1. The FDA has prohibited compounders from making compounded dessicated thyroid anymore. I cannot take the synthetics. What am I going to do??? : (

  2. blank Maria Johnson says:

    I do not want to use thyroid products made from pigs..What can I use?

  3. I use to take porcine ndt from nutri-meds but they are “out of stock” and so is everyone else apparently. Bovine doesn’t work on me. Any one know a company I can buy porcine raw capsules without a prescription?

  4. blank Rachael Ilett says:

    Hi Dana,

    Thank you very much for sharing your experiences. I spoke to my doctor and she said scientific evidence is lacking on the efficacy of NDT compared to synthetic T4. I have read a lot of testimonials and would give anything to improve my symptoms. I take Levothyroxine. I am living in the Balkans and have no idea how to source NDT. Would you be willing to share any information on the brands you have tried, where you have purchased these from and dosages taken? Thank you kindly.

  5. blank Joanna Short says:


    I know this post is quite old but I ran across this today after I received my Thyroid labs back. I ordered the test myself and did it at home and sent in the sample. I was told that all of my levels were normal, but I am wondering if my FT3 is low. Here are my results:

    FT4- 1.142
    TSH- 2.26
    FT3- 2.994

    I have recently been told that I “probably” have Fibromyalgia. I am EXHAUSTED all the time and have a lot of widespread body pain. I get horrible headaches and have struggled with my weight for a very long time. I also suffer from Chronic Major Depressive Disorder and PTSD. I am on Cymbalta, Wellbutrin and Amytriptiline (to help me to sleep). I take these for my depression but they are not helping my fatigue. None of my doctors will tell me that I have an issue with my Thyroid so they won’t treat me.

    Is my FT3 a possible issue? If so, do you have any advice on how to find a doctor that will actually help with this? I would appreciate any help you could give.


  6. Do you recommend the following approach.
    – If T4 levels are too low –> Levothyroxine for a few weeks and then we take another free T3 test to make sure that our body can convert T4 into T3
    – IF T4 level are normal but free T3 levels are too low. –> NDT or Cytomel

  7. I would use the natural thyroid if I new where and what the desiccated gland came from. Is it from China? Is it organic or has the pig been raised with GMOs which concentrate in organs?

    1. Hi DeeDee, I wish I knew the answer to your question and it is one I wonder about myself. My understanding is that Armour Thyroid is made from grain-fed, USDA-inspected pigs, approved to go into the meat supply. However I wonder whether or not the USDA inspects the GMO in the feeds. Another option is to speak to your doctor about trying is a combination of synthetic T4 and T3 medications. Cytomel is an example of a synthetic T3 medication I did well on a combination of synthetic levothyroxine and cytomel, but I feel my best on natural desiccated thyroid.

      1. Have you found out any more on this since the original question was posted. It is why I went off of NDT even though I do feel better on it. The health of the animals could affect my health, I would think.

  8. Hypothyroid Dad, speaking here. As I read your post I began to think you were writing my life story of the last five years. I used to be on Nature Throid and it worked much better. But the company stopped making it for a while and I was stuck with this cap that has me constipated all the time, tired and gaining weight constantly. I am searching for another open minded doctor to prescribe me dessicated thyroid. Can you please refer me to someone???

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