Hypothyroid Mom’s Story of Hope: Her Miracle Babies

miscarried due to my under-active thyroid, and how to make sure it didn’t happen again.

Hypothyroid Mom's Story of Hope: Her Miracle Babies

“To know the road ahead, ask those coming back.”

-Chinese proverb [Read more…]

Hashimoto’s Disease: The Danger of Thyroid Antibodies and Pregnancy

Hashimoto's Disease: The Danger of Thyroid Antibodies and Pregnancy

In 1990, a significant correlation between high levels of thyroid antibodies and an increased rate of miscarriage was first reported in the scientific literature.[1] Where are we at a generation later?[2] Despite the 20 years of compelling research confirming and expanding upon the initial finding, many doctors do not test a pregnant woman for thyroid antibodies, and few patients know to ask for proper testing. [Read more…]

Miscarriage in New York City…Be Thyroid Aware

Miscarriage in New York City...Be Thyroid Aware

When I was a girl, my father would sing Frank Sinatra’s song “New York, New York”. He would sing at the top of his lungs, “If I can make it there, I’ll make it anywhere. It’s up to you, New York, New York!” In New York City, one of the greatest cities in the world, I expected the best possible medical care. I trusted my doctors implicitly, never once thinking they might not know everything there was to know about hypothyroidism, especially the dangers of hypothyroidism and pregnancy. [Read more…]

What Every Pregnant Woman Needs To Know About Hypothyroidism

What every pregnant woman needs to know about hypothyroidism

Do you know that the American Thyroid Association has issued multiple public health statements to warn about the dangers of hypothyroidism and pregnancy?[1] Hypothyroidism, an underactive thyroid, increases the risk of pregnancy complications, such as miscarriage, still birth, infertility, maternal anemia, pre-eclampsia, placental abruption, postpartum hemorrhage, premature delivery, low birth weight and deficits in intellectual development in infants.[2][3] Despite the warnings, not all doctors know the ramifications of an undiagnosed or under-treated thyroid condition on a mother and her fetus, and very few patients know the facts to insist on proper testing. [Read more…]

Have You Suffered a Miscarriage? Your Thyroid Could Be to Blame

Thyroid Miscarriage

On a cold snowy day in New York City in January 2009, I lay on a medical exam table on what would be one of the worst days of my life. I had miscarried at 12 weeks and was being prepared for a D&C, a surgical procedure to remove my baby. A technician had just taken an ultrasound and walked out of the room to reconfirm to the medical staff that my fetus had no heartbeat. I sprang off my bed and ran to the image on the screen. I felt my body shake and my fists clench as I stared at the image of my unborn child. From a place deep in my soul came a wail.

What happened to my child? [Read more…]