Every single cell of the body requires thyroid hormone for proper functioning. Every single part of the body, therefore, is at risk when someone suffers from thyroid dysfunction. Hypothyroidism sufferers present to their doctors with many obvious symptoms. Often times, unfortunately, their symptoms are misdiagnosed as other health conditions.
Written by Steven F. Hotze, M.D.
Have you seen doctor after doctor trying to find out the cause of your symptoms? Did your doctor give you a prescription drug for each symptom and send you on your way? If so, please know that you are not alone. Thousands of patients are on this frustrating journey with you, and there is a solution. More often than not, the symptoms of hypothyroidism are misdiagnosed.
10 Diagnoses Commonly Caused by Hypothyroidism
1. Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia is simply a Latin word meaning muscle pain, yet it has come to be used by traditional medicine to describe a collection of symptoms as if it is a disease. It is actually a symptom itself. Take a look – do any of these fibromyalgia symptoms sound familiar to you? They are also symptoms of hypothyroidism.
- Joint pain and stiffness
- Muscle pain and weakness
- Fatigue
- Nausea
- Sleep disturbances
- Dizziness
- Headaches/migraines
- Sore throat
- Difficulty concentrating
- Tingling or numbness in extremities
- Mental fog/”fibro fog”
- Memory loss
- Constipation/irritable bowel
- Shortness of breath
- Bloating
- Increased allergy symptoms
- Painful menstrual periods
- Heightened chemical sensitivity
- Blurred vision
- Chest pain
- Depression
- Sensitivity to light
- Panic attacks
- Weight loss or gain
- Anxiety
- Skin disorders (e.g., dry skin)
- Cold extremities
It is no surprise that fibromyalgia is so commonly diagnosed by traditional doctors today, because fibromyalgia is most often hypothyroidism that is being misdiagnosed.
2. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Have you been seeing doctor after doctor trying to find out why you have such extreme fatigue? Have you been told you that your blood tests came back normal? Did your doctor then give you a diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome and tell you that you will have to live with it for the rest of your life? If so, then you are no doubt one of the millions of frustrated patients who were left feeling hopeless. Well take heart, because it is very likely that your real diagnosis was overlooked.
Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms of hypothyroidism. With hypothyroidism, your metabolism slows down and you don’t have the energy you need to function well, and the result is fatigue.
3. Depression
Patients with thyroid disorders are more prone to develop depressive symptoms. Today, it is well recognized that disturbances in thyroid function may significantly affect mental status including emotion and cognition. Both excess and insufficient thyroid hormones can cause mood abnormalities, including depression, that is generally reversible with adequate thyroid treatment. Furthermore, thyroid hormones are reported by many to be an effective treatment for depression. Primary thyroid disorders including both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism may be accompanied by various neuropsychiatric manifestations ranging from mild depression and anxiety to overt psychosis.[1,2]
According to the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, “The diagnosis of subclinical or clinical hypothyroidism must be considered in every patient with depression.” Among the various neuropsychiatric manifestations of thyroid disorders, depression remains the most common.[1]
4. Constipation
It’s one of those topics we often don’t want to discuss, but persistent or chronic constipation can be a sign of an underactive thyroid. Because the thyroid regulates metabolism, the metabolic slowdown of hypothyroidism also slows down the digestive system, and food moves more slowly through digestion and elimination, frequently resulting in chronic constipation. Research shows that hypothyroidism prominently reduces esophageal and gastric motor activity and can cause gastrointestinal dysfunction [3] and that hypothyroidism contributes to chronic constipation.[4,5]
Often, common remedies, such as increasing water intake, fruits like dried prunes or prune juice, upping the fiber intake, are tried with no results. Over-the-counter, herbal and prescription drugs may also fail to resolve the problem. If you are experiencing chronic constipation, you should always be exhaustively evaluated for an underactive thyroid.
5. Migraine Headaches
Hypothyroidism causes your metabolism to slow down, which slows your circulation and causes your body to retain water and mucin. The blood vessels and tissues in the brain swell and cause a migraine. Fatigue, which accompanies hypothyroidism, is often associated with migraines and can play an important role in initiating migraine attacks. Research suggests that patients with hypothyroidism have a higher risk of lifetime migraine than controls.[6]
6. Anxiety
Hypothyroidism results in a slowdown of cellular metabolism, which causes a drop in levels of the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutric acid (GABA). GABA has a calming effect, which prevents the brain from being overwhelmed by stimulation. Moderately low levels of GABA are linked to anxiety, panic attacks, and mood swings. At the other end of the spectrum, too much thyroid hormone (hyperthyroidism) can also bring on anxiety and panic attacks.
