1. Hi, I see the video on making the truffles, but I don’t see an ingredient list that states how much of each ingredient to use. Do you have a recipe that shows the amounts? I’d love to make the recipe because it sounds delicious!

  2. And for Vegetarians? :(( soy elimination? :(( cannot imagine 🙁

    1. We do Thyroid, Keto and watch our fir Diabetic on the side in our household, and your recipes look right up my alley, but is there a chance you could add at least protein, carb, fat and fiber info to your recipe’s?

      I really like how you say everyone has to check for themselves what works for them. Everyone is a different combination of conditions, sensitivities and even things they were raised with. I was raised in Northern Europe. Cows, what they are fed, the milk and cheese they produce is different, and now there is a significant trend recognizing that, so I am finding some thing (mostly cheeses that I can eat). But it still comes under,
      “Everyone: elimination, then trial and error, with a lot of GOOD support.”.
      Thank You

  3. blank Brandy Brannon says:

    VERY FRUSTRATED HERE!! I can’t wrap my head around how to deal with this and my DIABETIC diet and my CARDIAC diet. It just seems to much! Doctors aren’t helpful. That is just three of my medical problems and I am disabled due to all of this. I’m only 38 and I sometimes feel like not eating would be best but is absolutely ludicrous. At my breaking point, thank you!!!!

    1. Hi Brandy,
      I’m not a nutritionist. I teach yoga, and always encourage my students to consider change is a long, slow, thoughtful process:
      – find ways to appreciate this journey into discovering your new self.
      – write it down, what you tried, how you felt (relief, side effects, emotions, etc.). For example when trying chicory as a new drink I felt instant relief to pressure in my head. Depending on what foods I drink it with my results improve or decrease. I try so many different supplements and food changes, if I don’t document them, I forget what works as I try new things.
      – keep what works, is helpful or beneficial, and set the others aside. As your body changes through this journey, your body may react differently to foods and supplements as your body changes so you may want to try things again at a later point, or in a different combination.
      – take things one step, one breath, at a time, and pay attention to how your body and mind feel as you try new things.
      – even if our condition is based on dna, it took us years of living, exposure, and choices to get to this point, and it takes practice, time, and patience to reverse or change our habits, our conditions, how our individual bodies and minds react to our situation and our efforts to address them.
      – it’s like reading a huge novel written on thin paper, first we have to read each page and absorb the words, changes come as we are able to turn each page.
      – be patient with yourself, and write joyful moments down, especially when they are hard to come by, and read them daily to find some peace.
      Best wishes on your journey!

  4. I’d starve to death on this diet! So would my husband. Oh my.

    1. blank Barb mangels says:

      Hi JC, it seems like you would starve, but I can tell you that it is quite the opposite. You feel satisfied and feed when you eat a balance of real food! I am on the autoimmune protocol diet due to a couple of health issues. My husband is following it with me, we both have noticed eating meat and vegetables for breakfast not only sustains us longer but we no longer crave sweets or get hungry in between meals. If you have health issues I recommend trying it, you may be surprised by the many benefits you receive. It is not a one size fits all “diet”, it is finding what size fits you to optimize your health, it is eating to live, responsibly and nutritiously. I believe God made our bodies to be able to heal themselves when we treat them right, I have found this to be true!
      I am so thankful for sites like this that encourage and inform us!!!

    I’ve been reading your informational gems for a couple of years now. I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism in 2009; have been on MANY different doses of Synthroid over the years b/c MD could never get it right.
    But it wasn’t until about 2 years ago I decided to do my own research; get down to the bottom of my problems-starting with the gut: detoxing. I eliminated A LOT of foods that were the main culprit of my stressors. Being of Mexican ancestry, I grew up eating all the foods that contribute to a malfunctioning thyroid. Gluten isn’t just about wheat products – it’s in corn too! (UGH!) Sugar? OMG-I’m a total sweet tooth and LOVE my pastries! It made me cry to have to give them up but do I regret it? Absolutely not! I’d have to say that removing sugars from my diet has been the best decision. The slightest sugar increase in my diet is costly in my for me.
    I’ve incorporated Teechino’s chicory/dandelion “coffee” with whipped coconut cream as my creamer. All other creamers have way too much sugar (for me). Cucumber in brine is an excellent source for probiotics; much more palpable for my taste buds.
    It’s been a process, and I’m still learning, but I always come to your websited first for answers. I’m still on Synthroid. My goal is to one day be off of it, if possible. The most difficult thing about thyroid problems is figuring out one’s own sensitivities/intolerance, etc. b/c it’s different for everyone. So the learning process is never ending, but learning is good for the brain anyway.

    1. Very interesting and informative. Thank you for sharing. Do you happen to know if your thyroid levels have been normal since?

  6. What can I take now that I can’t get my nature-thyroid meds anymore since they are on back order?

    1. Hi Anne, I hear you about the struggle with the shortage of Nature-throid. My understanding is that the maker RLC Labs is working to get it back stocked on shelves. I know some pharmacies have it and others don’t. There are other natural desiccated thyroid brands that you can try. I decided ultimately to have a prescription for a compounded medication using desiccated thyroid powder made by a compounding pharmacy. It is more expensive but well worth it as I wait for Nature-throid to get back on the shelves of my pharmacy. Good to have you on my site.

      1. Anne,
        Ive been taking Dr. Rons ultra pure thyroid with liver support. My levels have been normal for the past 4 years since I started taking it. Nothing else I tried helped. I highly recommend it. And wish you luck in the process.

        I love this site and thank you for the detailed information with recipes you have offered.
        I will be following this site😊

  7. Thank you for posting this! Starting on the journey of switching my diet to help my thyroid problems, but have been struggling to figure out a variety of good food to eat! Thanks again!

    1. Here, here! I so agree, One says eat this the other say no! don’t eat that.

  8. blank Cheryl A. Pitts says:

    I have been eliminating all of my Meds for my Auto Immune Diseases except My Thyroid Because I May Never Get To Stop Taking Them, and I Am Not Completely Done Wheening Myself Off Of Them yet But I have started taking a supplement to help supplement my thyroid and my Meds for my thyroid but my Auto Immune Diseases Fibromyalgia and Polimyalgia also need supplementation and diet nutrition, I feel that these two Auto Immune Diseases are intensifying because of my current medications and I need to nip that in the bud with nutrition and supplements and hopefully no meds for them but if I have to continue with Savella for my Fibromyalgia and Polimyalgia If I have to, as long as I can continue with nutritional balance and a Nutritionest To Help I Should Be on my to Fairly Good Health ☮️😋

    1. blank Janine Gromofsky says:

      Do you have a cookbook for Hashimoto Disease. This is all new and confusing to me. A book would be wonderful. Thanks so much for all the info.

    2. I would love to compare what you’ve been doing. I’ve eliminated Diabetic meds, then blood pressure, still fighting osteoarthritis, back and muscle pain, neuropathy and all the other stuff from hypothyroidism.

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