1. H9ave had my thyroid operation for overactive thyroid, then became hypo thyroid so was given medicine for normal thyroid function – I am not on thyroid medicine now,but just had thyroid function by endocrinolist and it was very elevated so was but on medicine to bring it down 3 days ago – I am starting to feel better. Do strange things happen with my condition? such as hearing music when none is happening – I am 96 years old. Hope you can put my mind at ease-been on new med for 4 days and feel better – still hear music but faintly.

    1. Hi June, It is good to have you here at Hypothyroid Mom. I have many visitors here on my website and hear many stories of symptoms. I cannot say that I’ve heard anyone mention that they hear music, however we’re all different with what symptoms we develop. I do hear about whistling and ringing of the ears as mentioned in this article here often times on my Facebook page.

  2. Can hypothyroidism cause interstitial lung disease, PH and chronic kidney disease?
    Extreme tiredness. Weight gain hard to lose My T4 as at lower end yet T3 is fine.

  3. I went to Mexico for the holidays and I noticed after a week being back my feces had some corn I had during Mexico, it scared me because it was green or like aqua, I know corn doesn’t digest but shouldn’t it have came out the day I had ate it? Not only was it one of those colors but it also seemed like it was molding, I have had huge stomach cramping, nausea, an irregular period, cold hands and feet, and constipation, diarrhea.

  4. blank Shirley Madariaga says:

    My Doctor says my white blood cells are low and my platlets are act5ing up. Is this a symptom of my thyroid function?

  5. blank paige fisher says:

    my thyroid is 13.6 and my puritory gland is 6.30 its high

  6. I have many signs of hypothyroid.fatigue,foggy memory,low body temp 95.6 F,feeling cold when most others are comfortable,anxiety,quickly THS level was 0.07,which is way below normal.everything I read though says I have hyperthyroid,according to this TSH level.i have ulcerative coilitis,which may be affecting these signs and symptoms.UC is possibly autoimmune.Im confused by all of this,i have not had the T3 and T4 levels checked yet.any suggestions will help…………..thanks I am a 70 y/o male

  7. Do you think there is a link to recurring bladder infections (cystitis) and Hypothyroidism please?

  8. blank Diane Collett says:

    Is there anything to the idea that the thyroid is to blame in the loss of curly hair??

    1. Hi Diane, It’s interesting that you mention curly hair. I too have curly hair, spiral like when I was young that has definitely straightened and thinned and frizzed with thyroid disease. Thankfully I’ve dramatically stopped the major hair loss and my hair is softer and curlier although still not quite as curly. Major changes to our hair would explain the popularity of this article at Hypothyroid Mom where I share what has worked for me.

  9. Hi all
    I had some blood tests and they could not find anything wrong with my thyroid. I had fatigue and symptoms as a result from our very harsh winter. I tried a couple of different things to deal with fatigue I thought about sharing. One is called the QRS machine FDA approved. All you need to do is set it at the desired level, for me I set it for balance and after 16-20 minutes I found a lot of relief and it definitely is worth buying.
    Another thing I do is use New Zealand whey powder. I always had a fast metabolism and when I use this, it helps all major rebuilding systems.
    I also eat organic walnuts which support the major hormones and do help with anxiety. A ND recommended “English walnuts” for anxiety and also mold allergies. I hope everyone finds the right doctor for their issues because that’s the best thing to do. Check out your doctors ratings and reviews.
    In hopes of health…HJ

  10. I’m really depressed, have developed anxiety as well, have chronic sinus issues whether it’s infection or just a cold or hoarseness, have my period sometimes twice in a month (recently 1 came only two days after the first), and the periods are heavy, involving blood clots, and they last and last (sometimes 7 days). However, my period cycles are somewhat (usually) spaced consistently with my cycles being about 32-35 days… so. I was put on the birth control pill (various brands etc) at the age of 13 because of consistent Mennhoragia as soon as my first period hit, it did not cease for 45 days until I lost so many clots that I had to be given an emergency estrogen pill in the ER. Then I was trying to fix it all with a prescription of biodentical plant hormones (I was around 13-15 years old, I have a terrible memory and have been diagnosed with ADHD with the inattentive kind aka what was formerly called ADD). Anyways, I’m 28 now, and I have a 4 year old son… I’m angry because my energy levels are so low that I need to nap but can’t because I have to work. I’m on 15mg of XR Adderal, Zoloft 150mg for depression and anxiety (the anxiety really got to be a nightmare for me after my son was born), AND I’m also on Wellbutrin 300mg to counteract the tiredness from the Zoloft…. I drink coffee and I know it’s bad but the only thing that helps is if I drink espresso around 2-3 shots of it and even after all of that, I am STILL SO TIRED. I am feeling awful… I feel and look like crap and I want my life to be at least a little more than this… I don’t know where to go from here. Any advice is welcome, can it be that I have hypothyroidism if I don’t have all of the symptoms? I actually feel like I won’t be able to do anything and I’ll be so sad if I have to not have any caffeine and I don’t know how I’ll take care of my son with no energy. Thank you for your help

