1. blank Good Listener says:

    In my experience, the best perspective for anyone is to choose only foods that come from nature. And we know what those are. And also know how they were raised. Beyond that would be living with all around healthier behavior. Treat others and yourself well. Even in your mind. Keep a clear conscience. Treat your body like it’s a job to wear and care for it. Life the way its meant to be is usually fairly straight forward. Of course, that isn’t the case for many people. Society is rigged against your well being. You have to take matters in your own hands and place yourself in the proper environment. If that includes avoiding those that bring you trouble, so be it. Family included. Otherwise, it’s quick fixes doomed to fail.

  2. I follow someone on Instagram that claims to have healed her thyroid and is now a nutritionist, and claims keto as well as intermittent fasting is terrible for those with hypothyroid and causes symptoms to increase because they do not support the thyroid as is needed to heal it.
    Why would they say that? You are advocating for keto here. It is so difficult to navigate health these days as everyone claims to know it all and have all the answers.

    1. Hi Vicki, The reason I included this article about keto at Hypothyroid Mom is because I’ve heard from many readers that do not do well on the traditional keto diet and this article explains the important modifications to keto that would need to be considered for someone with a thyroid issue. Here are two more articles about the important modifications needed:

  3. The foods to avoid if you have thyroid issues are on this list.
    Can someone just make loosing weight with thyroid issues east please?

  4. blank Alice Dale-Thomason says:

    Strawberries and peaches were off of my hypothyroid diet… and I cook all cruciferous … the rest of the keto looks fine to me…however if you find something doesn’t work for you then definitely avoid it… grains are being gradually decreased in my diet and my severe allergic reaction to nightshade foods and some other off things like walnuts, mango, cashew(Same plant family as poison ivy, yikes) and kiwi make me leery of foods not found in my latitude…(a diet -ying yang, found in Chinese herbal recommendations). When changing up your diet take a long time to do it and gradually adjust your body…probiotics definitely help me with digestion too.

  5. blank Alice Dale-Thomason says:

    Strawberries and peaches were off of my hypothyroid diet… and I cook all cruciferous … the rest of the keto looks fine to me…however if you find something doesn’t work for you then definitely avoid it… grains are being gradually decreased in my diet and my severe allergic reaction to nightshade foods and some other off things like walnuts, mango, cashew and kiwi make me leery of foods not found in my latitude…(a diet -ying yang, found in Chinese herbal recommendations). When changing up your diet take a long time to do it and gradually adjust your body…probiotics definitely help me with digestion too.

  6. I’ve been on thyroid medicine since I was 11. I have lupus and 3 years ago I ended up with colostomy. For life. Even though it’s been almost 3 years. I still have problems eating different things. I drink plenty of water but I know I’m not eating enough protein. I been very depressed. Having health issues. I don’t get quite back to being myself. Then something throws my body off. Usually my lupus acts up. In the last 4 months I gain 10lbs. I can stay up for days. I can’t sleep even with a sleeping pill. I have an appointment with a new Internal medicine doc in 2 months. I’m hoping he’ll have a different view on my health and how we can improve it thanks for listening hope you find your sleep miracle

  7. Thanks to a supposedly great dr. in Fla., I had 1/2 of my thyroid removed. An MRI disclosed a node. I’d had breast CA 9 yrs. before so I was scared. I didn’t question. Now I’m minus 1/2 of my thyroid because he didn’t biopsy the node prior to surgery. He went in & took the node out – it was a cold node and never should have been removed. Within weeks, I gained 40 lbs so no more swimming for me since I couldn’t find anything that fit. 15 yrs. later & it’s worse. I never ate much, rarely had snacks. Now I’m 71, have arthritis due to my former job but can barely walk without pain. I have too much weight on. I’m cancer-free 22 yrs. later – it was hormonal so I can’t have soy. I consider myself a vegetarian, have been since I was a child. I don’t eat meat, fish, eggs. If I make soup or stew, I’ll use chicken/beef broth but any meat, the dog gets. Looking at this diet, what am I supposed to eat? I don’t like every vegetable or fruit out there. I’ve looked at Keto and it’s not for me. Way back in high school, I wanted to take off some weight – Dr. told me to avoid avocados (which I’m not a fan of), bananas and corn. I took off the 10 lbs. I wanted.
    I find much of this contradictory.

  8. blank Cassandra says:

    There are no one size fit all diets. I’m not a medical expert but after over 40 years I know my own body. I just take advice that works and leave those that don’t work for me. Majority of the list is a regular on my shopping list and home menu. However, high sugar fruit do not work for me. But, I can’t say that I have ever tried the trio together. I am tempted to try a very small amount to keep the carb consumption as low as possible. I have digestive issues so it would be great if it works.

  9. I did KETO for 2 months including interment fasting and felt like total crap! Bloated & weight gain was enough of a sign to stop this diet. It was horrible for my hypothyroidism.

  10. Great info! However aren’t cruciferous vegetables not recommended for thyroid issues?

  11. Following a Keto diet, the only fruit allowed was strawberries & blueberries yet #14 & #16 you are suggesting more options. Won’t that disrupt Keto?

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