1. Lina Porterfield says:


    I am trying all kind of vitamins…to help me with the fatigue. I will try zinc. Thanks for your advice!

  2. Amber Blue says:

    I tried this and it burned immediately. What does that mean? I’ve rinsed and still suffer from burning metallic taste. Feels like acid.

  3. Cynthia L says:

    I have a mild case of hyperthyroidism — an overactive thyroid. I started anti-thyroid medication about 5 months ago, a very lose dose. This winter, I noticed that I was getting sick more often, and come to think of it, I’ve always had sinus problems and low-grade infections. I read about zinc deficiency and realized I had some of the symptoms, so I began taking additional OTC zinc supplements or lozenges. Within a few days I felt SO much better — it was amazing. I believe that my overactive thyroid was draining my immune system as well as key minerals from my body. I would like to read more about zinc and HYPERthyroidism. Thanks for this post!

  4. What brand of zinc supplement do you recommend taking if you do the zinc test and are deficient?

  5. What kind of zinc supplement do you recommend taking if you do the zinc test and are deficient?

  6. I lost 2 but I have one girl one boy ? But these posts made me realize how ignorant I wsa, how I never connected hypothyroidism with all the symptoms!! I started gluten free recently Dr. Said I have very tiny thyroid now due to “Hashimoto” I can’t reverse that back but al least I’m hoping for the other 30 symptoms to get better thanks to you?

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