1. thymosin alpha-1 to regulate immune system

  2. Hi, I have had Hashimoto’s for about 10 years and have tried all the meds, right now I’m on Tirosint and seems to be working. About 10 months ago I started breaking out in hives, went to allergist and later started a 3 week Prednisone regime that worked for about 3 months. Been taking Zyrtec and Singulair to help with hives, sometimes works. I now have been on a supplement that I researched and researched after desperation on helping with my hives, and I started taking Quercetin. I’ve been on it for about 6 weeks and I’m seeing a HUGE difference with the hives….some days I have none! Do some research and check it out and ask your doctors. My allergist didn’t know anything about it, but tried it for myself and so far so good!

    1. What is Quercetin, a supplement by chance. I too have had bouts of hives and I have Hashimot so I’m told. Not sure why I was told thstbecause my blood test doesn’t show much they have tested. Ot’s a guessing game, I think.

      1. Quercetin is a bioflavonoid with anti-inflammatory properties. It is found in the white parts of citrus peels. It can help reduce inflammation.

  3. I guess I am one of the lucky ones. For two years I was diagnosed with chronic urticaria. The allergist / immunologist told me I could live on allergy medications for the rest of my life.when I asked what could be the cause of it he said it was unknown and when I pushed he said oh it could be your thyroid but you’d have to do hundreds of tests.Because of my mom’s history of thyroid cancer I went for one blood test from an endocrinologist and was diagnosed with hashimoto’s. 5 days after going on thyroid medication I was free of hives and still am to this day. Still have difficulties with low ferritin low vitamin d deficiency and various joint inflammation problems but they are manageable.

    1. james churchill says:

      how is this medication still holding up? I am in the early stages of diagnosis and your systems seem to be very similar to mine

  4. This was very helpful. I had a hip replacement April 2019 that resulted in chronic hives (to this day) and several day per month of extreme body wide pain. I tested positive for thyroid antibodies, but have been left with zero answers on living a normal life. I have found diet and taking proper supplements to be extremely helpful, although the hives have never cleared up.

    1. What material is your fake hip made of? Did you ever get tested for an allergy to that material? Did an endocrinologist ever tell you to take thyroid medication? At the very least you should be taking Zyrtec to stop the hives.

    2. You are most likely allergic to the metal that your prosthesis was made with. I had a patient that it happened to. They tested him for different metal allergies. Bingo! They removed the prosthesis and put a new one in that he was not allergic to. You have to remain persistant about it.

  5. CindyHarrell says:

    Thank you for posting this article. I have been fighting this same issue for about a year now. Stress definitely triggered mine but in these last four months it has gotten so horrible. I thought it was a medicine I was allergic too, either my metformin or my thyroid medication or some kind of an allergic reaction to something. But the normal things you would do for an allergic reaction, benadryl, they do not help. But the calamine lotion does. I stopped my thyroid medication the other day for a few days while I am taking the antibiotic and the prednisone and things are better but it could be the prednisone making me think it is better. This is what happened last month when I finished the prednisone. Within 24 hours it all came back with a vengeance. I am so tired of all this stuff that comes along with Hashimoto’s and hypothyroidism.

  6. Pam Lippert says:

    I had chronic hives for 20 years. I was covered with them, everywhere except my face. I went to my family doctor and an allergist for years. I was given Allegra and cimetadine. These combined to reduce the itch but did nothing to reduce the horrible welts. I participated in a study in Bloomington, Illinois to see if a medicine would improve the condition. I have no idea if I was in the placebo group or taken the actual medicine. I saw no improvement. I participated in this study because my allergist told me there was very little research on this problem as it isn’t life threatening. Just as the hives started for no apparent reason they stopped all of a sudden. I have been hive free for about 10 years. This article made me realize I started taking thyroid medicine about 10 years ago. My daughter has Hashimotos and it makes me wonder if I do too. I’m definitely going to be tested. It is amazing to see some research on this problem. This is a horrible disease that really affects your quality of life.

