but there hasn’t been a dr yet that has discovered what I need. All my labs come back as “normal” but my symptoms are growing worse every year. I’ve asked before if my tumor may have anything to do with my problems but several drs don’t seem to think so. My pituitary affects my thyroid, seems logical to me that there could be a connection.🤔. So I guess I’ve said all this to ask if anyone knows what kind of dr and/or medications I need. I would appreciate any suggestions as to where I go next.
Has anyone checked you for celiac disease?
I tried Wellbutrin years ago to quit smoking. I stopped before a week was over. It caused me to have mood swings and what may have been anxiety attacks. It made me so reactive (a b—-ch). I couldn’t stand to be around myself!
P.S. I quit smoking cold turkey in January 2001. I gained 85 pounds up to 312!! The rest of the story…..too long.😔
I have Panic Disorder … I won’t tell you the whole long story but my first panic attack was within 24 hours of starting Wellbutrin for anxiety given to me by a PA. I continued to have SEVERE panic (7 days in the hospital) for at least a month until they took me off Wellbutrin. I got a new physician that saved my life and worked to get my panic attacks under control which they now are because of medication adjustment, and learning about anxiety/panic and I have had tremendous success with behavioral therapy that I have done on my own with the help of a wonderful psychologist and a book he recommended ‘Anxiety Phobia and Panic Workbook’by Edmond J Bourne
Best wishes,
today after almost 3 years since having my Thyroid cancer surgery , I have just given up. I am so sick and tired of being tired. I have a few good days then I am in bed for 3 days. I cant manage getting to work every day. I have to pay an assistant because I cant get to work. This is causing me financial issues. I feel in a no win situation . My doctor says my blood work is all normal. Yada yada yada. I am told that I have been just lying around for 2 years so my body is used to it, so I just need to suck it up and get moving. I have read so many books and looked at so many websites. Today is the official day I stop trying!
I have read this and just simply want to say you have been lifted up in my prayers.
Don’t give up you are loved and help will come.
Please don’t give up. Change your doctor and seek other opinions. You can beat the fatigue by pacing yourself. I have many health conditions 1 of which is an underactive thyroid so I do understand. Be kind to yourself and keep fighting x
There is 2 groups on facebook with lots of good info. Stop the Thyroid Madness and FTPO- THYCA that I joined. I know exactly how you are feeling. Don’t give up. There is hope. The hardest part is finding a doctor who knows what tests you need and how to read them.
Thyroid patient need to see a Naturopathic doctor who messes with just the thyroid and hormones. Those two work together..Doctors and Endocrinologists don’t go into the food sensitivity and hormones that are linked to the thyroid. You can read this all over the web when you start researching info. Naturopathic or Functional doctors get to the root of what is causing your problem. This is what they study. A good one will do a panel of blood work that also includes your hormones. After that, they will do a food allergy testing for enviromental allergy’s and food allergy’s or sensitivities that are causing you body to attack the thyroid. They also will get you on supplements to help the healing to start in the body and help support your thyroid. Also, they will start regulating your hormones. Yes, I take about 6 different kinds. 4 times a day. I feel so much better and after two weeks of starting this, I was sleeping so deeply and no naps . I was warmer for sure, and more energy. I’ve been going through this for the last five months now, and have lowered my no’s. back to normal. My doctor calls me Hard Core . Yes, that’s what it takes. To me this is the hardest thing I’ve done in my whole life. It deals with food. I’ve had all my yummy food taken away. But, I am no longer type 2 diabetic. I’ve lost weight. After three months of being GF and DF, I had another blood test to see how I was doing, and all my tests came back normal. Because I was FIRM with myself on the new food allowance. I read about how to do this. I was looking all the time, trying to figure out what to do and how to eat. I am now just working on food sensitivities to lower my antibody count. As I just got my final allergy report back. I go back in three weeks for another big panel of lab work, and I am hoping for better results on my antibodies. It takes a long time to heal the gut with food allergy or sensitivities. They