1. blank Christine says:

    My grandson was born with no thyroid and a small right ear. He is the most gorgeous little boy I’ve ever known. He seemed to say a few words before 12 months but only copying and then these disappeared. We found out he was extremely long softer at 12 months with partial hearing in the small ear. Now almost 3 he seemed to say his first word in context last week, which was plane. My daughter has paid privately due to long wait times and the experts are certain he has autism. He is the most social little boy, almost too social but has developed some obsessive behaviours that we are all struggling with. He is amazing on an iPad and just loves dogs, cars and planes. My daughter has struggled with her weight for a long time Shar an awful pregnancy and has recently been told that she has an under active thyroid. Don’t really know why I’m posting here but just know that my girl has struggled to find anyone who understands.

    1. blank Christine says:

      That should have said extremely long sighted!

  2. blank Sherry Shreffler says:

    Hi, my name is Sherry and I was diagnosed with Congenital Hypothyroidism due to Thyroidism one month after my birth in 1951. At the time, I was the youngest baby to be diagnosed before the age of 3 months. My mother was a nurse and observed that I was not eating, was lethargic, and just “didn’t look right” . My pediatrician had just attended a pediatric endocrine clinic at John Hospital offered by Dr. Robert Blizzard. He tested for T3 and T4 in my blood and found them to be very low. Testing did not include at that time. My mom had gained 50+lbs during her pregnancy.
    When I moved to Virginia as an adult, I was told, by an endocrinologist that children are born without a Thyroid so the original diagnosis was incorrect and there was no reason why I could not more take Synthroid I gained 20 lbs, was constantly tired, and I gained 20 lbs in less than a month.. When I called my doctor to advise him that the Synthroid did not appear to be working He refused comply with my request, he terminate the call. I have had the same experience with several doctors. I am 68 and on a fixed income so paying for Armour out-of pocket is a financial strain as Medicare has discontinued coverage as “not necessary”. I am applying for Medicare for some relief.
    Thank you for the all the information on this site.

  3. blank Jennifer Covey says:

    Hi! My name is Jennifer covey have about the same as Jessica & her son Mica. My son Sebastian has Autism & Asthma. Myself have hypothyroid problem since birth only my grandma new at that time 4/6/74.Doctorsat that time they didn’t know what it was.I have applied for disability 3 x times was working on appeal. I feel that my thyroid problem gave this to my son Sebastian .My Sebastian & myself has been staying in a motel here in Orlando fl. We are currently with out an a place apartment. We’ve been here with my friend but friend died of illness.Were out of money motel is $276wk. We need of help. I know how she feels. A mom doing her best for her child.

    1. blank jennifer covey says:

      we are at howard Vernon motel in Orlando fl.

  4. I have been diagnosed with both myself. I am also living with a vitamin D deficiency. I am on 75 mg of Armour Thyroid a day. I have to pay for it myself, but I can afford it right now. My doctor recommended I take 4000 IU a day, so i am trying to increase my dosage from the 2000 my endo prescribed. The vitamin D deficiency tends to give me a bad headache, depression and fatigue. The headache feels like my head is being squeezed in a vice, with the pain most pronounced at my temples and the top of my head. I am also learning ways to deal with my autism (I am in support level 1 of the autism spectrum) and manage my anxiety.

  5. blank Angela Whiddon says:

    My grandson has hypothyroidism, he’s sees an endocrinologist but they won’t give him medicine, he’s very moody and overweight, he has aspergers autism, his mom passed away and she had thyroid disease and I have hypothyroidism and take synthroid, I don’t understand why they won’t give meds.

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