1. blank Sheri L Phillips says:

    I appreciate this information> esp r/t adrenal involvement and how it affects blood counts. my family history : Hashimoto’s in my mom and brother ; Graves disease myself as teenager and chronic anemia; intermittently abnormal T3, T4 and TSH esp in the last 5 years (now post menopausal). I am often discouraged by my MDs from taking any supplement (such as Vit B, C, D, zinc Omegas ) for immune support . I feel palpitations 4 hours after taking levothyroxine, so would like to try Armour et al. ; not sure if this is affordable ; BCBS government insurance will not cover it and it is about $40 per month out of pocket. Any connection to urticaria ? I tend to have bouts of intensely itching welts . Thank you again for your information !!

  2. blank Sylvia Oliver says:

    My Medicare starts in June and I’m trying to get my Dr. To help me on my Armour Thyroid to get for me now. I’m 64 yrs old, I do know Levothyroxine will not be enough alone. I do know I have to have T-3. Is there a compound made of T-3 to go with the T-4? I take 30 mg. They test me every year. They say it’s fine. It cost me now over $100.00. I quit buying it. I don’t have medical insurance. My husband and I are unemployed now. Good Rx and Singlecare it’s still $100.00. I don’t know what to do. I need to get the right medicine that my Medicare will pay for and works. HELP

    1. i am in San Antonio Texas and need a dr that will prescribe something other than t4 medication. Have been trying to cope with terrible side effect of synthetic drugs for five years.

      1. Dr. Gupta. Endocrinology….In the medical district.

      2. blank Karen reeves says:

        Wiseman family practice!!!

  3. blank jean rogers says:

    Learned a lot yet still confused
    After all I read I believe I should start off with NDT. Sounds like money had gotten in the way as usual & people come in last. I was taking levothyroxine for a hypothyroid. Every morn hr before eating. Followed this plan for 3 yrs didn’t feel different but Dr wanted me on it. After my stroke I gave it up. It was useless. But I am still sluggishly tired but I think I’ve found an answer. What books are the best for me to buy that I could study for my personal answer? TY

  4. blank Joanne McIntyre says:

    I am 72 years of age. Had total thyroidectomy 38 years ago due to hashimoto’s disease. Had been on Eltroxin for most of the time. Now product ingredients had been changed and only Levothyroxine sodium is available in South Africa. I do have constant fatigue and irritability. Also due to hashimoto’s I developed carotid artery rteiosclarosis.

  5. I was given radioactive iodine to treat Graves disease when I was 24 then on going with synthetic T4 until I found Dr to prescribe me with Tarithyroid (Amour) when I was 38 which I had been taking successfully until my recent bloods showing normal T4 high T3. My GP relocated and have since gone back to an old GP that is not so open minded. I am now 50 and he wants me to go back on T4 synthetic thyroid. Struggling to know what to do, any information would be truly grateful. I have been taking Lugols Iodine, B12 and have low iron. kind regards

    1. blank James S Kantor says:

      Do not go back to T4, I did terribly on them.

    2. blank Janie Gilmore says:

      Fire any doctor who will not listen to you!!!!

  6. I am 57 and my energy level is super high. I have never felt better in my life. I have suffered from depression and anxiety throughout my lifetime, but right now I am the happiest I have been. I am very active (tennis, running, kickboxing, yoga) and eat a healthy low-carb diet. I take no medications. Now, my gyn (who is very good) tested my blood for TSH and it has gone from 4 in recent years to 9. She insists I need to take medication and I took Synthroid for three mornings and on the third day was extremely anxious and depressed. Very out of character. I stopped taking it. I had asked to be tested for T3 and T4 and my doctor’s nurse said that is tested only after a month on Synthroid. I don’t know what to do, because I feel so great and don’t want to feel horrible.

    1. blank Jill Dobbs says:

      I was curious what happened. I thought TSH numbers were inverse meaning a high number meant slow hypothyroid and low number meant hyperthyroid. So if you had alot of energy your number should be low, can you please clarify this for me? I’M trying to figure out my own situation and I am confused. Thanks so much. I am 57 also and feel horrible !

      1. Hi Jill. Allow me to explain. There are three types of hypo/hyperthyroidism: primary (thyroid dysfunction), secondary (pituitary dysfunction), tertiary (hypothalamus dysfunction). Almost all cases of thyroid issues are primary on nature, so I’ll expand a bit on that one.

        Before I do, I need to clarify on the hormones we use to test: TSH, T4, and T3. TSH is produced by the pituitary gland found within our brain, and T3/T4 are produced by the thyroid gland. The way these three hormones work is as follows. TSH increases when it detects low T3/T4, and decreases when the T3/T4 is high. Why? It’s a looping feedback. TSH is the pituitary gland’s little messenger, and when it detects that the thyroid isn’t producing enough T3/T4, it’ll increase this messenger to push the thyroid to produce more T3/T4. If the thyroid is going crazy and producing too much T3/T4, the pituitary will stop sending TSH to lessen production.

        In most cases of hypothyroidism, the thyroid starts to falter. It struggles to produce T3/T4. Once the pituitary gland finds out the T3/T4 levels are going to drop or are dropping, it pushes out a lot of TSH to get the thyroid working. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work. This is why you may see an elevated TSH with low T3/T4 hormones; the thyroid stops listening to the pituitary gland’s messenger, TSH.

