1. I also suffered with some of your issues. The main thing that helped my symptoms was to go on a gluten free diet and to take a liquid iodine supplement. Reduce sugar in your diet as much as possible and mild exercise such as walking 20 minutes a day. I had brain fog,trouble with vision, and slurred speech. After a few months my symptoms were gone and I was able to loose some weight.

  2. I suggest that everyone take a look at a book by Anthony William, Medical Medium Thyroid Healing. If the so called medication is not working, then there may be some other ways to address it. I for one will be taking 600 mg of Ashwagandha and starting on Red Clover in my morning smoothies. Our diet and our environments are toxic and there is build up. We have to be pro active in our health. A pill is not going to cure you. It may produce temporary relief, while you find your body’s path to healing. After reading some threads on here, I will not be taking the medication prescribed. It appears to be barely effective.

  3. blank Maria joplin says:

    Extreme fatigue following after any exertion labs are “normal”. What additional test should I get back to bring myself again

  4. blank Brenda Robbins says:

    If a person has had thyroid surgery because of goiter and been diagnosed with hashimoto thyroid, do I need more than levothyroxin. I started with tinnitus after this surgery and I am thinking the absence of harmones might be reason. Thank you for your time.

    1. I wish someone would answer this question, because this sounds exactly like me…tinnitus and all.

  5. I’ve been taking levothyroxine for 44 years and I can count on 1 hand the so called good days I’ve had. I suffer with anxiety, weight gain, hair loss, fatigue, brain fog, fibromyalgia etc. seeing different doctors over the years they would adjust my meds once in awhile, but I’ve been on the same dose for probably 7 years now. I try to exercise but my whole body aches terribly bad and I have neuropathy in my feet so it’s painful to walk, which I used to love to go for walks. Doctors today will absolutely not listen to their patients needs. It’s all about money now. Ive been trying very hard to lose weight because I’m overweight and I have lost 38 pounds but it doesn’t seem to be helping much as far as how I feel even though the pounds are dropping off. I pray that doctors will be more sufficient in doing these special tests on patients with thyroid disease. Good luck to all those who suffer daily with this health problem.

  6. blank Lily Rice says:

    Lily Rice
    I habe had Hypo. . For many many years along with ALL the symptoms. .However, my experience as a Large woman Doctors always told me “lose weight” it will all go away…..It did not. …Have been on Levothyroid for close to 20 yrs always at the very lowest end of normal….Still it helps, One Doctor actually listened to me…..

  7. blank Cheryl Pitts says:

    I Belueve I May Have This Issue With My Memory And It’s Getting Worse And very frustrating anyone got any suggestions on how to get a doctor who will do these tests for someone on Medicare and Medicad?

  8. Thank you for sharing this interesting article. I have question a after reading it. Are they suggesting T3 hormone replacement therapy? I’m curious as a 62 year old who has been on levothyroxine for 22 years. I’ve been monitoring my TSH, Free T3 and Free T4 levels. I function better when my TSH is on the low range and T3 is on the high range. Currently, my T3 is in the lowest range of normal. Dr says that’s fine. I don’t feel as good as I used to when my T3 was higher. Any suggestions?

    1. blank Logan Smith says:

      Switch from Levo to Armour Thyroid. Has definitely helped me out – still suffer from majority of symptoms (fatigue, brain fog, anxiety) but u has helped control these a bit. Armour thyroid is derivative from a pigs thyroid and releases both T3 and T4. Try it out

      1. I switched from armor to natur-throid to NP thyroid while taking levothyroxine and I feel 1000% better than I did taking just synthroid or just levothyroxine by themselves. I lost abl to loose and keep 20lbs off. I changed by diet to NSNG (no sugar no grain) and I lost a total of 60lbs. And I have no bloat, heartburn, gas, swelling in my face or legs or neuropathy. If I fall off the wagon everything comes back. Diet is a major culprit to these symptoms. I’ve done WW, keto, Atkins, etc. And this pill combo and way of eating is the ONLY thing that has worked for me.

        1. blank Sylvia Davis says:


          I currently take synthroid (levothyroxine) is the generic name which I bet you know. I would love to try taking NP while taking levothyroxine. However, how do you get your doctor to prescribe both. I’m not sure my doctor would do that. Please provide info. I’m glad this is working for you.

  9. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism a year ago. I have been on levothyroxine 50. I have lots of anxiety and memory problems.. I eat healthy most of the time. I have weight gain .I exercise, but its really hard I have lots of muscle aches. I have hair loss and fingernails and toe nails crack and even fell off. I take vitamins they help some. Is Hypothyrodism the cause of all this,?

    1. Yes unfortunately thyroid affects everything I have been on Synthroid since I was 22yrs Old hypothyroidism affects hair growth nails menstrual cycle it really affects so much

    2. blank Cheryl Pitts says:

      Yes It Is, and More, now if we could just get the Medical Professionals To Get On Board With All These Studies We All Might Be Better Off Now Doctors Only Look For Their Next Dollar So They Keep You Coming Back Instead Of Cure You☮️🤩

    3. blank Mamata Sudeepsaami says:

      Hi.. I m from India. I have been living with hypothyroid from past 20years. Many of you told about muscle pain during exercise and after exercises. Using of ginger in everyday diet helps you reduce muscle pain and weight training is must in 3days a week.

  10. I have thyroid issues for years depression and anxiety. What do I look to tell the doctor for a test

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