Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Hypothyroidism & T3: My Personal Battle

Chronic fatigue syndrome hypothyroidism and T3 thyroid hormone

How many Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) patients actually have thyroid imbalance as the cause of their symptoms even when their thyroid lab tests are declared ‘normal’? I’ve wondered this for some time.

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TSH Wars: The Unreliable Thyroid Lab Test

TSH Wars: The Unreliable Thyroid Lab Test

If I was being treated by a doctor with this limited view of thyroid treatment based on TSH alone, I would be a very ill woman today.
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The Connection Between Plastic Water Bottles, The Pill and Your Thyroid

The Connection Between Plastic Water Bottles, The Pill, and Your Thyroid

Suzy Cohen has appeared on TV shows like Good Morning America Health, The Dr. Oz Show, The 700 Club, The View and The Doctors. What an honor for me to be included in Suzy’s Cohen thyroid book. [Read more…]

Top 5 Reasons Doctors Fail To Diagnose Hypothyroidism

Top 5 Reasons Doctors Fail To Diagnose Hypothyroidism

The Thyroid Federation International estimates there are up to 300 million people worldwide suffering from thyroid dysfunction yet over half are presumed to be unaware of their condition. Hypothyroidism, an underactive thyroid, is one of the most undiagnosed, misdiagnosed, and unrecognized health problems in the world. It is an epidemic that is sweeping the globe yet doctors are failing to recognize and diagnose hypothyroidism. Hypothyroid patients are falling through the cracks of mainstream medicine, left to suffer debilitating and even life-threatening symptoms. What is going on? [Read more…]

Is Your Thyroid Doctor Using the Old TSH Lab Standards?

What is TSH? TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) is a thyroid test to diagnose thyroid disorders. High TSH is diagnosed as hypothyroidism, low thyroid problems.

Most conventional doctors rely on TSH as the gold standard to measure thyroid functioning. Many mainstream doctors do not run a full thyroid panel that should at least include Free T4, Free T3, Reverse T3, and thyroid antibodies. Unfortunately TSH alone does not provide a complete picture. If doctors are going to rely on TSH alone, however, they should at least give consideration to the controversy over the TSH normal reference range and consider this when diagnosing patients. Right? We are more than a lab number. It’s up to us to take control of our thyroid health and insist our doctors treat us the patient and not this controversial TSH lab number, even if they look at us like we are CRAZY for questioning them! [Read more…]