        1. Thanks for this helpful explanation.

  7. My granddaughter is 13 years old she has a Hyperactive thyroid she has been on Levothyroxine for 2 years. She has tired to be a norm kid and stay up with friends struggling with being tired and having trouble getting up for school. She has now faced that she may never be normal she goes to bed by 6 or 7 so she can make it to school have ask doctors to switch medication but won’t one night she slept for 19 hours what do you do were crying out for up and nobody cares.

    1. blank colby zethraeus says:

      I think you mean hypothyroidism which is under active thyroid. They only prescribe levothyroxine to under active thyroid, I believe someone correct me if I am wrong. I have hypothyroidism and I take levothyroxine. If I don’t take enough of the medication I am tired and lose hair. I would try upping her dosage. Even though my levels were in the normal range I was still tired and losing hair. I was only taking half or a 25 mcg tablet. For me once I upped my dosage to a whole tablet energy levels came back and I quit losing hair. Hope this helps also have her checked to see I her T3 levels as Levothyroxine only supplies T4 your body has to convert T4 into T3 and she might be having issues with the conversion. I am learning more about thyroid issues all the time.

    2. Synthroid is the worst thyroid replacement, as far as I’m concerned. If you’re unable to convert the T4 to T3, then it’s useless, or worse, stored in your body somewhere it shouldn’t be. NDT is the absolute best, but not Armour anymore. It’s been adulterated after Forrest pharm sold it. Wp Thyroid, NP Thyroid, Naturethroid, Erfa, Thiroyd, are all good choices. Adding Cytomel T3 can boost the NDT. It’s trial and error and based solely on your BASAL BODY TEMPERATURE. Keep a thermometer with you and order the book, ‘SOLVED. THE RIDDLE OF ILLNESS. (Langer) It may save you years of misery.

      1. blank Bambi Henry says:

        My doctor just prescribed Amour to me. You don’t think it’s ok?

        1. I was on Armour for years and started having really bad menstrual cycles and pain in my abdomen. I changed to NatureRoid and I’m feeling much better.

          I had spoke to my pharmacist and they said it had been sold and they were having consistency issues.

    3. Brenda, take your granddaughter to a Women’s Professional Help where they will do a saliva test and see what your loved one REALLY needs. The saliva evaluates all the glands and they can help you more than a family MD.

  8. I had my thyroid removed in October 2019 due to several large nodules. Fortunately they were benign. Started taking Levo 137 mcg (T4 only) right after surgery. The first couple of weeks were sort of fine because I still had my own natural hormones flowing thru my body. After 6th week, I began experiencing lots of digestive issues. My Endo ran labs and said my T4 was high and switched me to brand name Synthroid 137 mcg and suggested I skip taking drug on Sundays. Some of the symptoms went away (palpitations, feeling cold) but digestive issues remained. I literally felt like my digestive system slowed to a crawl. My Endo the. Suggested I go see a Gastro. The gastro performed a colonoscopy and said everything was normal. Then CT scan of stomach. Again everything normal. Gastro then prescribed Linzess for constipation and Nortriptyline for anxiety and depression. i am frustrated with the whole experience so far. My quality of life is at an all time low. Help!

    1. Read Vicki February 10, 2020

  9. I am experiencing hair loss (lots), I am currently taking synthroid. If I switch to Armour, will my hair grow back?

    1. blank colby zethraeus says:

      I was losing my hair too, I upped my dosage of and I had more energy and quit losing hair. On the flip side of that at one point I took to much of my levothyroxine and I couldn’t sleep at night and was taking Ambian to sleep. I backed off my dosage and found the happy medium. Good luck I found I am very sensitive to my dosage.

  10. I had my thyroid removed 30 years ago. I was taking synthyroid until about 6 years ago when a natural path prescribed nature thyroid. What a difference! Since it hasn’t been available in my dose for a couple years, I am taking armour. My naturalpath moved and my primary care doctor tells me I don’t need t3 and only checks tsh.
    Is he right? I’m still taking armour at a much higher copay and we agree to disagree every time I see him.
    I’m really frustrated!

    1. I’m an RN. Switch doctors if you can, or even better, see a Nurse Practitioner. Your doctor is ignoring your concerns without even confirming with lab tests. Yes, people need T3 as well, and you need to know if your body is converting T4 to T3 well, or if you need a thyroid hormone that includes T3.

      1. blank Anonymous With Hypo says:

        I have also heard that because Blue Cross now owns CVS pharmacy they are pushing Synthroid and do not want to cover the other medications. One NP told me that at a recent conference they were told not to prescribe NP Thyroid for hypo due to T3, as it would no longer be covered and quite possibly cost them their license. Welcome to the beginning of Socialized Medicine…where you’re health is ignored and the only thing your insurance company cares about is it’s profit.

        1. And what socialized medicine has to do with it? The whole system is so bad and we don’t even have socialized medicine yet.

          1. You are correct Mona!

    2. blank Sunny L. Payne says:

      Your Dr. is brushing you off because he is either uninformed or lazy. I always check the T3 & T4 levels from the lab report because they give you a very clear picture of what your levels are. When anyone begins to talk to me about TSH levels my answer is that they are immaterial, to me, and I then begin to discuss what is really happening and how do I remain stable on my meds.

