Unhappy? Oh, yes. Far too many unhappy thyroid patients unfortunately.
Learn the “old school” way (now overlooked by mainstream medicine) of diagnosing and treating hypothyroidism that works for many, including me.
Written by Hugh D. Melnick, MD
I’m going to tell you why there are so many unhappy thyroid patients.
Unhappy thyroid patients
A significant percentage of hypothyroid patients, treated with synthetic thyroid hormone medications, such as Synthroid, report dissatisfaction with their treatment because of the persistence of their symptoms.
Although many patients do respond well to treatment with synthetic T4, which is the most commonly prescribed thyroid medication, common symptoms of hypothyroidism, such as fatigue, hair loss, brain fog, decreased memory, attention deficit disorder, constipation, and depression still persist in a significant percentage of patients.
There is little doubt that a great many changes have been made in the diagnosis and treatment of hypothyroidism in the past 50 years. In that time frame, the invention of a group of thyroid blood tests and the development of synthetic thyroid hormone medications, such as Synthroid (T4) and Cytomel (T3), should have made a dramatic improvement in the way hypothyroidism was diagnosed and treated. But it really has not.
Since this method of treatment relieves patients’ symptoms in only 60% of cases, what is the problem?
What is the problem?
The major problem is that the majority of doctors have been taught to use TSH levels exclusively in the diagnosis of hypothyroidism and in the management of thyroid medication dosage. They only look at laboratory results and do not pay attention to a patient’s symptoms. This often results in physicians dismissing many symptomatic patients because their TSH levels are “normal”. The reality is that patients having TSH levels in the “normal” range suffer with the same symptoms that are seen in patients who have high TSH levels.
The inescapable conclusion is that TSH levels should not be the only criteria used for the diagnosis and treatment of hypothyroidism. In addition, the modest rate of symptomatic improvement with synthetic T4 treatment also suggests that another form for thyroid medication may be more effective in providing symptomatic relief. Because the current system is not helpful for a large group of people with hypothyroidism, perhaps a return to the “old school” way of diagnosing and treating hypothyroidism is needed.
“Old school” hypothyroidism diagnosis & treatment
In the days prior to the 1970’s, when I was a medical student, patients were diagnosed with hypothyroidism if they had the typical symptoms known to be associated with the condition. Blood tests were not available to diagnose or manage the patient clinically. In the “old school” approach, a doctor would listen to and evaluate a patient’s symptoms. If the patient’s symptoms matched those known to be present in hypothyroid patients, the diagnosis was made.
Slower thinking
Inability to concentrate
Thinning hair
Loss of body hair
Dry skin
Weight gain
Puffy eyes
Hoarseness/deepening of voice
Persistent dry or sore throat
Difficulty swallowing
Slower heartbeat
Menstrual irregularities
Heavy period
Muscle weakness
The only thyroid medication available was natural desiccated thyroid (NDT), which was first successfully used to treat hypothyroidism in 1891. NDT is a purified preparation of pig thyroid gland, which closely resembles the human thyroid gland. Based upon the number and severity of the patient’s symptoms, the doctor would gradually increase the dose of NDT until symptomatic improvement was observed. NDT contains both natural T4 and T3, as well as other natural thyroid proteins not found in the synthetic thyroid medications. An equivalent amount of a combination of synthetic T4 and synthetic T3 is not as effective as NDT in producing symptomatic improvement. The natural T3 seems to be the key to symptomatic improvement.
Signs of improvement are gradual and are usually seen by 12 weeks in approximately 90% of the patients treated. One of the earliest signs of symptomatic improvement is that the hands and feet are no longer cold. Most patients begin to experience relief from facial and ankle bloating, as well as improvement in nail strength, recent memory, brain fog, and fatigue within 12 weeks of treatment. The last symptoms to be relieved are hair loss and weight gain. When hair stops shedding, the patient is taking the ideal dose of NDT. Weight loss usually takes somewhat higher doses of NDT to increase the metabolism in order to burn calories effectively. NDT is NOT a weight loss drug and should only be used in treatment individuals with hypothyroidism.
When patients are taking NDT, their thyroid blood test results may be confusing to a doctor who is not familiar with NDT therapy. When patients take NDT, T3 levels are normally higher and TSH levels are typically lower than the laboratory reference ranges. Many physicians will misinterpret these results and mistakenly think that the patient is hyperthyroid and taking too much thyroid medication. Elevated T3 levels in the blood are the result of rapid absorption of NDT from the stomach and the divided doses of NDT with which patients are treated. Patients taking too much NDT may temporarily have some similar symptoms as patients with hyperthyroidism. Too high a dose of NDT is seen when a patient experiences rapid or irregular heart beat, excessive sweating, weight loss, shakiness, and nervousness. If these symptoms occur, notify your doctor, who will stop the NDT for 24-48 hours, during which time the symptoms will go away. Treatment can then be resumed at a lower dosage.
Many symptomatic people are denied treatment and suffer with the symptoms of hypothyroidism needlessly. Often, they will be unfairly dismissed as a hypochondriac or incorrectly diagnosed with depression and offered antidepressants. No symptomatic patient should ever suffer the insult of being treated dismissively.