7. Infertility
Many women and doctors do not realize that optimal thyroid function is necessary for fertility. Despite the fact that millions of women have undiagnosed hypothyroidism, which can prevent their ability to get pregnant, women with infertility are not told that their first step should be a thorough thyroid evaluation. Having optimal levels of thyroid hormone is critical for conception and a healthy pregnancy. It is essential to the ability to become pregnant, and must be maintained in order to sustain a healthy pregnancy, even in the earliest days after conception.
Undiagnosed and untreated thyroid disease can be a cause for infertility. Hypothyroidism can affect fertility due to anovulatory cycles, luteal phase defects, hyperprolactinemia, and sex hormone imbalance. Hypothyroidism treatment for 3 months to 1 year can be of great benefit to conceive in asymptomatic infertile women.[7] Thyroid evaluation should be done in any woman who wants to get pregnant with family history of thyroid problems, irregular menstrual cycles, had more than two miscarriages or is unable to conceive after 1 year of unprotected intercourse.[7]
Prevalence of autoimmune thyroiditis, or Hashimoto’s, is significantly higher among infertile women than among fertile women, especially among those whose infertility is caused by endometriosis or ovarian dysfunction. Presence of thyroid autoimmunity does not interfere with normal embryo implantation, but the risk of early miscarriage is substantially raised. Subclinical and overt forms of hypothyroidism are associated with increased risk of pregnancy-related morbidity, for which thyroxine therapy can be beneficial. Systematic screening for thyroid disorders in pregnant women might be advantageous in women at high risk, particularly infertile women.[8]
8. Insomnia
The thyroid is our master gland of metabolism and energy, and so this tiny, butterfly-shaped bland packs a punch when it comes to our sleep patterns. Hypothyroidism is a common cause of poor sleep and insomnia. Thyroid hormones improve the quality of sleep, allowing you to spend more time in deep phases of sleep. On the other end, too much thyroid hormone (hyperthyroidism) can also cause insomnia.
Sleep researchers have found that people who are hypothyroid without proper treatment are also more likely to suffer from sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a condition where breathing stops while sleeping — either due to airway obstruction, a failure of brain signals, or both. Every time breathing stops, the brain triggers a brief period of waking so as to restart breathing. Sleep is severely interrupted and fragmented, and normal sleep cycles are disrupted. Some people with sleep apnea may snore loudly, but some are otherwise quiet sleepers.
9. Memory Loss
Because the brain uses so much energy, individuals with hypothyroidism (slowed metabolism and less energy) tend to experience a decline in their mental sharpness – the brain fog that so many patients describe. It becomes difficult to maintain focus, sharp memory and clarity. Low thyroid function is a common cause of brain fog, depression , difficulty concentrating and short term memory loss. Hypothyroidism is often associated with mood disturbances and cognitive impairment, implying that thyroid hormones are critical for normal brain functioning. In particular, hypothyroidism has been associated with several cognitive deficits, including general intelligence, psychomotor speed, visual-spatial skills and memory.[9]
Hypothyroidism is one of the most frequent causes of symptomatic dementia. The effectiveness of hormone therapy for improving mental status is well established.[10] Research shows that patients with hypothyroidism rated themselves worse relative to functional memory, concentration, thinking, alertness, and motivation. Hypothyroidism was associated with a decrease in retrieval from memory. Research also reports an association between TSH elevation and dementia. These findings are consistent with evidence that hypothyroidism is associated with cognitive impairment, and that thyroidal state may influence cerebral metabolism.[11]
10. Elevated Cholesterol
Adequate levels of thyroid hormone, especially the active form of the thyroid hormone, T3, are essential for the metabolism of cholesterol. In order for your body to remove excess cholesterol, the liver must be functioning optimally. Your liver converts the extra cholesterol into bile, which then leaves the body through elimination. Thyroid hormone plays an integral role in liver function. Increased levels of thyroid hormone increase the number of LDL cholesterol receptors on the liver cells. This allows these cells to remove excess LDL cholesterol from the plasma. If adequate amounts of thyroid hormone are not supplied, the liver’s ability to remove cholesterol out of the plasma is compromised.
Research shows that hypothyroidism is one of the most common causes of high cholesterol. Biochemical screening for thyroid dysfunction is critical in all patients with high cholesterol, as well as in all patients with unexpected improvement or worsening of their lipid profile.
Why Hypothyroidism is Commonly Misdiagnosed
We hear from people all the time who share with us their thyroid symptoms, but are then quick to say that their doctor already checked their thyroid and it is fine. This is frustrating because their doctor has dismissed their symptoms of hypothyroidism in lieu of one blood test result, the Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) test. The doctor totally ignores the patient’s symptoms which are clearly indicative of low thyroid function. This is due to the mindset cultivated by mainstream medicine that the TSH blood test is the “gold standard” used to diagnose hypothyroidism, while this blood test actually fails the majority of patients.