      1. Oh Hi!

        Not sure if you’ll see you’d message. How is TSH immaterial? My T3 and ,T4 are in mid normal range but my TSH is 11-12-15.’and I feel horrible, having lost of palpitations and pvcS. Because the TSH being pushed out by the pituitary gland. In my case totally relevent.

    3. blank Jackie Thomaa says:

      This has made a mess of my life. Went on Armor Thyroid.

  11. My daughter just got diagnosed with hypothyroidism and I’m not sure which path to follow. Mainstream (synthyroid) or her naturopath doctor (armour).
    Also, she’s 16, and only had one period when she was 13, would starting this help stimulate her periods again? Mainstream doctors just wanted to put her on the pill.
    Any suggestions or tips would be most helpful.
    Thank you.

  12. blank Cornelia Williams says:

    I have been experiencing shoulder, hip and back pain
    since taking Snythroiid. Some say it is related to the Snythroid. Could this be true?

    1. blank Priscilla says:

      Yes! 100% true says this RN!

  13. Call some local pharmacies and ask what Doctors prescribe it.

  14. Thank you for a enlightening article! And clearly written! I’ve been struggling with finding the “Sweet spot”. I would love to feel just good. I have a great doctor. But he is baffled over my high cortisol levels. After reading your article I’m going to do some research on what to do for my adrenal glands. Again…great article!!

  15. blank Pamela Casteel says:

    Thank you for this great info! I’ve been suffering with Thyroid issues since 2005….2016 diagnosed with NH Lymphoma that had started in neck and reached my Thyroid.
    I’m not sure if I’ll ever feel well again. Ppl do not realize how
    Hypothyroidism is so critical to our overall heath….weight gain, awful depression, crushing fatigue. I’ve read where ppl have actually committed suicide due to the side affects yet our doctor’s poo poo our symptoms off like it’s all in our heads because our very basic blood work is showing normal🤪…..I walk out in tears.
    Anyway Thank you!!

    1. blank Debby Buck says:

      You’re absolutely right! My new doctor switched me from armour thyroid to synthoid and my weight has increased, my blood pressure is dangerously high, my pulse runs 130 sitting still, depressed, anxiety, T.E.D. thyroid eye disease, and sleepless nights. My other medication doesn’t work. I had a thyroidictomy in 2011. I’m wondering if going on Cytomel would give me what I need for my t3 that the Armour was giving me? My insurance no longer pays for Armour.

  16. blank Paula Mathews says:

    Thank you so much the best article I have ever read on Thyroid Treatment!

  17. blank Murray Duffin says:

    Tell Suzy Cohen to get her conversion factors and units of measurement right. Her dosage equivalent table is very very wrong!!

    1. Is the foraging correct or incorrect

    2. Meant to say is dosing information correct or incorrect?

    3. Is the dosing information correct or not

  18. Thank you for this article. I was recently diagnosed with silent thyroiditis, and I’m wondering how the prescription levels for NDT and synthroid translate to someone who is subclinical hypothyroid. The consensus by most doctors is to say to not take any thyroid medications oh, but my symptoms are such that I feel like I need to I was microdosing at 6.25 mcgs of synthroid and I was having side effects of feeling like I was taking too much at that level. I’m hoping to find some sort of level of thyroid medication that works well for folks like mewho have symptoms of hypothyroidism but feel that even a quarter of a dose is too much of standard thyroid medications.

  19. This may seem like an obscure question, but I hope that someone can help! I have been relatively stable on a high dose of armour thyroid for many years. I have just moved to Portugal and come to find that there is NO Armour Thyroid here, nor is it allowed into the country! There seems to only be levythroxine. Any thoughts, advice-legal, medical, welcome!

    1. blank Alexandra Clark says:

      Please let me know what you find about getting Armour in Portugal. I am moving there soon and do not want to have to give up my dose!

  20. blank LAURA PAUGH says:

    I need to find a doctor in the Baltimore, MD area. I’ve been on Synthroid for about 15 years. Now, postmenopausal, I was informed that my bone scan came back at a T-3.3 (meaning that I have severe osteoporosis)! Meanwhile, I’ve read that Synthroid causes a problem with calcium absorption and can cause osteoporosis. I want to get off the pharmaceuticals and get on naturally. I don’t know where to begin looking for such a doctor who believes in natural healing/medicines and who specializes in the thyroid — do any of you know anyone? Thanks! 🙂

    1. blank Dori Campbell says:

      Check out to learn about reversing the osteoporosis with bioidentical hormone replacement pellets.
      Best of luck!

      1. blank LAURA PAUGH says:

        Dori, thank you! 🙂

  21. I am on np 15mg, and feel really great, no more brain frog, tons of energy, acing body pain all gone, also I lost 12 pounds. I walk, weight training, and some yoga, nothing new I always exercised that way, but now a lot more easily and good results !
    The only negative feeling, is that I am easier out of breath, breathing harder!

  22. Hi, i’ve been trying to find this out. I’ve been googling it to no avail. Is compounded armour capsules in anyways different than armour tabs other than the fact it is slow release . Ie..diff makeup/chemicals?
    I will ask my pharmacist when I see them today. They’re telling me that he can’t get any T4 powder so they will be giving me the tablets. I take 45 mg w/the compounded, so now they have to give me 2 pills, 15& 30 to equal my 45. More expense too.