cause so many different things from celiacs to Crohns, acid reflux, etc. Hashimotos is a severe side of what happens when the thyroid is under severe attack. This leads to heart problems, Graves’ disease etc. You can control your thyroid and it can work better with your med.when you get to the root problem of why it went bad in the first place. Food sensitivities give off signs in our body, but we don’t realize it until our thyroid goes bad over time. I follow a Paleo diet, and yes it’s hard, as whole food is what I eat. I’m allergic to the everyday foods that I used to love. Eating out is sooo hard. I manage , and I keep researching my recipes on Pinterest, I look up different questions I have. This keeps me in high gear to keep going and not to give in. I feel itchy or ge5 a headache or worse , stomach ache all day if I do eat something that I mistakenly had. I’ve cleaned up my body inside and that’s why I get that. It’s a reminder for me to watch my eating more carefully. I also learn about how to recognize certain bad food s that bother me. Hashimotos 411 is a awesome group online of people who give you suggestions and can help. Their like us. But some know lots of answers that help. I have a lot food sensitivities that gave me leaky gut over my lifetime. I’m always hungry, because my meals contain a meat and veggie or fruits and healthy fats, like olive oil and avocado oil, seeds, nuts. That’s it. But, staying away from all the bad stuff is leading me to a healthier life that’s what I keep running over inside my head. Just have to stay positive. Yes, I’ve had to learn how to cook all over again. It’s not much fun, but I try to be creative. Sugar alone, will hurt your stomach. It eats away at the lining causing inflammation. Makes you gain weight. Dairy is bad for sinuses, asthma. Yep, suffered that one my whole life. This spring my sinuses were not bad at all, but I just started with this new eating thing. I do know I have probably had a gluten problem and dairy problem since I was 30. Just reading about it took me back on the symptoms. That’s when sinuses and asthma and my allergies started getting bad. Going GF, DF, Grain free will be my life for a while till my stomach heals. Then reintoducement will follow. I will most likely be GF forever, but hopefully I can lead a more normal life with a few more foods added in. It’s very hard, but I know I can be healthy again.
Hi Amy. Don’t give up. I have autoimmune disease, which is accompanied with B-12 deficiency, loss of vision, food sensitive to almost everything, low adrenal levels, severe arthritis in my neck, my blood pressure crashes so low I feel like I am going to pass out most of the time, early menopause at the age of 30 with every known negative side effect you can get, tons of pain in my abdomen, constant exhaustion and many other wonderful symptoms. I have suffered for years. I am stubborn and manage to hold a full time job. Definitely not easy and I’ve got nothing left at the end of my day. It took me ten years to find a doctor to even attempt to take me seriously. I could go on forever about my story over the last 20 years., my point is this. If your symptoms aren’t written in a medical book and backed by tons of research doctors simply don’t know what to do. That’s when you get the brush off. Suddenly your to much work and they don’t want to look like idiots. Take your power back, do your own reaserch. Find a good natural path, an MD with a further education in natural pathic medicine, someone who is not afraid to think outside the box. I Have suffered unnecessarily because of doctors. About a month ago I was ready to throw in the towel for the hundredth time. My final attempt was a natural path. To my surprise I have actually started to see some positive improvements. I have only spent about $450.00. Worth every penny and I wish I had listened to my gut ages ago. I searched out natural paths around my area and read tons of revues before I chose one. To my surprise I nailed it. She is fantastic. I have a good journey ahead yet but this is the first real bit of hope I’ve had in years and maybe I’ll at least be able to enjoy part of my life. You are not alone, don’t give up, take your power back. You’ve made it this far you are obviously a very strong person. I have never responded to anything before and I just accidentally stumbled on your comment. You got my attention. You got this, you are strong. Wish you all the best.
Gina and Amy, I feel your pain!
I am 31 with two kids. Just had the left half of my thyroid removed last month due to a rapidly growing nodule. Have been diagnosed hypo for close to 10 years now but about 3-4 yers ago hit an all-time low with my fatigue and exhaustion.