    1. I have both and find it so interesting that my endocrinologist and allergy doctor have never tied the two together. I do believe diet and stress have a huge factor in all of this.

  7. Carrie Vorwaller says:

    I just came across this on a Facebook pop up. I have had Hashimotos for 14 years. I take 88mcg of levathyroxine daily. Last year around 9/2018 I randomly broke out into a very itchy rash over various parts of my body. They itch so bad that I make them worse. I have gone to numerous dermatology appointments. After a biopsy they diagnosed me with CIU. I then had food and chemical blood and allergy patch testing which revealed nothing! I was on several regiments of steroids and it simply took away the rash while I was on them. The minute I was done they came back with avengence. I took apple cider vinegar baths, oatmeal baths and took prescription strength Benadryl. I even cut dairy out of my diet. I tried everything and they wouldn’t go away. I finally went to my ENT who prescribed me cetrizine and rantinidine. Yes. An acid reducer. It’s the only thing that helped. They’ve been gone for 3 months now and last week they came back 😥. What will help???

  8. Dixie Depp says:

    My hypothyroidism stems from my chronic condition known as Congenital Ruebella Syndrome, which very few people know about. How do I know? I was born with hearing impairment, which my mother, while Pregnant with me, came in contact with German Measles 73 years ago. First was the hearing loss, then came the goiter Issue. And many, many multiple signs there after that. Getting older has been a real Challenge.

  9. I had many of these symptoms. I was having large hives daily for 6 months and felt nauseous, fatigued, and generally horrible. I was taking alkazer gold at the very moment i realized i was having a reaction and it sometime stopped it or lessened it’s impact. I also took benadryl, zantac (another part of the histamine system) claritin and hydroxyzine. Then i found a Doctor who tested me for Hashimoto’s and started me on low dose naltrazene. The next morning I felt so much better primarily because my fogged brain cleared up. I take many supplements and no caffeine, dairy, gluten, sugar, corn, soy, processed food of any kind. I eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Also one thing that helped greatly was vitamin C and B vitamin infusions for the EBV infection that is activated and causing the Hashimoto’s. Finally feel human again though it is a daily regimen I have to be on top of. I do not have hives daily anymore but do have a small ones here and there but all I have to do is take a benadryl and it takes care of it. This is what is working for me.

  10. Hi, I am currently going through iui cycles tog eat pregnant. A few days after the iui, I began getting hives. I eventually lost that baby and requested that my reproductive endocrinologist (since I dropped my regular endocrinologist because my instincts were telling me he wasn’t managing me thyroid well) a thyroid test. He tested for tsh and free t4 and found my tsh after the miscarriage was 5.5! He changed my level of ah thyroid and we did another cycle of iui as after just a week or so my tsh went down to 3.5 and was expected to continue to drop. I did the iui about 5 days ago and today is the 2nd day that I’m getting hives again, making me thinking I’m pregnant again. However the hives are so much worse this time. I can’t find any research online that specifically speaks to hives, Hashimotos, and pregnancy. I’m concerned that it’s a sign that my thyroid is doing something funny again, and there’s always that change that it’s my thyroid that caused the last miscarriage. I have another thyroid test happening on Tuesday and a hormone test on Monday. Any thoughts, ideas, or suggestions? I feel like I’m grasping for anything right now

    1. I have hashimoto’s as well and recently found out I may have CIU as well. I had flare ups prior to my IVF transfer (which at the time they thought was an allergic reaction to something but couldn’t identify what). I also developed a horrible rash at the end of my pregnancy, which they said was likely PUPPS, looking back I’m wondering if it was just a flare up of this. I spoke to my doctor about all of this, and she said in hindsight, it’s very fitting because hormonal changes can lead to flare ups. Maybe this is what’s causing the reaction, whether your tsh is up or not? I also got shingles with my first pregnancy and during the suppression phase of IVF with my second so I really think any hormonal change wreaks havoc on my whole immune system.