  23. blank Rosa hornbuckle says:

    What’s the name of the thyroid book and who is it by and what is it called.

  24. blank Rosa hornbuckle says:

    I need help really bad I am looking for a Dr in Birmingham Alabama that is good listening to the patient symptoms and body issues so I can be put on the correct Med. I had a complete thyroid removal and every since then body had not been the same brain fog hypothyroidism wait gain bad tired no energy body pain all over and was dx with show-gen dz and fibromyalgia which fibromyalgia started when I started this medication levothyroxin but no Dr will listen to me and I also read if taking levothyroxin and you have a autoimmune dz levothyroxin will cause your body to hurt all over. Any Dr could help me. If anybody knows anyone please advise me.

    1. blank Marlo Horne says:

      Dear Rosa,
      Mary Shomon, a patient advocate who writes about thyroid problems, has a couple of websites that include the following:

      Just continue to page down through the website, and you will find several doctors listed for Birmingham. I am not sure how current this list is and the first doctor does not look to be easily available. Just keep paging down the webpage to find other doctors. I think you will want a doctor who will prescribe Armor, which can also be made at a compounding pharmacy.

      As explained above by Suzy Cohen, Armor is a natural thyroid supplement from desiccated pig thyroids, consequently it has a combination of the hormones you need, T3 and T4. T3 is the active hormone that is used directly by organs in the body; whereas T4 has to be converted by the organs into T3.
      Synthroid is a synthetic thyroid supplement, which only has the T4 hormone. In your case, that would force every organ in your body to convert T4 into T3 before any of it could be used. Armor also has T1 and T2, hormones that may still not be well understood, but I would hate to do without them.

      My mother had most of her thyroid removed in her early 30s. By finding a doctor on Mary Shomon’s website, she was able to get a prescription for the Armor thyroid she needed to properly maintain her thyroid hormone level for the rest of her life (age 89).

      I hope this helps and I will be glad to correspond further.

  25. In my Naturopathic practice, women clients with seeming thyroid issues almost without exception had either stressed or weak adrenals. There is a synergy between the thyroid and the adrenals that must be maintained in order to attain balance and elimination of symptoms. An effective adrenal supplement must have Vit. C and pantothenic acid(B5)in the formula. When you are stressed you are burning up vitamin C. If testing shows the adrenals to be severely depleted, you may need to take a glandular adrenal supplement (dessicated adrenal glands) to rebuild the gland.

  26. I had thyroid cancer and thyroid was removed over the summer. I was on Synthroid for almost 18 years before this for Hashimotos. Six weeks after thyroidectomy I switched to Armour (about a month ago). I think that desiccated thyroid is a better fit for me overall, and Armour was great except that it was causing me significant headaches, especially when it was increased from 90 to 120 (I was gaining weight while eating a very strict diet). So I am just today starting Nature throid. I am hoping that this one works, but slightly concerned when I read stuff online. What does it mean to go to a compound pharmacy to get a desiccated thyroid powder? How do you do this? Do you ask the doctor? Thank you so much.

  27. blank Elizabeth M. says:

    I have been on armour for at least five years. Wasn’t feeling that great and my doctor put me on Synthroid which I didn’t really want to do. I was on 90 mg of armor and she put me on 175 mg of Synthroid. I thought that was very high but she said 175 is the same as 90 armor… Wish someone would tell me if that is right!

    1. I have been on Nature Throid for six years now, my t4 remains at 61-65. My new doctor is now changing my medications to levothyroxine 50 mcg tablet. When I was first told I had hashimoto’s hypothyroid I was put on synthroid, which made me feel so bad, gained weight, anxiety, chest pain, etc. But my new doctor said, this will be better for me. I am very nervous about switching due to the past side effects. Being that I honestly have not gotten better even with Nature Throid, wondering if I should slowly take myself off of all pills?

  28. blank Elizabeth says:

    I’ve been on Nature thyroid for some time now. I’ve been having rapid heart-rate recently so my func. dr. lowered the dose from 113.5mg. to 97.5mg. and I’m still feelingit. I went to my “regular” pcp who put me on a beta blocker. I still feel sick. I live in The Villages, FL so wondered if I need a new func. dr. (which are hard to find) and if you can make recommendations on who to go to. Any recommendations (and I mean any) would be appreciated.

    1. Hi Elizabeth, Speak to your doctor about the fact that Nature-throid was not available for several months and now the new pills seem to be different. I have heard from several Hypothyroid Mom readers reporting not feeling well on the new pills. I personally decided to switch to desiccated thyroid powder compounded by a compounding pharmacy because I had a feeling the new pills of Nature-throid might be a problem for me. I had this experience back in 2009 or so when Armour was changed and my symptoms started returning. Worth speaking to your doctor about this.

    2. Medicare just started covering Armour Thyroid!!!

      1. blank Pam Webner says:

        I was just told that Medicare doesn’t recognize Armour, I have been on it for years, now Iam scared I may have to change to synthroud or the generic form of it. But, I do believe I can still be on Armour just pay the full price, which I probably should do. Any thought?

        1. Hi Armor Thyroid is made from Allergan company. They have a patient assistantance program if u can’t afford your meds u can get it for free if u qualify. I would give them a call.