The “normal laboratory range” of thyroid hormone is an arbitrary value, defined statistically as plus or minus two standard deviations from the mean. This so-called “normal range” is as wide as the Grand Canyon and as tall as the Empire State Building. In practice, it means that approximately 90-95 percent of the population will always fall within the normal range. However, it’s assured that 90-95 percent of the population does not feel healthy, well, or full of energy.
There is another reason why lab tests should not be the sole factor in determining whether an individual has hypothyroidism: thyroid hormone levels decline with age, with predictable effects on energy and well-being. It is the relative decline in your thyroid hormone level that matters, not your level compared to some arbitrarily defined standard.
While your thyroid gland may be producing enough thyroid hormones so that the TSH blood test falls within the normal range, your body may not be able to assimilate it into the cells where it can actually do its job, which is why you would still have symptoms of hypothyroidism. What many people have is a conversion problem or Hypothyroidism Type 2. This results in less than optimal thyroid function for you. There isn’t a blood test that will tell you if you have a problem assimilating thyroid into your cells. We must rely on your symptoms to give us this piece of information.
These symptoms are not “all in your head”. Always ask your doctor “WHY am I having these symptoms?” I strongly suggest all thyroid patients become experts in their thyroid health.
About Steven F. Hotze, M.D.
Dr. Hotze is Founder and CEO of the Hotze Health & Wellness Center in Houston, Texas.
READ NEXT: Are you taking your thyroid medication properly?
1. Hage, M.P., et al. The Link between Thyroid Function and Depression. J Thyroid Res. 2012;2012:590648.
2. Haggerty Jr, J.J., et al. Subclinical hypothyroidism: a modifiable risk factor for depression? Am J Psychiatry. 1993 Mar;150(3):508-10.
3. Yaylali, O., et al. Does hypothyroidism affect gastrointestinal motility? Gastroenterology Research and Practice. 2009;2009, Article ID 529802, 7 pages.
4. Leung, L. et al. Chronic constipation: An evidence-based review. J Am Board Fam Med July-August 2011;24(4):436-451.
5. Basilisco, G., et al. Chronic constipation: A critical review. Digestive and Liver Disease. 2013;45(2013):886-893.
6. Rainero, I., et al. PO55. Prevalence of migraine in subclinical hypothyroidism: a case-control study. J Headache Pain. 2015;16(Supplements 1):A81.
7. Verma, I., et al. Prevalence of hypothyroidism in infertile women and evaluation of response of treatment for hypothyroidism on infertility. Int J Appl Basic Med Res. 2012 Jan-Jun;2(1):17-19.
8. Poppe, K., et al. The role of thyroid autoimmunity in fertility and pregnancy. Nat Clin Tract Endocrine Metab. 2008 Jul;4(7):394-405.
9. Miller, K.J., et al. Verbal Memory Retrieval Deficits Associated with Untreated Hypothyroidism. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci. Spring 2007;19(2):132-136.
10. Monzon Monguilod MJ and Perez Lopez-Fraile I. Subclinical hypothyroidism as a cause of reversible cognitive deterioration. Neurologia. 1996 Nov;11(9):353-6.
11. Ganguli, M. et al. Association between dementia and elevated TSH: a community-based study. Biol Psychiatry. 1996 Oct 15;40(8):714-25.
I had my thyroid removed 18 years ago, I suffer every symptom but I have days I have to be in bed all day then the next day I could run a marathon, it’s a horrible disease but you have to live life even a short walk every day and do swimming 2 to three times a week I have gained many pounds but started a slimming world group and lost 5 pounds in one week, try either slimming world on line or calorie count as no matter what we eat there are calories in everything
I have been hypothyroid for 30+ years my results always in normal range but I feel far from normal I also have osteoarthritis in most of my joints so with the stiffness of this and due to thyroid struggle with pain most days I get cramp in my feet and toes and legs worse when resting in bed just wish I could feel well and normal I’m still working too but it keeps me going I’m constantly tired as have disturbed sleep most nights can’t seem to lose weight no matter what I do either I feel so down and fed up with it all
I am 71, have been fat my entire life mind you I was active NEVER had an eating disorder….Doctor after doctor never believed that I did NOT eat In the closet… In my
Mid 40s all with Fibromyalgia CMT AsthMA allergies type 2 diabetes , I finally met a great female doctor she checked my Thyroid every three months, was shocked at how Hypo I was…… Bee on med since, my NORMAL is alwaysat the lowest end of the NORMAL SPECTRUM…. I HAVE NO ENERGY….! ,I’D TELL YOU IM DEPRESSED, BUT IM ON FLUOXETINE… Doctors do not really understand,my Doc. IN WA. State was THE BESt… buT i was forced to move to FLA six yeas ago…it’s hell here…..Doctor s
Come and go…I had a DECENT docotr. For three years, thenjoy the call came…. your Doctor nor longr works at this office..THAT isaid where i am, at. Right now… Lost !