I gained 100 lbs in one year, would sleep 12,14,16 hours per day and still be tired. Of course, depression resulted. I was excited when I finally got referred to an endo because thought I was goong to be “fixed” or at least feel like a normal human after my TSH levels got to normal.
Its been at least a year and a half TSH is normal, and I still feel like I’m dragging around almost every day and if i don’t take at least one nap per day I struggle to function.
People may think that I’m lazy now, and I say that I’m tired all the time…but this is not like tired felt to me before I had these problems. Some days it almost feels like the life has been sucked or drained out of me :-/
My kids jokingly call my sleeping and naps ‘hibernation’ and it kills me every day that I am not and almost physically can not spend the time with them that I want to or that they deserve because I’m exhausted for what seems like no reason.
My most recent lab work results were all within range except for high ALT, liver functions, which is most likely due to the Hashimoto’s or weight gain. I have lost half of the 100 lbs in the last year. But I don’t have more energy from weight loss, I’m just less exhausted if you understand what I mean.
I’m quite certain my insurance will not cover or help pay for any natural or holistic healthcare or medicines but that’s the point I’m at now: browsing to see what supplements may help and self-researching the crap out of ANYTHING that I could do, or try, or get, to help me feel better!!!
After 4 years, 5 doctors, and surgery, medication and self advocating, I’m ready for a break. If it weren’t for my two daughters I would probably throw my towel in and curl up in a ball to avoid suffering any more discouraging frustration.
I, like Gina said, hardly ever respond or reply to comments on ANY site ever. But I did want you to know that you are not alone, and from my experience, giving up will not make things better.
It IS DEFINITELY hard. As if the physical symptoms are not bad enough, we should try our best to see light at the end of the tunnel, or believe it’s there.
Thank you for sharing your story Gina, and Amy don’t give up!
Listening to you makes me feel less alone but not really better. I have just recently experienced the severe fatigue- terrifying! Another new symptom is heart palpitations and tingling. I’ve started taking supplements: ashwagonda, probiotics, and vitamin B complex. I already take D and levothyroxine nd antidepressants as well as mood stabilizers. I feel like labs are key but I got a bill for $600 for my detailed ones and that was when I had insurance. Hang in there ladies! Never give up!
I recommend getting a ZYTO Scan. Got mine done at my new chiropractor. Look it up on YouTube. Has helped me greatly! Also, highly recommend you to check out naturopaths or chiropractors that use ZYTO in conjunction with the Standard Process line. Working for me. Finally! Good luck & good health to you!
I commented to another person on this post with details…look into CENTRAL SLEEP APNEA. If your history fits, consider the sleep study if you can. My home study did not show any problem, but the monitored on has. The titration session alone left me feeling better than I have in years
Jami Arrington replied to your comment.
Jami Arrington replied to your comment.
I’m 31 years old with hypothyroidism. I found out 5 months after i had my son. I was 19 at the time. But i was first diagnosed with hyperthyroidism May 2007. Before my son i weighed 98 pds. I gained weight and had a normal prengacy and minor preeclampsia durning delivery but everything was fine. For my post partum i had went from 127 to 105 pds. That’s went they started questioning habits and how i felt and then I was sent for bloodwork and hyperthyroidism was the diagnosis. In November 2007 it was suggested that i do the radiation to lower my thyroid because i was losing too much weight and so i went on to do the radiation idione which what it does is burns some of the thyroid tissues to slow it down. After the radiation bloodwork was collected and it was determined that the hyperthyroidism was gone but that it also gave me hypothyroidism because the dosage of the radiation was more than anticipated. So my doctor suggested that i take levothyroxine i can sit here and go through all the dosages that i have been on but well be here all day. I just wasn’t taking the medication properly and would always forget. At this point now thinking about it i wouldn’t be surprised if i took more than one pill because i wasn’t sure of i took it at all. Mind you my weight never went up. I think the most i have touched since being diagnosed is 122. Still typically slim. I currently weigh 109. Since being diagnosed my weight just goes up and down. Anyways throughout my years of not taking my medication property i can tell you that the symptoms that i feel are currently both i feel. I don’t gain weight that sticks because of the hyper. I have an Apple Watch and i track my heart rate i don’t now how accurate it is but my resting heart rate is 46. I’m always cold but that’s hypo not hyper. Living with the symptoms of both hyper and hypo isn’t easy. Everyday is a struggle. I see a lot of people responses but i haven’t seen a post or an article explaining being diagnosed with one but having the symptoms for both. I haven’t seen an endocrinologist since 2008 ish I wanna say, but my medical doctor treated me like such a baby that as long as I was seeing him I was ok. But lately I’ve been feeling different maybe I’m getting older and I’m starting to slow down and things are getting worse or its because I haven’t taken the medication long enough to see or feel a difference. In the reading this article alot of things that have to do with anxiety and depression I noticed that those are the symptoms that I have been feeling I’m hoping that since i’m now taking the medication properly that I start to see a change soon.