  29. I’ve been on Synthroid for 10 years. During that time I went through menopause and began losing my hair – all over my body slowly. I was told it was age related. I also suffer from insomnia. I need a referral for a doc in the Atlanta area that will consider Armour and has a healing philosophical approach to his/her practice. I would sincerely appreciate any recommendation as I’m sick of feeling sick and tired. 🙂 Thanksso much!

    1. Juliem—— you need to go to Southeastern Endocrine and Diabetes in Roswell. I have gone there for years ( I am 40 with Hashimoto’s) and they LISTEN to how you feel. I am gaining weight at the speed of light despite my efforts and basically feel like poo… so he listened and I am going on NP thyroid tomorrow and giving it a whirl! I see Dr. Munoz or the NP Donnie Jester. Both are great! Sorry it is so late for a reply!

  30. blank Jan /stiny says:

    Hi Suzy,,
    Can you please say what pharmacy degree you have and where it is from?

  31. blank James Williams says:

    Had thyroidectomy with differentiated cancer. Pronounced cancer free after several screenings and ablation with medium dose of radioactive iodine. Do not know my FREE
    T3 levels. I have mild hypothyroid symptoms. Does upper quadrant levels of T3 cause the recurrence of the cancer? My doctor only wants T4 and TSH lab tests. With this type of cancer, I know T4 needs to be high enough to suppress TSH to 0.1 or below to prevent the return of the cancer. I want T3 levels high enough to feel good, BUT NOT IF IT MIGHT CAUSE THE RETURN OF THE CANCER. What should I do

  32. blank James Williams says:

    Had thyroidectomy with differentiated cancer. Pronounced cancer free after several screenings and ablation with medium dose of radioactive iodine. Do not know my FREE
    T3 levels. I have mild hypothyroid symptoms. Does upper quadrant levels of T3 cause the recurrence of the cancer? My doctor only wants T4 and TSH lab tests. With this type of cancer, I know T4 needs to be high enough to suppress TSH to 0.1 or below to prevent the return of the cancer. I want T3 levels high enough to feel good, BUT NOT IF IT MIGHT CAUSE THE RETURN OF THE CANCER. What should I do?

  33. blank Chic Kelly says:

    I am 82, think I feel OK. Left thyroid is shriveled, small. My VA Physician’s Assistant wishes me to start Levothyroxine NA (synthoid) 25/ one quarter grain daily. I take no other medicine on a regular basis. Irregularly, Vitamin D 1000. Heart working good for its age.
    Should I introduce this T4 into my system.
    I have had sudden 8-minute dizzy spells about once a month for three months. Neurology exam upcoming. Any advice?

  34. blank PapilioATX says:

    Hashi’s patient here. Have been trying to stabilize since diagnosis in 2012. Started with OTC thyroid supps & had to move on to “natural” thyroid Rx. Tried all the brands & many dosage adjustments. Still felt bad & struggled with lots of symptoms. Am on a restricted diet and get lots of excercise. Have a healthcare background/training. Recently switched to synthroid and am amazed at the difference. Am not quite 100 percent but am so much better than with armour & the others. I do not trust meat based products to be pure, who knows where the cattle lived & what they ate & what kinds of chemicals & medications they were given. BTW I have only recently started to think about the actual source of animal thyroid – during all the years of taking animal thyroid Rx I did not really give it much thought. Also for me most likely the t3 in animal thyroid was causing some of my symptoms. Hope you find what works best for you & that you make progress toward feeling good! Thanks for letting me share.

    1. blank PapilioATX says:

      Sorry I wrote “cattle”. armour comes from pigs. But my concerns about corporate animal husbandry still stand.

  35. I have been taking levothyroxin for 40 years, diagnosed not long after having 2 babies close together. But I was diagnosed with celiac disease about 6/ years ago and recently with a dairy allergy. In spite of not eating gluten or dairy I still don’t feel that good so I looked up the ingredients in levothyroxine. It contains both gluten and lactose! I stopped taken the levothyroxine and I’m feeling so much better. But I’m not sure what I should do now.

  36. blank Kathleen Martell says:

    Hi I was born with no pituitary gland hence no thyroid. Since diagnosed at 28 (now 66) I have been on levothyroxine and synthyroid. Never Armor. Saw my endo yesterday but she doesn’t want me on Armor, not sure why. 25 pounds overweight. Think I need to take my.hydrocortisone (for adrenal support) several hours after Levi. Any advice? Thanks

    1. blank Sue Bogacki says:

      I have been taking Armour thyroid for almost 69 years. It is very hard to find a doctor to prescribe it and Medicare won’t cover one penny of it. When I found a doctor who was willing to prescribe it, he said that he didn’t even know what dose to give me because no one uses it anymore. I told him to just give me what I was taking and that was 26 years ago. I tried Synthroid and felt terrible on it.
      Also, the cost of Armour thyroid has skyrocketed. For me, it went from $33.00 to $226.00 for 3 months. As I said, my prescription drug plan doesn’t pay a penny.

      1. blank Doro Reeves says:

        Sue, I just ordered a three-month supply of Armour for all of $83 with shipping, from Where you get your medications from makes a huge difference in price. Whoever is charging you $226 is ripping you off.