    2. When I did fertility treatments I found that the hormones made my thyroid fluctuate. I also found the progesterone shots had a oil I was allergic to that caused hives . Once they changed that it got better . I found that pretty much during being pregnant that I itched most the time .

  11. I have Hashimotos also. I think a lot of people with Hashimoto are sensitive to gluten I had hives 3 months straight and completely cut out gluten and they’ve been gone a few years. Recently I’ve got them from something else tho and can’t figure it out. But I would recommend try cutting out gluten for a month or so to most people and see if it that’s the cause.

  12. Trina Thomas says:

    Good morning. I have been diagnosed with Graves Diseas back in 2012. I take meds for my thyroids. Last week I had a black mark on my buttocks and then 2 days later the hives came. It is now day 5 and they are still there. My doctor on Friday gave me some kind of steroid it dried the big hives but still pretty bad. Is there something over counter I should use? Or go back to my doctor.

  13. Long post but GOOD information in here:

    I have been suffering from hives for 8 months now. I have been to 6 doctors and UTSW in Dallas (the big guns) I have had 3 skin biopsy. One thought I was allergic to gluten. My primary doctor couldn’t help so after 17 years with him I got a new one, who still doesn’t know whats going on, my Gyno couldn’t help, even an Allergist (who really is trying to help me) All to tell me I just have urticaria hives. But not whats causing it or how to permanently solve the issue. My hairs breaking off, fatigue, insomnia, constipation, just to name a few. I couldn’t even workout I’m so exhausted everyday. I finally visited The Tennant Institute in Colleyville, TX.(March 2018) Dr. Marshall sent off for blood tests and said I probably have Hash. And put me on Adrenal supplements, Multivitamin, low dose of Progestrone (which has helped so much with dealing with stress, I feel very calm now) AND the big one…. Naltrexone 4.5mg. This is new. Doctors are trying out this medication for people with autoimmune diseases. It’s for drug dependant/alcohol issues(50mg). But in LOW doses they are finding that it’s helping people like me. My energy is so much better after a few weeks on this. My Pharmacist (a compounding pharmacist, not Walmart) said he is seeing more and more of this for auto. people and its working. If I wanted to stop taking it I could with no side effects. Back to Dr. Marshall… she found out thru blood test that Im Hashimoto’s. Which by the way she informed me that the national standard blood test for Hashimoto has JUST CHANGED. The blood test I took, the normal range was between 1-10. (For that lab) I’m at 12 now June 2018. I was at 30 in March 2018. It has now been changed to 1-30 now considered normal!!! Another doctor there (Tennant) specializes in skin issues. Dr. Hyde. I just began a treatment (shots) (LDA and Candida shot) that I will receive every other month (far cheaper than regular doc’s fees) ($90) and the serious will last 2 years. 6 shots the first year, 4 shots the next. By the 3rd round of shots he said my hives should almost be GONE. That’s Dec 2018. I’m trying not to hold my breath. He said it’s linked to Hashimoto and candida. I was also advised to do the SCD diet or the Candida diet. BUT absolutely no gluten or yeast. And drink 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in cup of water before every meal. This helps aid the gut. I was just sitting here googling information about hashimoto and hair loss and found this sight. I hope ANYTHING Ive said today HELPS someone out there. I have so many friends sick with issues. I now feel like I can relate. Unless you have experienced the storm yourself a person really has not clue how another feels or how they are trying to manage. Young mom with kids, older empty nesters… we are all in the same boat. Praying we have faith to get out of the boat and walk forward.