The key is for physicians not to depend entirely on TSH levels to diagnosed and treat hypothyroidism and to recognize the significance of a patient’s symptoms. A therapeutic trial of treatment with NDT should be offered to symptomatic patients, especially those who are still symptomatic while being treated with synthetic T4 medications. NDT has a long history of clinical use and safety.
From recent data collected from 125 consecutive symptomatic infertility patients, 89% of patients who were treated with gradually increasing doses of NDT experienced significant symptomatic relief and 77% conceived.
About Hugh Melnick, MD
Dr. Hugh Melnick is a recently retired reproductive endocrinologist who treated patients with hormonal and fertility problems since 1976. In 1983, Dr. Melnick founded Advanced Fertility Services, which was the first free standing In Vitro Fertilization Center in New York City. Dr. Melnick’s vast clinical experience along with his own personal experience with hypothyroidism enabled him to develop a unique approach to the diagnosis and treatment of hypothyroidism. During his many years of clinical practice, he recognized how hypothyroidism can adversely affect every part of the human body which inevitably interferes with a productive and enjoyable quality of life. In addition to fertility, Dr. Melnick specialized in the treatment of hypothyroidism in women and men of all ages.
READ NEXT: Study reveals superiority of natural desiccated thyroid over levothyroxine
Hi I had my thyroid removed 3 years ago due to Graves and Hyper. I started having bad anxiety about 6 months ago and ended up in the ER. My Family Dr raised my levothyroxine to much to fast assuming it was that throwing me into hyper again. Went through the hardest time fir about 5 months now I’m feeling hypo again but Anxiety never left. Could NP thyroid help with anxiety? Im sure it had to be my thyroid or lack of. I’ve never had anxiety In my life and I’m 38. I’m desperate please any advise! Thanks
Functional, intregrative or Naturopathic doctor’s are ideal.
Where do you and how do you keep going from one endocrinologist to another and still get dismissed. I have goiters both hot and cold and I have been dismissed so many times it is unbelievable. Where do you turn for help. I was told to many years I was depressed until my eye protruded and the first goiter came up. Then I did the radioactive iodine and part of they thyroid is still there. I have all the signs and symptoms of hypo thyroid but labs are within normal limits so nothing is wrong. Suggestions please
Functional, intregrative or Naturopathic doctor’s are ideal
I have been on 100mcg levothyroxine for 20years now. All it has done is given me a hoarse voice and tons of load to carry. 😫Can one start NDT a therapy on our own?
I had a underactive thyroit.Was treated on Eltroxcin for a few years.Then it got worse and I couldnt swallow anymore.I then had a operation.They removed half of my thyroid because it had cancer.I whent for treatment to get rid of the rest.But im struggling with my weight dry skin brittle nails hairloss tired and moody.Dont know what to do anymore.Please help.
Hi can u tell me is NDT available as a treatment in the UK, if it is how do I approach my GP about it. I am on 100mg levothyroxine daily but, I sTill suffer with horrible symptoms. Thank you
I have no thyroid. I now take NP thyroid, biotin, and collagen, and I’m doing much better. My eyelashes even look better!
What happens for those that have no insurance, have to work, are weak & exhausted, hot flashes are all day, and have no meds to help balance?
Yeah or on medicare and no dr that knows anything will accept assignment?
In my experience, they struggle to survive, financially and socially.
I wish you would address hyperthyroidism also. That’s what I have.
There are many groups for hyper on Facebook. This particular article though is semi the same for either. Mistreated and mis medicated. Hypothyroid Mom started this because she is hypo therefore she writes what she knows. But a lot of her stuff is relatable to either. I’ve been both. I urge you to join some of the hyper groups though.
Are you sure you are both?or were you misdiagnosed as dr. Melnick talks about in the study? I think i may have been misdiagnosed. Iwas originally diagnosed asbeing hperthyroid, then after a few years, i upped my medication. (Under my drs direction). I changed drs and she diagnosed me as hyper thyroid, im solosti think i will find a clinic in az that will help me.
Yes, not much information of hyperthyroid is out there. But Hyperthyroid does only apply to a handful of people, compared to hypothyroid. And I think, that’s why we hear and read so little about the disease, which I also suffer from, but would like more information from the people which also have problems with Hyperthyroidism!
The information on thyroid in general is not good since the medical establishment has done little to address quality of life issues for those patients since the 1950’s. There also isn’t a lot of quality information on hyperthyroid specifically because most endocrinologists prefer to medicate even their hyper patients into the high hypo to low normal range (lower 1/3 of the free T4 reference range or less) or bully those patients into surgery that will make them permanently hypothyroid. The good news is, that unlike a hypothyroid patient who has to rely on their doctor to prescribe more or a better medication balance, with hyper you can use your own blood tests to find the proper level of medication to keep yourself in an asymptomatic normal range despite your endocrinologist’s preferences. The published European Guidelines for Treatment of Graves Hyperthyroid may be helpful for you as resource https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6140607/.
Dear Lani, see my post on this same blog in response to Judy. I think you are right- and i mayhave been misdiagnosed as a result of a dr.