1. Hi,
    Finding this awesome info for the first time, but already followPaleo mom!
    I have hashimotos, but don’t take anything on the TH1 stimulating list. I take 3 things regularly on the TH2 stimulating list. It show hashimotos is TH1 dominant. Do I eliminate from the TH2 list and add from TH1? Not sure if Im reading this right.
    Thank you!

  2. blank Jessie Browne says:

    What about elderberry? TH1 or TH2 stimulating?

  3. blank Liza Bennett says:

    If I have sjogrens Th-1 should I stay away from Echinacea and drink more green tea?
    Thank you

  4. Since both Th1& Th2 seems to both be linked to microbiome dysbiosis, wouldn’t a good recommendation be to do an antimicrobial like grapefruit seed extract?

  5. blank anna burns says:

    I appreciate your simply put explanation on T1 and T2 illness. I have read some articles that are so complex they make my head spin, but, like you mentioned, there is much more to it than what you put. I want to mention an immune modulator that works better than any of the ones that you mentioned. It’s called low dose naltrexone therapy. I take it and I also give it to my dog, who has hashimotos. I actually see him respond much better to it than I have, but my health situation is extremelly complex. I have an immune deficiency with so much more to consider. I encourage you and your readers to investigate LDN (low dose naltrexone). If someone is interested in it, they can call a local compounding pharmacy and ask them for names of doctors who prescribe it in their area. It has very promising results!

    1. I am on LDN and have been for 4 years or so and it has done wonders for my Hashimotos. I asked my doctor for it after researching it for my issues and saw a significant decrease in my autoimmune responses to food and environmental triggers. Recently my doctor suggested “Black Seed Oil” which is supposed to have the same effect on your immune system. I havent tried it yet, however for those not in a position to get LDN from a practitioner or someone who wants a natural product this one may be worth trying. Just do your homework and know what you are taking, who is producing it and how, and how much is enough vs how much is too much.

      1. When you state that LDN improved your Hashimoto’s, which antibodies types were elevated in your case? TPOs, Tg or both? From the research I have done, it specifically helps with lowering tg antibodies but not much for TPOs. Thanks!! 🙂

    2. blank Nicole Armand says:

      “Naltrexone hydrochloride is a pure opioid antagonist. It markedly attenuates or completely blocks, reversibly, the subjective effects of intravenously administered opioids”

      are using Naltrexone as a immune modulator?? You are giving this to your dog??
      There must be some confusion here as Naltrexone is not used for immune therapy but for opioid suppression.

      1. LOW dose Naltrexone (emphasis on low- usually under 4.5 mg) is used to treat autoimmune conditions by many doctors. Naltrexone given at high doses (50mg) is used to treat addiction.

  6. I’ve been researching Th1 and Th2. I have discoid lupus and Sjogrens. This article is well written, yet another source of contradiction. It’s been a bit frustrating trying to settle on the most accurate information from internet sources toward my goal of careful advocating for my health. I read another article -sourced from pubmed that put Sjogren’s Syndrome very clearly in the Th2 dominant category. *sigh

    1. I would lean more toward “ncbi” as
      Sjogrens being TH2 dominant as correct.
      Don’t know why sites say it’s TH1, it’s not
      organ specific as far as I can see.
      Try to do a blood panel,to see your numbers
      Good luck,

    2. The author cleary got the Th1 and Th2 dominant conditions mixed up as she said Th1 immunity protects against viruses and Th1 dominance leads to chronic viral infections….

  7. I have experienced both MS and UC in my life. A TH1 and a TH2 dominant condition. Does this mean that my body has fluctuated between both dominants in my immune system? I am currently showing no effects of either disease. I was considering Lions Mane mushroom to heal lesions in the nervous system. Will Lions Mane mushroom make me TH1 dominant?
    I appreciate your thoughts

  8. Along with Th1 and Th2 one can not forget that they should also be tested for celiac and non celiac. There is a great Wheat Zoomer by Vibrant health that helps identify all the allergens from wheat. It is often seen that eczema, hypothyroids, certian colitis are caused by food allergies. The upregulation of your immune system starts in the gut, heal this first.

  9. It isn’t as simple as just TH1 and TH2. In 2005 TH17 was discovered and plays a huge role in autoimmune issues. Individuals can experience a cytokine storm and very quickly vacillate back and forth between immune suppression and immune stimulation etc…there’s so many research articles available but it can be a bit overwhelming with information overload.

  10. Do you think alopecia Universalis is Th1 or Th2?

  11. I read on another site that if you are th2 dominant you should avoid the things that are in this article. I have UC and was a habitual green tea drinker. Was told to quit green tea. This article says to drink green tea. Now I am confused.

    1. If Green Tea is not your “cup of tea” what would be the symptoms?

    2. blank Sandra white says:

      I believe you are reading it wrong, the list shows what stimulates T2 further, items would make things likely worse, it’s a stay away from list. I read it wrong first to,but later the article says you may feel worse having items in the list if it’s under your dominance.

      1. blank Liza Bennett says:

        Thank you for clarifying. I have sjogrens and the symptoms of dry eyes and mouth is driving me batty. Should I drink more green tea?

  12. blank Yanling Wang says:

    My TSH normal, TPO-Ab high, is Th1 or Th2, thanks

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