I am 54. Hashimotos has been my baby for 30 years.
School principal: I brought cookies or I brought Doughnuts.
me: I don’t eat them, I don’t eat gluten, or sugar, or polyunsaturated fat
Colleague: why do you email at 2:00 am?
Me: I can sleep a long time, but I’m always wide awake at around 2:00
Honor Society students: you are invited to our teachers appreciation pizza party.
Me: I will politely decline…. or can I bring a salad?
Husband: it’s a plain fact that you can’t put on weight unless you eat too much. That thyroid thing is just an excuse.
Me: I’ve eaten with you all weekend and you haven’t even noticed that I skipped most of what you ate and my calorie intake has been minuscule plus I Road my bike 100 miles this week.
The list is endless of lack of understanding, lack of support and judgements… like
You are a hypochondriac, or you are so unsociable.
My friends know that I am a vibrant, problem solving, kick in the pants!
Yet… Hashimotos Disease is the most common thyroid disorder in the world and the most under diagnosed
Hi Karen, Your thyroid is not an excuse. It slows down metabolism and on top of that causes swelling. Your comment so perfectly describes the experience of so many hypothyroid people, I wonder may I post it as a guest article at Hypothyroid Mom? I can make it anonymous if you prefer without your name, or if you have a website you wish to promote I would use your name as the guest writer with a bio at the end. Let me know.
I so totally relate to everything you endured and your suffering is all too familiar. I have so much empathy and hope and pray that someday the medical field will come to realize the reality of all of this and seek to find a cure rather than patronizing so many of us who continue to endure the horrors of hypothyroidism . It has totally ruined my life and brought me to my knees to say the least. My quality of life is minimal st best and I pray continually for the will to live. The irony for me personally is that I have a young child to care for along with an invalid mother and a handicapped husband…..I can’t even take care of myself!!
Sorry, didn’t mean to go off there but my heart so breaks for you all!!
The misunderstandings of family and friends much less the doctors is overwhelming and leaves you feeling almost like a prisoner in solitary confinement. We need some miraculous interventions to say the least. I am going to try the Thyrovanz. Thank you!
God bless you all and may He heal your
broken lives and your broken hearts.
In 2006, prior to undergoing a breast lumpectomy for cancer, my doctor ordered an upper body CT Scan to check my lungs as I was a smoker. My lungs were fine, but the scan showed nodes on my thyroid. The biopsy came back positive for thyroid cancer.
Following lengthy breast cancer treatments and a brief recovery period I had a complete thyroidectomy. Breast cancer was actually quite bearable compared to what I’ve experienced since the removal of my thyroid. It has been sheer hell, to say the least. After 10 years of weight gain, constant fatigue, muscle tightening and weakness, widespread physical pain throughout my body, hair loss, etc. etc. etc. and doctors who hadn’t a clue as to what they were doing I decided to take measures into my own hands.
