Talking to Your Kids in Tough (Thyroid) Times

Talking to Your Kids in Tough Thyroid Times

Her children taught her the greatest lesson of all: we have power within us to thrive, despite everything, even in the face of our darkest days with chronic illness.

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I'm fine, thanks

I’m fine, thanks

One lie. A little one. Intended to answer the question “How are you?” in the expected way. Well meaning. Until you develop a chronic illness like hypothyroidism. Then those three little words become way too big to handle. [Read more…]

CHRONIC: Thriving While Living with a Chronic Illness

CHRONIC: Thriving While Living with a Chronic Illness

When I launched Hypothyroid Mom in October 2012, my dream was to reach 250 followers. Little did I know that 4 years later, this blog would have over ONE MILLION followers, yes I said one million. I will never forget the people who first followed my Hypothyroid Mom Facebook Page when I only had 40 or so followers. Whenever I see their profile pictures pop up when they comment on a post on my page, I smile. All these years later and they are still here. How blessed I feel. Karen is one of those early followers and I’m so proud to have her writing here today. [Read more…]