1. Hello Dana,
    I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism since I was 18. I am 35 years old and 15 weeks pregnant. unfortunately I passed my first 12 weeks of pregnancy with 4.50 TSH level. My Doctor increased my Synthroid dosage to 88 mg and I did another screen test last week and my TSH was 3.75 which was out of pregnancy range. I am worried about my baby’s brain development and IQ level now that I have passed the first 15 weeks of my pregnancy with out of range TSH. Please let me know what do you think? Is that already late ?

    1. sounds like baby starts making its own after 12 weeks – see if you can find that online like I just did (don’t remember the site)

      1. hopefully, the lower second number might indicate baby is making its own (b/c I think TSH is a measure of the “demand” on the thyroid based on presence/absence of thyroid stimulating hormone – less of that, more production is going on, i believe) – but your doctor s/b your best resource in your particular instance – a good question to call in to his office b/c you need to know – meanwhile, learn all you can on the basics of thyroid and esp. during pregnancy – and, of course, make sure you bring your concern also to your prayer life b/c God cares – get the doctor’s office to recommend some reading for you, as well

    2. Hi Molood,
      How is your child?
      Kind regards,

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