I had always been very healthy and active. I was mother to three grown children and a small business owner, I couldn’t accept that this was what the rest of my life would consist of. I couldn’t walk 30 feet without having to rest. My legs were so weak! At 43 I could still dance all night in heels, what the hell was happening to me?!
I thought long and hard and realized that if doctors were prescribing a synthetic thyroid hormone pill, that they were essentially mimicking natural thyroid hormone and that there had to somehow be a natural alternative. I was right! After searching on the internet and reading all that I could and asking many questions I came across Natural Desiccated Thyroid from New Zealand pasture fed cows. I placed an order and hoped for the best. Less than a year later I am down 40 lbs! I have the energy that I used to have. I am gaining muscle tone and my legs are no longer weak. My hair has stopped thinning, the non-stop sweating has ceased. I feel like my old self again!
I had lost my health insurance and my so called doctor would no longer prescribe my Levothyroxine without bloodwork and an office visit. It’s common knowledge that once your thyroid is removed you are told that you must now take this pill every day for the rest of your life, right? Wrong. Only if they can make lots of money off of your visits. They run the bare minimum of tests and go by the numbers on the paper or screen, not what the patient is telling them.
This is not health CARE, this is health BUSINESS and you are money. To hell with your health. Your symptoms are all in your head, the numbers are right where they should be and that’s all they’re going to do for you. They may change your medication once in awhile and adjust the micro grain number up or down 25 or 50 mcg’s. if you complain enough, but you’re not going to feel any better.
I can only tell you my story, what happened to me and what I did. What worked for me may not work for you and I make no claims as to being a health professional. This is a risk I took and though I have experienced positive results in every category I was looking to improve, you may not. I began with 50 mg’s and now take 100 mg’s per day. I do have a bottle of 150mg’s in case the 100’s don’t seem to be working. Some people level off there and some increase to 300mg’s. I take nothing else, just this. It is called Thyrovanz. When my husband tells my story, he tells people that he felt as if he was watching me die and his eyes fill with tears. He describes my distorted facial features, my lumpy hands, my Popeye’s forearms, and thinning hair. He says it looked like someone inserted a hose under my skin and pumped me full of fluid Please, be your best healthcare advocate. YOU are responsible for your own well being. If your doctor is not helping you, please speak up. It may save your life!
Thank you for your story. Mine is very very similar. I am thyrovanz also but I am on 350mg. I have been hypothyroid since 1995. I finally had my thyroid 100% removed in 2003… was 9 times its normal size.
I feel good. I can work my 12 hour shift and come home and now the lawn. And when I lay down in bed, I fall asleep in minutes. I wake up minutes before my alarm.
I can’t tell you how poor the medical doctors are. I have been referred to psychiatrists who didn’t even read my file of everyone in my family having issues with thyroid. Hyper and hypo. Poor medical practices we have.
I wish everyone stregnth in order to fight for your right to feeling the best you can.
For years I felt terrible was tested for everything under the sun. Everything always came back normal. The rheumatologist told me it was Fybromylagia. I started running and exercising 4 years ago and started feeling better for the most part. Besides arthritis in my hands and carpal tunnel. Then a year ago I started sweating profusely, extreme dry mouth, dry eyes and joint pain. My doctor thought i was going to be hyper.But I was normal at 170. He said it was stress. Fast forward to a month ago when I just had a routine physical and my TSH was 504. Not really sure how to proceed.. Do I wait 6 months and have my numbers retested. Do I take the results to my regular doctor. Any advice would be great.
Normal TSH levels are suppose to be between .85-4.0 as I understand it. Google the TSH level chart and go to images. It will show how the chart works. Being that you are 504 I am guessing that means 5.04 which would mean that you are hypo and absolutely need to get on medication. You can’t be feeling good at these numbers. Make an appointment ASAP. Low thyroid function turns ugly very quickly. I have been hovering in the 2.5 range and still feel awful. Luckily my doctor listens and understands that I am best between .85 and 1.0. I am a work in progress. Good luck to you.
