From Hypothyroid to Healthy

From hypothyroid to healthy

I had the pleasure of meeting Danish thyroid advocate Helle Sydendal. We gave each other a big hug and became good friends. Not only is Helle passionate about advocating for thyroid patients around the world but she’s also a sweet person and I love that.
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What I wish others knew about living with a chronic unseen illness

What I wish others knew about living with a chronic unseen illness

Pastor Trisha Peach struggled for several years with symptoms that doctor after doctor could not figure out. It would turn out that she was struggling with the thyroid autoimmune condition Hashimoto’s, a chronic illness that goes unseen by people around you.
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Thyroid Hormone, Birth Defects, and the Developing Brain

Thyroid Hormone, Birth Defects and the Developing Brain

I miscarried my child at 12 weeks needlessly from maternal hypothyroidism. I knew deep inside me that something was wrong with my pregnancy. I should have gone for a second medical opinion but I didn’t. I was of the belief that doctor knows best and I have to live with that regret for the rest of my life.

Despite mounting evidence of the dangers of maternal thyroid dysfunction in pregnancy, there is still NO universal thyroid screening in pregnancy and this enrages me.
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Thyroid Meditation: Transforming Stress Into Well-Being

Thyroid Meditation: Transforming Stress Into Well-Being

A meditation designed specifically for thyroid health.
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Leaky Gut: The missing piece in many Autoimmune Diseases, like Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

Leaky Gut: The missing piece in many Autoimmune Diseases, like Hashimoto's Thyroiditis

When I first heard the term “leaky gut” I recall thinking, “What the heck is that?”

Treatment for leaky gut would turn out to be one of the key pieces to my thyroid success story.
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DREAM BIG: Why Thyroid Patients Need and Deserve Change

DREAM BIG: Why Thyroid Patients Need and Deserve Change

It is a pleasure to include my friend and passionate thyroid advocate Sarah Downing.

With Sarah as one of our fighters, change is near. I can feel it.
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