        1. Medicare covers armour now! They just started covering it. Yay!

  37. I began levothyroxine in late October (when TSH was 6.99), and the TSH level was 2.66 by December. I also felt GREAT, like new. I mean, more energy than I could remember, without being too much. However, I noticed increased anxiety almost as soon as the med started. In early March, I had my levels checked again because of the anxiety. Now my TSH is 1.95. My T4 has gone from .7 in Oct to .94 in March. I have never been tested for T3. My energy level is still good, and I don’t want that to change, but I do want to address the anxiety, which I am sure is related to the med. Also, for the first few months, I was far less inclined towards depressed feelings, but this past month, have been feeling depressed. There were two major stressors for me the last week in Jan through mid Feb, so that would contribute, but I think the med is affecting me for sure. I am not sure what course to take. Would you have any advice?

    1. You need to get your T3 tested. Anxiety, hot flashes, etc., can be attributed to higher than optimal T3. Just letting you know from my experience…

  38. Can somebody help me? I normally take WP Thyroid but since no one here has it, my doctor called in prescription for Armour. Just picked it up and got home and see that it is levothyroxine/liothyron. Called the pharmacy and they told me this is the generic for Armour. Now I know that can’t be true since one is synthetic and the other is NDT. So I am wondering if this is okay to take. I have always been adamantly against synethics, but am also out of my meds and need to take something.

  39. did you ever think of going to a holistic doctor and try and heal naturally? Going to main stream doctors have kept me sick …
    blessings and love Marie

  40. Suzy why did it take you so long to reply to these w9men?

  41. No pharmacy gives pure synthroid…….it has to be messaged by dr. …..other wise you get….levothyroxine….which is generic………and sorry to tell this page but anyone with hashimotos should not take it it causes weight gain…………….armor is natural and its helped me lose 15 lbs already and I’ve been on since 1 month ago……..Drs had me on other for 8 years and it made me gain 80 lbs

  42. blank Laurie Giesbrecht says:

    I had my right thyroid removed in late October 2011 to remove a large goiter. I was told 80% chance not cancerous. It was cancerous. I have follicular thyroid cancer. The tumour was 9cm. Six weeks later I had my left thyroid removed. Since then I have been given 6 treatments of Radioactive Iodine 131. I can’t have anymore I have ingested the maximum amount. Since my surgeries I have been on many different dosages of Synthroids but still feel sluggish, gain weight, when my feet get cold it’s very hard to warm them again, my hair falls out at times, my brain is always fuzzy, …..but I also get heart palpitations at times, I sweat like anything so I feel hypo with some hyper in there too, dr says I can’t be both, yet here I am! Last year, November 2016 I was told they could no longer offer me a cure. I am terminal. The cancer has moved into my lungs. I have ten small nodules. But it’s ok! Thyroid cancer is slow growing and I have no symptoms to see me you’d never think that I had cancer; let alone being terminal. I should still have a few years left! About a year and ago my oncologist put me on Cytomel and about six months ago my endo doubled my dose because my blood work was coming back with results that were dead on….for someone without thyroid issues my numbers should be non existent or minimal still feeling like death warmed over! I do have high blood pressure and take three different meds daily for this. I just want to stop sweating lose weight, clear my brain fog and not be tired anymore.
    Any advice at all? No dr has recommended any supplements of any kind.
    Have a wonderful 2018!

    1. I had Graves Disease; thyroid removed via radioactive iodine in 1992. Have been on 88 mcg levothyroxine since. Only 2 times my blood work came back abnormal : both caused by stressful life issues; both times I could not walk very far without my legs feeling like limp noodles. With all that you have going on, I can’t imagine you could be stress-free. Some foods cause brain fog; i.e. sugar is the worst. Sugar is from the ‘moldy’ food group. It is yeast/bad bacteria. White bread turns into sugar. Peanut products, mushrooms and cheese that come with a rind are from the moldy food group. Commonly causes sinus infections, brain fog, heartburn, indigestion, yeast infections, ear infections. Educate yourself on the foods you eat (and liquids). Sweating indicates too much thyroid, coldness indicates too little. I also take MSM because of the many attributes, the most important being that it opens up each cell for optimal intake of nutrients etc and expels toxins at the cellular level; it also is a natural pain reliever and anti-inflammatory. In my individual case, if I eat something I know I shouldn’t and I have ‘brain fog’ or sinus problems I immediately take lactobacillus acidophilus; for me, it almost immediately corrects the imbalance of the stomach flora and corrects the improper accumulation of yeast or bad bacteria (of course it probably works different with each person). Not sure any of this will work for you – – just something you might consider. God Bless.

    2. I’ve also read that MSM taken with Vitamin C has been extremely positive with cancerous issues. You might want to read up on this. Just don’t give up!

  43. blank missfrizzle says:

    Thank you for all this information. I have been taking armour for at least 10 years. I had to convince my doctor that I wanted it instead of synthroid. Between 3 doctors that have treated me for thyroid, not one of them has given me any of this information. I have been taking it mid day not knowing any better. We need pharmacists in this country to be able to prescribe medicine. I have learned much from you.

