You really don’t understand people who rise and shine and jump out of bed every morning.

People around you just exercise and eat right and the fat falls off while you’re there gaining 5 pounds just looking at a cookie.

You know that “just take one thyroid pill a day” is not so simple.

You know the store hours of every pharmacy within a five minute drive of your house.
You will have bad days and oh so very bad days.

You are no longer shocked by the wads of hair that fall off your head and clog up your shower drain.

You wish you could just get some darn sleep.

“Did I take my thyroid medication today?” is the theme song of your life.

You have brain fog so bad.

“I’m fine.” “I’m fine.” “I’m fine.”

You’ve earned a black belt in handling rude remarks from people that just don’t get it.
You are terrified of a zombie apocalypse because what will you do when your thyroid meds run out?!
This is SO great. I just shared it with my son who’s 13 and has CH. Do you know any sites like yours geared toward kids & teens? I’m at doing work to reduce needle fear, love what you’re doing.
I just stumbled upon this site. It’s awesome and so much I can relate to.
I was reading some of the post from the group and they mention the medication, I was never prescribed a medication. But was told to take calcium carbonate every day.
I love your site very informative. Thank you
I was diagnosed with Thyroid cancer in 2012. I had my thyroid and half of my parathyroids removed in 2013. I have NEVER felt the same.. my levels are always high, I am tired all of the time.. I felt better when I had cancer..
I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer when I was 26. I had my thyroid removed along with many tumors and my para thyroids. Also one salivary gland. I’ve lived with hypothyroidism and hypocalciumia for 27 years now. With weight blooming up to 260 pounds. Being scanned for several years which means being off of meds for a couple of months. So glad the scanning has ended. I now am on a high dosage of thyroid meds, calcium, magnesium, vitamin D and vitamin D3. I also take a parathyroid injection daily. The zombie apocalypse fear is very real! I found out just how bad it could get when the injection was recalled for issues with the delivery system. I was hospitalized for 10 days unable to be stabilized until I was back on the injection. I was also recently diagnosed with diabetes. Eating more protein and less carbs I’ve finally got my weight down under 200. Took sugar out of my diet. My levels are now I. The normal range and I don’t have to take more meds. Good to know there are others out there that know what it feels like not to have that drive. It’s not laziness, it is lethargy.
I loved this post. It feels great to know that there are other people out there who experience the same things 🙂
These have been especially true for me during the pandemic- I’ve been feeling especially lethargic.
As someone with hypothyroidism and PCOD, I know I am likely to feel that way (especially if I stay cooped inside the house all day -at least I think so- but with the way things are where I’m from, going out is not safe.)
I know there are things I can do at home, but taking that first step seems like such a challenge.
I don’t know if this is because of my hypothyroidism or because I’m just lazy in general.
But then I also wonder if that really matters?
Like regardless, I should be doing something to help myself in this situation, but on some days I feel too lazy to even get up and take my medicines.
I don’t know what to do, but its been eating at me.
I know I should just take that first step and push through it but the mental block seems too great to overcome.
Oh me too. I have been feeling especially lethargic during this pandemic. I don’t want to go anywhere or do anything.
I’m sorry you are feeling as you have written, but it was comforting for me to read that the way I feel is not just me. I also felt I was just being lazy.
Lol the first thing I always tell people is that I would said the pharmacies for thyroid meds if an APOCALYPSE happens. I’m currently on family medical leave because of my thyroid condition. every woman I meet has hypothyroidism and every man I talk to has a wife with hypothyroidism and knows the debilitating struggles. we deserve better treatment. many years of my youth have been wasted. I’m now 40 and not getting any younger.
I never forget to take my thyroid tablet. My level 15 years ago was 257. I was so sick. I weighed 49 kilos and I’m 172 cms. I looked and felt like shit. In the past i have forgotten or couldn’t be bothered. I paid the price for that. So my thyroid will never be good but i manage it. Also i take a Ferro Grad C iron tablet every day. Jeanne
These are sooo true!!! Got a good laugh 🤣🤣🤣🤣
So, when I try to sign up to ‘never miss a post’, this is what I get:
Hi Judy, Thank you for your interest in the Hypothyroid Mom e-newsletter. I stopped my old newsletter with plans to begin a new one that I feel will be more helpful to my subscribers. Stay tuned.
The zombie apocalypse thing is so true!
I love that one too I look like that every day especially now that I’ve have been left with stroke like body left side is dead and when I’m capable of walking around I most likely will join the group
Hi Dana, Have you ever done any pieces on the carnivore diet and those of us who are healing hypothyroidism by following it? I’m 5 mo in and have gotten my TSH from 6.0 down to 3.63 after just 5 months on it. Many people have totally reversed it. I think it deserves a bit of digging and a write up here. I’ve been medication free all year in my attempt to turn this around via diet. Feel free to reach out or google it. It’s a real thing. Thanks,
Can you elaborate on this one? Recently diagnosed hypo.
I needed a good laugh today and a reality check! Thanks for providing both.After 18 months of a roller coaster on thyroid meds, I finally feel a bit better. My endocrinologist is willing to test and work with me but I had to “divorce” 2 before her! I think a complete thyroid removal and partial parathyroids surgery, leads to difficulty getting correct levels and correct meds that make us feel like ourselves. Long journey but didn’t lose faith and do your research!
I had a subtotal thyroidectomy and lost 1 para. My body went crazy!
Levels of calcium and thyroid meds finally perfection. Now, sleep apnea being addressed.
Why does my body hate me so?