1. This article is a breath of fresh air. I have spent years trying to educate my peers about the importance of mitochondria, to be met with blank stares most of the time.

    I am a big fan of the work done by Dr Terry Wahls, and she has been the source of much of my understanding of the cell organelles.

    Furthermore, since adopting her dietary regime my MS symptoms are slowly receding and I have regained so much of my energy.

    Love your mitochondria and they will love you back!

  2. Good article by Dr. Hyman. However, not everyone can tolerate the supplements that he recommends. I found out the long and hard way that I have genetic mutations and can’t tolerate COQ10 or Resveratrol. Taking those supplements made me feel worse. The mutations I have aren’t common but they aren’t uncommon either. Just a friendly reminder that supplements aren’t a one-size fits all remedy.

    1. Hi Jennifer, We’re all different and that’s part of the reason why thyroid treatment is so tricky. How does your body react to COQ10?

  3. Sherry Whitley says:

    Im so tired every day n figure it out what wrong with myself n i don’t know what is it. I need to exam me what wrong with me

  4. I am 62 years old and I finally figured out myself, a week ago, that I am hypothyroid. I have been trying my whole life to find out what is wrong with me, been to many, many doctors who told me there was nothing wrong and to go to counselling. So, while I am very relieved to finally know, I am also very angry and frustrated that I have not been able to live up to my full potential because I am SO tired and sick. Even though I haven’t spoken to my 2 kids in over a year, I know that they have it, too. Now I know what to do to fix myself, but how long does it take?

  5. I am 73 yrs. old. Thyroid problem…..lack of energy, etc…. I can relate to the adjective that you have written………..I take synthroid (Rx. by my doctor)) do you discuss Thyroid in Seniors in this website or only for Mothers. please reply. thank you Angie

  6. Donna Morris says:

    The doctor issued fosamax which I damn well know the results a disaster… Want to try a plant based supplement from health food store will cost slot but no other choice

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