  44. Hi,
    I recently had a total thyroidectomy due to thyroid papillary cancer. I am currently on synthroid and I am wondering should I be taking all of the supplements mentioned in the article..Should i speak to my dr about switching to a drug that contains T3. I am currently on 112mcg of synthroid, but have not had blood work yet since the surgery…Thank you

  45. I had to have my Thyroid completely removed about two years ago due to an abnormal cell mass growth on the thyroid and chest area (Non Cancerous). Since that time, I’ve been taking 0.112MG Synthroid. I’m finding out that my (old ways) diet and daily routine is no longer enough to keep the weight off. I have also been experiencing Tinnitus in both ears, and joint pain in my shoulders and elbows. As a bass player in a worship band, these things matter. My focus and mind clarity has also seem to be changing as well.
    I’ve been searching lately for an alternative med to supplement or replace the Synthroid. I have talked to my family doctor about Armour and he said just stick to the Synthroid. Your article has given me the information that I was looking for. Thank you so much!

    1. blank Michelle Carroll says:

      I had a TT nearly two years ago and levo just wasn’t for me. From nearly 5 years of being overactive and trying to get better after the TT, the stress has taken it’s toll on my adrenals, I thought it was the armour doing it to me then when I changed. I did a saliva test and it showed very high corsitol levels throughout. I am now starting natural supplements that my doc recommended. I also have low stomach acid which didn’t help things.
      Maybe levo just doesn’t suit you, many people who have TT need that T3 more than someone who has their thyroid. Stop the thyroid maddness is a great book, check it out.

  46. My thyroid was radiated in 95. Was on synthroid for lot of years and changed Drs. He let me change to Armour. I could tell a difference then. I have a test once a year and have ask for certain test and he has them done and always normal. Have trouble with loosing weight. What do you suggest. I know normal may not be the optimal. How do I get this across to the Dr.?

  47. blank Shana Wehr says:

    I’d absolutely love to read your book, I have hypothyroidism and I take 150 MCG of synthroid daily. I’ve gained 60 lbs in a year and its absolutely killing me and making depression and anxiety a lot worse. I’d love to read what your book has to help with everything.

  48. Hi,
    Have you hear of Thyrolar? It contains T3 and T4

    If you have I would like to hear your views on it.

    1. Took Thyrolar 2 for years until Forester Labortories stopped making 1997. They worked great for me, and I have never been able to adjust my thyroid since. I wish they would continue making the Thyrolar 2 , Please if anyone is listening, request them(Forester Lab to start producing them again..
      They work.!!

  49. I just had my thyroid radiated in April. I was hyperthyroid, now am hypo. I am trying synthroid, generic brand. Was prescribed 5o mc, but was getting afib and weakness. I called my doctor and after some discussion I was permitted to drop to 25mc. I already take a beta blocker due to the hyper. thyroid condition that I was treated for and the higher dose of generic synthroid caused afib any way. I am very discouraged right now. Any help out there? I really would appreciate it! Thanks, Pat. PS Gaining weight, 8 lbs.

    1. blank Michelle Carroll says:


      I got radiation back in 2014 and it was the worst decision of my life. After 3 wks of having radiation, my world turned upside down. I knew there was something not right. I experience my first panic attack it was horrible, I experienced panic/anxiety attacks alot throughout each day. My endo at the time didnt want to see me until Dec got it done in June of 2014, as he said it could take 3 mths to work. I was gradually getting sicker and sicker each day, I felt like someone was controlling my brain, I wasn’t me, I didn’t know who I was. This went on for 3 mths, with taking 5/10mg of neomercazole daily until I saw my endo. He then put me on 40mg of neomercazole, for a further two wks, I had enough, I went to A&E, endured 8hours of waiting, constant migraine attacks and literally feeling awful. Worrying I was going to die and not see my little boy again. Pleading with them to admit me, they finally gave it, and let me see a endo the following day. I was in hospital for a wk. That time of my life, I felt like I started in my own horror movie. Fast forward 8mths and I got a TT. I wish I did it along time ago.

      You are under medicated, and need more thyroid hormone. Have you ever considered a removal(TT)? The beta blocker mighten be helping things either. Your body is working so hard to keep up with the low thyroid hormones. I can relate so much to your situation, and a TT help alot, but due to the stress of it all, I now have adrenal fatique.
      Hope this might help.

  50. My doctor really listens to my symptoms and not just the numbers which I am thankful for. About a year ago we decided I needed to add some T3. He preference was levothyroxine and composed T3. Well my insurance won’t pay for compound meds and I could not afford it. So the next choice was Nature Throid so that I was getting T4 and T3. It has been a struggle finding a good dose. Recently my symptoms are worse. Weight gain, hair loss (enough I needed to cut it) and extreme fatigue, especially mid day. I have an apt coming up and I know my numbers do play a roll but I am wondering what advice you can give me to discuss with him? Is levothyroxine and cytomel something I should ask about it? I don’t think he cares for cytomel which is why we went to nature Throid. I do know he prefers levothyroxine and when I said I couldn’t afford the compounded T3 and what about cytomel he said no let’s try nature throid. I am so tired of being tired!! Thank you for any help or discussion points you can offer me!