    1. Michelle,
      I tried Great Lakes Collagen 2 TBS in warm water morning and night-it helped the hair loss a lot.
      I also drink Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar 2 Tbs in 16 oz filtered water with a little local honey. You could split it for 3 meals-just a word of caution-I have read it can really affect the enamel of your teeth and cause them to decay-I use a straw and put it back far enough to try to avoid my teeth-then drink filtered water after and dont brush your teeth for 30 minutes or it causes further enamel damage-just a few thing I read-you can check google for further advice or validation.
      Hope you get better soon-this is definitely a journey!
      Many Blessings, Jan

    2. Maria Piccolo says:

      Thank you for your information. You have armed me with some knowledge to advocate for myself.
      I already suffer with Psoriasis which I have had for years, an autoimmune issue. Now the hives have come. Stress triggered them I think, and now 2 weeks later hives everywhere constant. Going to an allergist in 2 weeks. I have all the symptoms of Hashimotos. I am a small person and out of nowhere with no dietary increase have gain a good 25 lbs!!!!
      I went to urgent care and received a prednisone shot and that helped a little but once out of my system they came back. I can’t imagine this going on for years.
      I also take Tamoxifen for breast cancer. I am wondering if that might have something to do with it.
      I have a question about Candida. 1.5 years ago, after having an endoscopy for another issue the gastro said I had yeast present in my esophagus and was put on Diflucan for 1 week. On day 4 I broke out with hives all over my body from head to toe. was put on predn. and they went away. I am wondering now after reading your post if this isn’t all related, Hormone medication, Candida, Psoriasis etc etc.
      Agh this is not fun

    3. Thanks so much for your post. I am suffering horribly with chronic hives on top of Hashimoto’s. Have heard about Low Dose Naltrexone and hoping to find a doctor who will prescribe it. So far no luck! Can you please post a follow up to say if it worked for you? Hives are ruining my life….

    4. Michele, I don’t know if you’ll see this. I’m in Texas and considering driving to the tennant institute based on your post here. I have everything hou mentioned and more. Hives daily, horrible hair loss and breakage, carpal tunnel and hands swelling and feet swelling, arms are very weak, swollen lips and tremors in face and hands, labs for thyroid all over the place. Can you give me an update please on how you’re doing now? Please, anyone who can help me. I’m desperate. I have a five month old baby and I’m suffering

    5. Hi Michele,
      I am suffering with hives myself now for about a year, I’ve tried many things medication, cut out gluten dairy grains soy, nothing helps. Can pleas give me the name of the shots you took
      Thank you

  14. I had hives for 6 months straight, my doctor couldn’t find the right antihistamine for me, did one round of steroids when I finally had to be admitted to the hospital. Finally found an antihistamine called Ruppal which worked for 3 months. In the mean time I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Disease and was put on Synthroid (which did nothing for the hives even though I had my fingers crossed). Hives have returned and I’m on week 4, the Ruppal is barely working, needing to take up to 3 doses a day.
    The ONLY instant long lasting relief has been Rosemary Oil. It has been a true life saver, as long as you can stand the ‘hippie’ smell I call it, then you will notice a great deal of relief as well as decreased swelling on your joints. I hope this helps someone out there, because I feel your pain!

    1. How do you use the rosemary oil, do you rub it on the hives?

  15. I have had hives for 8wks now. Have seen the allergist he believes I have cold allergy. It gets worse with activity and when my body temp changes to fast. From cold to warm and back again. Its itchy and painful. He is doing a bunch of test to see what all he can find. I have had problems with cold for awhile. But never put two and two together. My mouth feeling sore and swollen ,eyes swollen and lips. Along with my hand and feet swelling palms and soles and on top. Tried to swim a couple of weeks ago and broke out from head to toe. Hoping for answers soon

    1. Hi Diana, Be sure you have full thyroid testing including the two thyroid antibodies for Hashimoto’s – Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies and Thyroglobulin Antibodies. Good to have you at Hypothyroid Mom.

    2. Terry volpe says:

      Did it turn out to be Hashimoto’s or something else?

    3. Terry volpe says:

      Was it Hashimoto’s or something else?

  16. Kelly Niles says:

    I am currently taking the immunosuppressant, Cellcept (Mycophenalate). It has kept me hive free for a year. At some point it may stop working as it has at other times, but it has been a life saver right now.

    Otherwise i take combinations of Zyrtec, Rantadine, Singular, Benedryl, and when i need a break, i beg for 10 days of prednisone. I also have Hashimotos, type 1 diabetes, RA and a rare autoimmune muscle disease. I take 1000mg twice a day of the cellcept.