I have had my thyroid completely removed and struggle with weight gain. This is an awesome site by the way. Does anyone know of a diet plan that helps with weight loss with this population? Thank you so much for any suggestions.
Hi Barbara, I’ve had many followers reach out to tell me this ob/gyn has a great diet plan and I invited her to share some tips at Hypothyroid Mom.
I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism at around 8 I am 49 now, and suffer horribly from aches and pains everywhere. I was doing pretty well earlier this year, but I am terrible about filling my prescriptions on time. And after being out of them for at least 2 weeks I called for a refill. I started having my usual symptoms, the doctor approved a month and sent in the mail a lab request. I went in and had the test done. When I ran out again I was a bit more on time about calling for a refill. I went to get them and no refill approved. I called again and requested my refill. Again no response from the doctor. After 3 weeks my symptoms were severe. I was eating from the moment I opened my eyes til bedtime. Longer story short the doctor refused to give me my meds until they saw me in person. Also I found out my levels were ” normal” last lab draw. I now have pain that won’t stop, am constipated most of the time, and even when I am not feel like I am. I feel they destroyed my health. I KNOW when there is something wrong with me. But my doctors seem to believe they know me better than I do. I am ranting a bit. And I didn’t stick to guns on my last appt. But to all readers… REMIND YOUR DOCTOR’S THAT THEY WORK FOR YOU!! NOT YOU WORK FOR THEM! YOU ARE THE BOSS MAKE THEM LISTEN TO YOU!! YOU PAY THEM TO CARE FOR YOU. And it will take you standing up for you to stop their abuse of your health. Thanks to any who read this.
Hi Judy, I hope you’ve found yourself a new doctor. If not, here is a list of resources to help you locate one.
Has anyone had elevated CRP? My blood tests results just came normal T4 (but that is the only thyroid test done) but I have extremely high CRP. I also had parathyroid issues several years ago – time to revisit that as well. Waiting on doctor’s office for new appointment as doctor wants to see me right away regarding CRP levels.
Hi Denise, This is Dana, the founder of Hypothyroid Mom. I’ve experienced high CRP for years and it has taken much time and effort to finally get to the bottom of it. I plan to write a few articles about this topic soon. High CRP is a measure of the level of inflammation in the body. I write about digestive health at Hypothyroid Mom and that is one common cause of high inflammation. Turned out in my case that I had severe Candida, yeast, living in my gut that a naturopath discovered through a stool test. You would be surprised the number of infections we can have in the body even ones without symptoms that can be causing high inflammation. Also I’ve gone through several thermographies, special tests that can be done to identify inflammation and it turns out I have high inflammation in my bottom left gum area, and that turns out to be where I have a root canal done at age 23. I am looking into solutions for this at the minute but I write to you to share my experience in the hopes you will find a doctor to help you explore this high CRP with you to help resolve it.
has anyone experienced elevated blood glucose levels, and high A1C from Thyroid meds?
Yes – I have experienced both when my thyroid medication is not correct. Once my thyroid has been regulated, those numbers drop back down.
All the above are Me once again.
I feel stupidified and demoralized.
I have had several of the symptoms for years. My mother is hypothyroid. My sister developed a large nodule on her neck and turned to her family doctor. Her TSH levels came back normal. She pushed for an endocrinologist referall and after months of pushing got one. The endocrinologist found she had hypothyroid and the cyst on her thyroid was cancer.
Regardless of my symptoms and family history my doctor will not provide further testing because my tsh levels are 2.76. Four years ago it was 1.67.
In the past 6 months my periods have decreased to lasting less than 24 hrs and I am having hot flashes right before and during my period. Not a “flash” rather my skeleton is on fire for 15-30 mins.
I have 3 children (youngest 6 yes) so my doctor brushes off thyroid and early menopause symptoms.
I am 37 though. This is so stressful.