I gave up on doctors until s dentist found I had jaw cancer. During surgery they discovered I had thyroid cancer but left it in place. Told me many women have thyroid cancer and live to ripe old age? When I asked my oncologist for tests to see where I am at…. response “dont worry, if it gets worse we’ll Yank it out. Yelled after him Not effing likely! Started the read lots and trying out vits and herbs to see what worked. So far I’ve lost 39 lbs. I had balooned prior to my surgery but it’s s l o w l y coming off.
Only thing I want now is an everyday doctor with a brain …doesn’t have to know but is willing to learn everything about the thyroid. I’ll help!!!!
Every. Single. Symptom. For over 30 years.
Same here Lorraine! I am praying my gynecologist will help me. Hes my last hope next to a thyroid doc! This isn’t fair!
I have had or been diagnosed with almost all the above symptoms at some stage of my life. Even had one lobe of my thyroid removed because of potentially cancerous nodules. I still struggle with ill health and am still told nothing is wrong with my thyroid.
Hi, I am dealing with this Thyroid problem none stop gainning weight FOR over 13 years already. I am 5.1 tall, 54 years old.
– All of my life I was super slim. Working out. Diets, Vegan for long. Great 115 pounds. But, something happened in my system a silence increasin weight that is turning me in to a huge fat bear!!!! ..At age 43 I started to gain gain gain none stop. I got pregnant and bc I found a holistic Doctor in Glen Clove NY I got better. Dr gave me Armour, plus a bunch of vitamins. Organic.. Problem is, to see him is $$$$$$$$ in NYC. So, in 5 years I got 60 extra pounds!!!!… I got divorce, I am living in Miami now. Sad to mention this, all Thyroid Doctors I visited could not find me a Thyroid problem. Yes, Sure!… While I do have on the table all the symptoms for Thyroid troubles. My face is not my face!! My body is not!!! And… cannot stop gaining weight. Long time dealing and getting more stomach problems. The ibs does not stop. I have apnea now! YaY!… I did few diets, reading books, working on new ways to go back on my 110 pounds, but N O T H I N G. I did vegan diet. Nope, did not work out.. I did juices. Nope, did not work out. I stop eating. Nope. 🙁 … I eat soups. Nope. I eat protein and salads. Nope. I cut cheese, carbs, sugar (long ago) milk, etc. Nope. Still grinning more weight!!!! Lalalalalala. I am so stress bc I cannot find a good Doctor who can finally work on it. This is not me. I see this person in the mirror, and it is not me. I was so slim! I was so healthy. But, now, “Always bloating” “with food – none food – while waiting to eat.” Does not matter. It is like a switch . Bloating! Swollen! Fat! …Insane! Dealing with Obama care is insane when trying to find a solution for your health. None only Costly to me. Choosing to find help. Going here there, got to see so many doctors for this and for that. But, and Again, ..they find nothing! No Thyroid problems Ms Lambert.
Have you looked into see a Dr online, who works with you via Skype? Try a google search and see if you can find a Dr who will help you. The ones you are seeing obviously are not. Or take this article, and others, with you to Dr you are now seeing, if you think it will do any good. You have to get this dealt with, no matter the cost !!! Best to You !!
There is a great book called “Your Blood Does Not Lie” by Sergey Dzugan MD, PhD. This doctor and his staff treat via online and via phone. Wonderful information in the book too
Good info in book “Thyroid Healthy” by Suzy Cohen got me on the right path. Good for me because I was not aware of the problem with TSH test and doctor comments of “your thyroid test is normal”. I wasn’t normal (as you already know). So FRUSTRATING!!!!!!
I found Richard Shames, M.D. on YouTube. So encouraging , as was Suzy Cohen’s book!!
He is in California but will telephone coach. His book “Thyroid Power” is excellent!!!!
I ended up finding a naturopath but along with Nature Throid many costly supplements. I have now found an endocrinologist in my area (Oregon) that will LISTEN TO ME!!!! I think I am finally on the right path. Still trying to adjust Armour Thyroid or Nature Throid to find the optimum dosage…maybe still need to add some T3 not sure yet. If I run into a snag with endocrinologist, I’ll go back to naturopath.
Wishing you the best!!!! This takes a lot of determination and drive to continue to find someone to listen and work WITH us ….not talk AT us!!!! I believe it possible to have the energy and wisdom to find the answer!! Be well 😊