  11. I’m tired all the time, including the minute I eat something, a fatigue takes over and for the last year or more, my lower abdomen is swelling, and upper stomach. I went to my VA and private doctors and was diagnosed with high blood pressure. I’m on one water pill and blood pressure pill. I gained additional pounds and can’t lose it, even with me changing to healthy eating, light workout to avoid injury or heart attack and liquid intake of water. I never drank, smoke or consumed any drugs. My entire life has been very active and I’m 64 and most people think I’m in my forties (no wrinkles in my face and I have all my hair). I’ve had many blood tests with nothing negative showing. I’m confused and really need help. John

  12. blank Mohanbhai Patel says:

    Hi I need help for my mother.she is coughing lot side at least 15 years.we do lot of test but they couldn find anything.last year we went to my cushion house USA.she work in laboratory for blood test.she took blood sample and yet nlodd.they goons my mother has thyroid problem.the blood test shows thyroid way high then normal.then we come back and did blood test with our told us thyroid is normal.we need there any other way to treat thyroid.please help.


  13. I have been having some crazy symptoms for over a year and Dr thinks I have hypothyroidism and being tested for hashimoto auto immune disease also Dr’s says I have a heart murmur which is another symptom of thyroid issues but I don’t have every symptom of hypothyroidism does this mean the diagnosis could be wrong still waiting on blood work to confirm it, I’m so scared and overwhelmed by this all hard believe I can have all these health issues but my dad,sister and niece have problems with thyroid and my sister has hashimoto as well so maybe it runs in the family

  14. blank Savannah Masters says:

    I’ve had the strangest symptoms lately with the main one being dizziness and an off balance feeling. I’m only 19 and am having a ton of issues. I’m gonna go get tested for multiple things to see how I can heal myself. Remember that the big picture should be looked at as a whole. There is often an underlying problem that causes all of these issues. Definitely research ways to heal your gut, mind, adrenal glands, and nervous system because they often are the root of issues such as thyroid dysfunction. When you think about it everything these days is poisonous to our bodies. Just be careful and think about everything that is going into/on your body. I wish peace and healing to you all and that you get to feel yourselves again someday.

    1. How do I seek the healing of my creator? Pls help me.

  15. blank Savannah Masters says:

    All of you sound like you should get tested for lyme disease and other coinfections just to be sure.

  16. Please suggest how to cure from thyriod…

  17. blank Glenn D. Miller says:

    Acupuncture is witchcraft, while it can seem to produce results it will lead to other complications. Seek the healing of your Creator- he made you. Would you take your car to your local mechanic for repair or service if he was a known carjacker or Thief? There are many good natural remedies designed to be used for of our needs also supplied by our creator- the Creator of the universe. The medical field seeks to hidIe this information and discourage it. Steer clear of acupuncture, reflexology, sacral cranial therapy, yoga etc. Also high fructose corn syrup, monosodium glutamate (MSG) highly processed foods, sugar, artificial sweeteners, food coloring Etc. I learned a lot through my family having Lyme’s and winding up contaminated with extreme amounts of heavy metal. There’s very few doctors in the country that can be trusted not to load you with drugs, same with hospitals. Thankfully I know the best Healer, also a good medical doctor & many old home remedies. Any questions contact me- thanks!

    1. blank Cara Juvera says:

      Please explain more I have never heard of these practices being bad Glenn. Which practices are okay and why are others bad

    2. Holy cryptorchids, Glenn, you stupidly invite questions but wisely answer none.

    3. Hi Glen,
      Am I able to ask you some questions?

  18. I was diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism yesterday after having crazy high heart rates for about a month. I am completely freaking out! I am 35 . I don’t know what to do. I had more blood work this morning and I have made an appointment with a naturopathic doctor as well as i am going to see a n endocrinologist I am petrified about the treatment most of the reading suggest the medication in pill form fails which only leaves an option for Radioactive Iodine which ultimately leads to hypothyrodism which lead to having to take a pill for the rest of my life. My Primary care provider has let me know that the encrinologist wants to start med asap. Tx doesn sound like a solution,abatement is not the solution and neither is surgery. what to do? I feel completly lost.

