1. 토지노 추천 ☑️구글검색 토지노10☑️ 토지노 메이저사이트 추천 스포츠 토토 온라인 카지노를 한곳에서! 안전하고 신뢰할 수 있는 검증된 토지노사이트 추천 최대 1억 원의 베팅 한도를 제안하는 토토&카지노 사이트

  2. Eye opening article. My mom has hypothyroidism (most likely hashimoto. Never tested her antibodies. She’s 86) I have Hashimoto thyroiditis. My sister died from scleroderma. Cousins have lupus, sjogerns.. my brother is suspected of having fatty liver disease but never diagnosed with thyroid disease.
    I have “SIBO”. I keep wondering if it’s something else.
    I will be looking for your advice on how to help the liver function better. Thank you for this article.

  3. Barbara Gordy says:

    This really hits home for me! I struggled with various unusual problems all of my life. No doctor ever knew what was wrong. I’m sure it was radiation treatments I received as a baby for a hemangioma on my lower lip. Finally diagnosed with Hashi’s in 2017 but no good doctors in my area. Been in NDT, various brands, for 7 years with no benefit. Kept getting worse. I have NAFLD now or say they tell me but not one single doctor had offered to help me. One told me it was all in my head, at least two wanted me to follow their first plan even when I tried telling them I have no appetite and can’t eat. I’m literally living now on raw cow milk and cream and one cup of coffee per day. I have at least 6 autoimmune diseases that I can think of offhand. We’re in the process of setting up palliative care for me. I also have several congenital issues in my spine which cause great pain. I can’t find a doctor who cares enough to tackle my issues. Reading your articles had helped me realize I’m not crazy. I hope and pray we get better healthcare in the years to come so my kids and grandkids get better care than I have. I can already see problems in both my sons and at least one grandson. Thank you for all you do. Blessings. 🙏

    1. Barbara, It is a sad situation that patients struggle to find thyroid doctors to help them. There are a number of reasons that NDT may not be optimal for you to check including sensitivity to the fillers in the different brands, the dose not being high enough to get your Free T3 to the optimal range, and also iron and adrenal issues as in this article here can prevent people from feeling well on NDT too:

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