  51. blank gail sullivan says:

    I was diagnosed as Hypothyroid in Jan. 1995. I was on Synthroid and then the generic for this for over 21 years. In May 2016 I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s at age 70. I went on the generic for Armour and immediately my numbers went up-too high in 3 weeks. Now on a combo of Armour-15 mg. and Armour generic-30 mg. My numbers just came back where they should be. The good news is that I am losing weight. That is probably due to part thyroid meds and stress. My recommendation is to go to a Women’s Health Group. They should have a better understanding of how to treat thyroid issues.

    1. blank Maryanne Baringer says:

      I have recently been diagnosed with hashi. What should I be on?? I took armor for awhile & was loosing weight . Because of cost went to nature thyroid….but realized I gained 30#. Now back on armor 120….still not loosing weight….I also take omeprazole 40mg. Help. I’m inbetween drs.

  52. Can one take armour & synthroid together?
    What’s a good combo of t3/t4 together?
    Thank you

  53. blank Tammy mazzola says:

    Where can I find a doctor who will prescribe NDT ?

  54. Is there a Dr in South Carolina who will prescibe Armor for me? So far I have not been able to find one. Suggestions would be great!

  55. Hello!
    I switched to desiccated 3 years ago And immediately gained 15lbs… I was so confused because I thought it would help with my weight. .. I became pregnant about 5 months after switching and we lost our baby girl at 35 weeks to stillbirth. I’ve been gaining weight since her death. .. I’ve just had another baby girl 3 months ago. .. in so happy she’s here bit again. .not losing the weight.’s a good 40 pounds… I don’t eat gluten, dairy. . Beef. .. refined sugars. .. I’m pretty healthy. I have a hunch its my adrenals after reading your site. .. but I do have hashis so I’m wondering maybe my body didn’t love ndt? I’d love some advice! ? Thank you! ♡ ps..I am breastfeeding!;)

  56. my dr dose not listen to me he like to be in totally in control you are so lucky to have a good dr he didn’t not tell me to take it in the morning and he gives me estrogen also i been taking antacids thank-you for the information

  57. blank Dawn Phythian says:

    Hello! What do you recommend if I’ve had my thyroid tested several times, my thyroid is swollen (goiter), I’ve got scalloped tongue, can’t lose weight even though I run 20 miles a week, surgical menopause on HRT, my temp is never higher than 97.2, and besides having an AutoImmune Disease Ulcerative Colitis for 12 years, and my TSH and T3 Free are not optimal but considered ‘normal’. Do I find someone to listen to me or just chalk it up to coincidence?

    1. blank Dawn Phythian says:

      Oh and I don’t know if the fact that my mom had a pituitary tumor and that I had hyperparathyroidism (removed 2.5 of my parathyroid) have anything to do with any of this – oh and I have metabolic syndrome…

  58. My Dr claims he has never heard of it (Armour) and refuses to look into it for me- says my feeling crummy is all in my head.. wish I could find a dr to listen!!!

    1. Call your pharmacist, and if no luck there start calling surrounding pharmacies and ask what doctors are prescribing Nature Throid, NP thyroid, WP thyroid and Armour. It’s the easiest way to find an open minded doctor. Don’t be stuck on Armour though. They have raised their prices considerably since they were bought by a different pharmaceutical company. The other brands I mentioned are the same or better with less filler and the exact same active ingredients. I switched from Armour to NP, my sister switched from Armour to Nature Throid when the price jumped from about $10 to $45. Good luck!

      1. blank Connie Lewis says:

        Apparently they are no longer making Nature Throid. I have a terrible time trying to get it. I might be able to get 10 tablets at a time.

        1. I’m on Armour and have no problem getting it through Walmart Pharmacy. Armour is not covered by insurance so you’ll have to pay out of pocket. I pay 42$for 120 m and 30 count. I use Good RX for a discount.

          1. You might have to get the doctor to call your insurance company. Once they did my insurance will cover it. I can’t take just T4 medication like levothyroxin and synthroid. I gained 80 pounds and felt terrible as well as depressed.

        2. Most patients previously on Nature-Throid are changing therapy to NP Thyroid.

        3. I switched from Armour to WP Thyroid & now I can’t get it. The pharmacys says it’s on back order? Does anyone know why it’s so hard to get? Armour is way too expensive. Need something else to take but do not want to take synthetic again?

          1. It is made in Puerto Rico, so who knows when it will be available!! I switched from WP to NP…

          2. Whats the difference between WP and NP?

    2. Read blondes books on bio/identical hormones it changed my life and she gives you a list of dr’s in your area that treat women’s hormones naturally. Suzann summers ,it will save your life. Even if you have to borrow money for the proper test, it’s a mucus test. It’s worth your life. I’m on Medicaid, it pays for bio identical hormones, but before they did it was only $ 25.00 a month for hormones. Do your own research and don’t listen to your dr’ s that are not taking you seriously. It’s your body listen to it , keep your records and read Suzanne’s book. It will save your life.

    3. blank Charlotte says:

      Look for a holistic Dr. They are very knowledgeable on more of the alternative medicine treatments as well as the regular ways. Any Dr. that will not listen to you and has a closed mind is not worth wasting your time.

  59. blank Roberta Petricek says:

    I need help. I recently went on armour thyroid but really don’t feel any better. My 2 sisters felt immediately better. I need to find a specialist in the pittsburgh area who knows about all these combinations u duscussed. Roberta ([email protected])

    1. Roberta, if you haven’t found anyone…Dr. Goldstein in Wexford is who I see

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