I have just recently been diagnosed with hypthyroidism and hyperprolactenemia caused by 2 small adenomas on my pituitary gland. Im on levothyroxine is it possible to have an autoimmune diseasw in addition to this. I have been breaking out in hives for 3 years. In the past 6 months its bee. Daily. Nothing makea them go away except presidone. My endocronoligist claims its not related. Ive seen an allergist and its non allergic. So now i am going to be seeing a rheumatollgist
Hi Kimberly,
Have you tried vitamin therapy? By that I mean you can take vitamins that you may be lacking. A lot of vitamin C, for example, is very helpful for skin issues. My daughter had a severe case of dermatitis – it started on her face and went completely down her body – and took a lot of vitamin C and echinacea for 4 days and it completely went away. You could take 1000 mg of vitamin C every hour and echinacea (either pill form or a dropperful of the tincture) every 2 hours (while awake) for a few days and see if it gets better. Both of these are excellent for helping the immune system. As long as you do this for up to 5 days you will have no side effects. It’s not a long term remedy but it could help you right away. And then you should look into gut heath issues. My daughter just got diagnosed with Hashimotos by the way.
Best wishes
I have had hypothyroid disease for over 20 years. I think I have had every symptom named on and off this website. And now my 41 year old daughter has Hashimotos and is going through the same thing. One thing that I have is an unbelievable sleeping problem where I’ll sometimes I’ ll sleep almost around the clock for 2 to 3 days then when I go to bed I’m awake all night then when i get up l. feel o.k. at times, then at times I’ m still totally exausted. I’ve lost most of my hair and you can see my scalp. I hat for my daughter to lose hers also. The Dr. Can’t even get her meds straight enough for her to have a decentely energetic day. She is still achey all over, she was left sterile. And hhas had a histerectomy. As if this isn’t enough neither of us seem able to regain any strength.
I’m sorry to hear all you and your daughter are going through Joyner. It is a tragedy really how little the medical world understands about thyroid disease. I can say one thing about the hair loss. I spent over year researching the causes of women’s hair loss to stop my hair from clogging the shower drain every week. I hope you find the article helpful.
I have Hypothyroidism due to being a Fragile X Carrier. No Hashimoto but have every symptom. Struggling constantly to get my doctors to listen to me. I am currently on 75 mcg of synthroid and my TSH levels have gone back up from 1.5 to 3.57 and hair started to fall out again.
Thank you
Yes I’ve suffered from nearly all mentioned plus other painful complaints. I am always told I’m in the normal range for thyroid hormones, but which end of normal was my REAL normal. I’m taking 5mcg of thyroxine but don’t think it’s enough but all the doctors I’ve been to, won’t experiment with the dose!!!
I feel your pain! It took my doctors years to diagnose me because I was always within normal range. Then after I had my first born, my TSH skyrocketed to 407! I was placed on levothyroxine but continued with symptoms for years ( I presented as hyperactive at times even though I was hypo so they didn’t want to up my dose😕) but was told that I had depression, baby blues, etc. Finally went to see an endocrinologist years later because I was convinced that I had Hashimotos and even they told me that most likely that I did not🙄Come to find out that I most certainly did and now I’m on 125mcg of Synthroid. It’s still a struggle since I have just about every symptom on the list still but at least it’s better than what it was. Long story short: You have to be tough and advocate for your health!
What you wrote about “normal” thyroid levels is so true Dorothy. Understanding the thyroid lab tests is key. Here in this article I’ve included a chart of lab tests and optimal ranges.
I have had hypothyroid disease for over 20 years. I think I have had every symptom named on and off this website. And now my 41 year old dayghter has Hashimotos and is going through the same thing. One thing that I have is an unbelievable sleeping problem where I’ll sometimes I’ ll sleep almost around the clock for 2 to 3 days then when I go to bed I’m awake all night then when i get up l. feel o.k. at times, then at times I’ m still totally exausred
I have 7 plus osteoarthritis, BPPV (Vertigo) and chronic fatigue.
Got em all, it’s terrible, I am so miserable and so tired of being sick and tired.
Every single one.. plus frozen shoulder and psoriasis..
I have 10 of the conditions who have mentioned.