1. blank Dallas Mold Removal says:

    If you’re worried you have mold in your house the best thing to do seek a professional mold removal.

  2. blank Joe Marks says:

    There is absolutely no scientific basis for the mold/leptin issue. It’s all manufactured by alternative doctors that jumped on the mold bandwagon to make a quick buck back in 2000 and beyond. Sadly, people ignore the real issue for their weight gain because they spend thousands of dollars trying to remidiate or taking unnecessary supplements – or they are subject to further health issues because blame everything on mold

    1. Hi Joe, I”m sorry to hear this happened to you. I personally had a black mold problem in my home after Hurricane Sandy that made me very ill and I lost so much hair that I thought I would go bald. I’m feeling back to my old healthy self again in large part thanks to getting rid of mold not just in my environment but inside my body. Mold was very hard to get rid of for me but it has made a big difference. I hear you about band wagons and the selling of unnecessary supplements but I’m not so quick to dismiss the concept of mold because I’ve lived it. I don’t think it is the health villain for everyone but it may be for some especially those with major infestations. Regards, Hypothyroid Mom

    2. blank Carrie Lambert says:

      You are absolutely wrong!!! Every single person I know that has CIRS has leptin issues. Dr. Shoemaker is NOT an alternative doctor but a MD. Hundreds of medical doctors know this now. You need to stop spreading false information and go EDUCATE yourself!

  3. So, how do you get tested for toxic mold? The article does not discuss this.
    Western medicine doctors do not always follow through on extra tests. I have mold allergies but they never tested positive on allergy tests
    It took SRT/Accupressure testing to find out and I was desensitized.
    It took a Functional Medicine MD and I brainstorming to have the urination testing done for Toxic Mold and Chemical issues. Both lead to the toxic Penicillium and Lead poisoning.

    This article does not discuss what protocols a patient may have to take once they have been diagnosed either. In conclusion, I found this article to be missing elements and not thorough

    1. You would need to get a mycotoxins test. This doctor is not putting any protocols because legally they can’t give any medical advice online. You would need to find a naturopath or functional medicine doctor to help and give you a tailored plan.

      I will speak from my own experience. After testing positive for 4X the toxicity level of mold, I started taking multiple supplements from cellcore. I think the main one I am taking for the mold specifically is the bio toxin binder. However, well before I started on that I was doing enemas twice a day to make sure that toxins had a way out of my body. I also regularly (about 4-5 times a week) sweat either by working out or sitting in an infrared sauna. Lastly, I parasite cleanse regularly because parasites will feed on mold and the mold makes your body a hospitable environment.

      Hope that gives you an idea.

  4. Good post… This is an interesting and informative idea. Thanks for sharing the details with us.

  5. Thank you, this is a fantastically timed article since being held up in an empty family’s home during Covid since March and though usually lean, I have crazy weight gain, inflammation, and my mood is altered from always even keel happy, to some lows now. Thank you for writing about what I suspected was at least part of the culprit. Could I take something medicinally to help with this crazy weight gain and hypothyroidism off the rails, or does getting out of a moldy house help tremendously? I so hope that will and We will be out of here for good in two weeks. Also, can extended fasting help me flush this systemic inflammation and weight gain? I am trying longer fasts of 24/42 hours though my hair seems to fall out a lot so I break the fasts. I know I’ve fired off many questions and appreciate whatever you may be able to answer. Thank you so much for writing this!

    A post menopause, hypothyroidmom fan of Many years,

    1. Hi Amanda, I hope all worked well for you after moving from the mold. I’d be interested to know if your weight gain reversed? I’ve been living in a moldy house in the tropics for 4 years and I’ve gained so much weight amongst severe allergies. It’s been horrendous and has aged me and has changed me from easy going to crazy mood swings and even rage at times. I’m moving into our new home in September.. I would be so interested to hear how you’re going. Thank you so much.

    2. Hi Amanda, I hope all worked well for you after moving from the mold. I’d be interested to know if your weight gain reversed? I’ve been living in a moldy house in the tropics for 4 years and I’ve gained so much weight amongst severe allergies. It’s been horrendous and has aged me and has changed me from easy going to crazy mood swings and even rage at times. I’m moving into our new home in September.. I would be so interested to hear how you’re going. Thank you so much.

  6. Any mold lawyers?
    When your at the mercy of a negligent landlord is there recourse?

  7. blank cindy ouellette says:

    Research or people who have had success
    DX : hypothyroidism symptoms after my daughter was born.
    My free T3 2.4 is always at end of reference range : free t-4 : 1.52
    taking tirosnit now > 15 yrs , decreased does to half 50 Mcg’s with TSH 2.34
    Dexa scan 1/2020 : with bone mineral apparent density formula from Dr susan Ott used : Osteopenia spine : -1.85 , femoral neck : -1.25
    will request trying : cytomel .
    Endo MD who dx me did not think Armour was as good as cytomel .
    .Concerned regarding taking thyroid meds and decreasing bone density. I hope to improve my health focus on nutrition , gut heatlh , and decrease stress levels.
    has anyone been able to slowly ween off of thyroid meds .
    looking forward to hearing positive clinical outcomes of free T3 in median range as my TSH , aand free t4 and hopefully success strategies to ween off of thyroid meds.
    Thank you cindy

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