1. Hi, me and my fiancé are having some sexual
    problems and are wondering what we can do to help our sex life? She has an under active thyroid and we are trying to figure out what we can do, take and
    start eating to help boost it back up? Please help us

  2. does hypothyroidism or hashimotos ever play with your mind of loving someone but not wanting to be with them physically? That is what I am fighting right now

    1. same… It is frustrating… I take most of the recommended herbs and supplements recommended above and the pilot light just wont go on

  3. blank Christopher says:

    Do you have any tips for men? I’ve been struggling. I was diagnosed on October 2nd, 2017. I currently take 75 MCG of synthroid. I was diagnosed at a 7.82. I was euthyroid in February at 2.78. And from there on, Ive gone down to a 1.91 in June.

    My sex drive is so bad. Before the thyroid symptoms, I was highly functioning. Now it’s like maybe 1 time per week. I’ve been told by doctors that should have been back to normal. My testosterone has been checked a couple times and it’s fine. My urologist said the blood flow and pulse are strong.

    I’m 29. 🙁 I should be having sex regularly.

  4. What do you recommend for me who had radioactive iodine and now with decreased libido and many other issues like tiredness and trouble with memory?

  5. Guys if you are having any blood flow or hygiene problems down there then you need to start using a penis health creme daily. These are full of vitamins and proteins and will ensure that things work properly and keep clean. I use one called Man1 Man Oil.. it is real goods stuff. Check it out.

  6. Does the Female Libido Tonic really work? I am not seeing many reviews

    1. I would like to know that as well.

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