  19. blank Kelly Coley says:

    Hello. I am currently seeing my second endocrinologist. No one can dx me with anything. I’ve had symptoms of Grave’s, Hashimotos and probably 25 symptoms of things that is wrong with me. I think I’m getting narcolepsy now. I had to have a memory test for short and long term memory loss. Needless to say I did poorly. I sometimes contemplate suicide because I feel so very bad. I don’t go anywhere. I suffer severe migraines and other types of headaches. I need to be a guinea pig for science. My mother and sister both had hypothyroidism and autoimmune disorders. Why can’t anyone dx me with something? I feel like maybe I have that disease where you sound like a hypochondriac. Just think I went to my dr and said I think I have a vitamin difficency and hormone problems and that started the ball rolling. The only thing I don’t understand is I am never cold. I am so hot I can’t stand it. I sweat in the shower after and all day long. I have to have a fan blowing on me at all times. This all started in April 2013 I have the worse case of burning mouth syndrome. Today it is a tad bit better, but then it gets fired up again. It never goes away. Can you help me? What should I do? I have so many specialist’s it’s not funny. I’m so doctored out. There has to be someone out there that can help me. Like I said I’ll be a guinea pig.

    Kelly Coley

    1. May I suggest you have them test your gallbladder. I have a very low reading of hypothyroidism and was just dx with it when I came down with IBS, and GURD. I was also placed on Prilosec. I had night sweats so bad it was completely disturbing my sleep as well as my husband’s. I had a complete hysterectomy 12 years ago, should not be having night sweats. Also I was still feeling bloated, getting heavier, tired all the time, and I had an uncomfortable feeling under ribs just below my right breast and a stabbing pain in my back between my shoulder blades. All of these can be related to your gallbladder. I am feeling so much better since I had my gallbladder removed. IBS, gas, bloating…..gone. I have lost 60 lbs by watching what I eat and work out….but it works now that my thyroid treatment started (Levothyroxin 75mcg) AND gallbladder removed. My thyroid tests since surgery indicates my thyroid numbers are even lower, so medication was reduced slightly. No SWEATING at night or ever really unless I am working out or it is warm weather. This has been a miracle for me and I can only hope it helps you. Please ask your GI doctor to give your gallbladder an ultrasound to see if you have stones…..get it removed if you do….it will only get worse. Don’t let them run you around on it, your gallbladder can make you so sick and yet overlooked. I hope you try this, best if so, good luck!!

    2. Kelly, I have been experiencing all the same things you describe right down to the burning mouth, including unfortunately, the doctors attitudes! I’m not sure how it works- but I found a really good acupuncturists who uses Traditional Chinese Medicine. It’s made a huge difference in how I feel- It’s been pretty amazing. If you can try that- just make sure you go to someone who has in depth knowledge of acupuncture & traditional Chinese medicine.

      1. blank Glenn D. Miller says:

        Acupuncture is witchcraft, while it can seem to produce results it will lead to other complications. Seek the healing of your Creator- he made you. Would you take your car to your local mechanic for repair or service if he was a known carjacker or Thief? There are many good natural remedies designed to be used for of our needs also supplied by our creator- the Creator of the universe. The medical field seeks to hide this information and discourage it. Steer clear of acupuncture, reflexology, sacral cranial therapy, yoga etc. Also high fructose corn syrup, monosodium glutamate (MSG) highly processed foods, sugar, artificial sweeteners, food coloring Etc. I learned a lot through my family having Lyme’s and winding up contaminated with extreme amounts of heavy metal. There’s very few doctors in the country that can be trusted not to load you with drugs, same with hospitals. Thankfully I know the best Healer, also a good medical doctor & many old home remedies. Any questions contact me- thanks!

        1. where is this healer you speak of?

          1. His name is Jesus. He is the Creator of all things and able to heal all things. He is Truth. Jesus is the only true and pure source of Life. This is not a religious answer. Rather, I’m talking about the Person of Jesus Himself. Talk to Him, you’ll find Him.

        2. “Thankfully I know the best Healer, also a good medical doctor” 😂 …. Priceless!

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