    My allergist uses Xolair and it works for many people, but it doesn’t seem to work with many patients with more than one autoimmune condition. I tried for 9 months.

    1. Dixie Depp says:

      My hypothyroidism stems from my chronic condition known as Congenital Ruebella Syndrome, which very few people know about. How do I know? I was born with hearing impairment, which my mother, while Pregnant with me, came in contact with German Measles 73 years ago. First was the hearing loss, then came the goiter Issue. And many, many multiple signs there after that. Getting older has been a real Challenge. I don’t have hives, but do have psoriasis on my back, legs, elbows and head.

  17. Kary Rhein says:

    To add I have heard thyroid meds cause itchiness it’s a side effect, sadly. I itch and have been for 5 years and have allergies to all meds even the natural ones. I have allergies to the entire world it feels like sometimes. It’s a struggle for sure. Eat right, sleep enough, exercise to deal with stress, drink lots of water.

  18. Kary Rhein says:

    I’m on synthroid with a recent positive ana test and chronic itching, when Ingo off the meds itching better and almost resolves but feel awful when not on it. I try to not eat gluten and no chocolate or alcohol.

  19. Have been miserable with hives since November (its April now). Feeling a bit upset having read all this. I have Hashi and RTL epilepsy, but my DR has never said Anything about these hives being connected. She continues giving me prednisone but the raised welts never go away and keep itching and burning. Seeing my DR on Monday and am going to press her for more tests. Thank you all.

    1. Go to a endo dr it is related

    2. Cleo- The hives are related to Hashi. I started off getting hives 20 years ago. I went to an allergist. He is the one that diagnosed me with Hashi. I went to an endo. She told me it wasn’t related but it is. My allergist told me they don’t read the same literature about it. Find someone educated enough or a Dr that will listen to you. You don’t need to suffer with hives. I take cetirizine 10mg once a day (for the last 20 years) and it keeps the hives away. This is a generic version of Zyrtec. Find a pharmacy that carries it. O-T-C but usually kept in pharmacy. You can also buy it at Sam’s Club. 2 bottles packaged for $18.00 200 tablets ea. Very affordable.

  20. I have had hives on and off for the past 20 years. The first time they lasted for 5 years. Sometimes they only last a year. I had most of my thyroid removed because of a module growing on it and I have been on synthroid ever since. I cannot really tell if I take the synthroid or not. This last time I broke out in hives I have gone to see an immunologist. He has been super helpful in getting to the bottom of things. Prednisone helps for a while but any antihistamine I take doesn’t touch them. He did some thyroid antibody tests and found I was producing antibodies against my thyroid. We are going to try cyclosporine. I suggest you find someone who will listen to you and your concerns. It is usually not a thyroid dr though. They are only concerned with the “numbers” of your t4 and don’t look for any correlation. My thyroid dr actually told me they had nothing to do with each other and that I was just allergic to something. And that if I hadn’t found it in the past 20 years I probably won’t.

    1. I completely agree with you. My allergist diagnosed me with Hashimoto’s. My endocrinologist told me hives & thyroid weren’t related. Find someone who is knowledgeable. I have been taking cetirizine 10mg (generic form of Zyrtec) once a day for the last 20 years and that keeps my hives at bay.

    2. My husband has had the hives since April, all over his body. He has taken steroids 4X, Cyclosporine 2X, all the antihystamines possible. He is now on his second round of Cyclosporine and it is not working. He has been diagnosed with Hashimoto thyroiditis and his zynthroid has been just increased to .50mcg. Unrelenting hives everywhere on his body. We are now considering Xolair shots. Hope this works.

  21. I have every type of test done I cry cause of the pain from the hives all over my body my head, face lips eyes chest area back legs feet toes butt …. I can’t take it I went to the doctor said my tyroid level was normal but my Goid was big they put me on Doxepin 10mg but not helping . Im 37 year old mom and I hate going to work or out side with my face swollen up and my lips so big I can’t tAke this

    1. My daughter started having chronic hives at 8years old, she’s now 13 and still has them. We found that taking Allegra or Zyrtec along with Ranitidine (which is the generic name) every day, morning and night keep them at bay. If she gets sick, they need Benadryl or prednisone but most of the time, the allergy pills work. She also has to avoid inflammatory foods, like sugar and grains, which are tough for her to avoid but make her feel better.

  22. Kathy mccloud says:

    Hi I am 55 and for the past 25 years I have had chronic Idiopathic Urticaria and delayed pressure urticaria and also have had 2 thyroidectomies I have 2 very small pieces left and they said I have hypothyroidism, I have taken prednisone everyday for 25 years some small doses some very very large doses, in the beginning the doctor said my histamine level was high enough to kill a horse, I’ve suffered daily with these hives they either burn like fire or it to where I want to remove my skin, should I ask my de to test me for Hashimotos disease and what are the chances of me having it. I did recently see a report of a mri that I had that said that a t2 weighted something signal in my spine had something to do with the brain and the report mention auto immune disease. Any help would be appreciated. Thank yo

    1. Hi Kathy,
      Over the years of dealing with the hives, have you tried an essential oil called Rosemary Oil?

  23. Do any of you have hives that blister??

    1. I do in the inside of my lips

    2. Tessaca Chaffin says:

      Ok I came along this site when looking for answers. I’ve been breaking out with hives for the past 2 years now and my hives look like I’ve been stung at first by a bee of some kind the it swells up turns red and then blisters. Clusters of small blisters. This only happens when I get really stressed out and upset. I’ll go to bed then the next morning I’ll have them. I have thyroid problems as well. I take synthroid for the hypothyroidism. Guess I should get tested further into my thyroid problem.

      1. Anna Gottman says:

        I have dealt with hives for years also, together with a number of allergies. Had my thyroid checked, skin biopsy, etc. No one could tell me exactly what was wrong with me. Out of desperation, I saw a naturopath. She had me take probiotics, and l-glutamine for leaky gut. Let me tell you, I couldn’t believe how much it helped me. I have not broken out in over a year. I also started taking Gaia thyroid support. It helps me sleep better at night. Best of luck to you. I hope you get the relief you need.

        1. Hello Anna. Where do you live?

  24. I just found out I have this, I have hives soooo Bad ! Any help to stop the mad itching and hives all over would be greatly appreciated!!! My skin is awful! I have Hashimoto and autoimmune disease! Switched to synthoid levothytoxine was causing worse symptoms!

    1. I use Zantac and generic Sudafed Allergy pills. My doctor said Prilosec but Zantac is cheaper. Once I am under control, I can go years without a breakout. Hope this helps. Hives are the worst.

    2. Melicia Jane Batts says:

      Stop synthetic thyroid, use armor or generic armor

  25. What will help with the hives? The 1st shot I got of xolair worked but as soon as I got the 2nd one they came back. I don’t know what to do I hate living like this

    1. Ive been dealing with CIU since May after 3 xolair injections no relief. Will treating the thyroid if it is the culprit I wonder “cure” the hives.

      1. I had the hives for 2 days, then itching for a month. Benadryl when needed, lots of vitamin c 1,000 to 3,000 a day, I cut out chocolate, and lowered my bread eating to maybe 1 piece a day.still waiting to have more blood work in another week. I went completely off the levothytoxine a few weeks ago. I swear that was making me very ill. Someone mentioned I might have gotten a bad batch of medicine. Been on it for years. Also switched to Aveeno for shower and lotion. Mild laundry detergent, hope this helps somone !Since being off the levothytoxine I’m starting to feel better.

    2. Melicia Jane Batts says:

      Are you on synthetic thyroid? I am allergic and after demanding armor thyroid or equivalent I feel better, i do still have other issues however I am so glad I’m alive

    3. My daughter hss been hive free over a year on Xolair. But it took being on it 4 months for full effectiveness.

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