1. HI
    I have very low thyroid levels & before I had the last 3 blood tests I experienced physical mental dips. I would feel ok then a short time later not at all. Constantly up & down & feeling flat.
    Before the Dr tested my Thyroid levels I had told him I feel a tightness at the base of my neck – but he could not see or feel anything.
    Then I would feel like a physical dip like a vehicle running over the top of my head followed by a drop down over my forehead area. I would experience this sensation mentally several times one after the other.
    As I was in my early 40s it was thought maybe its other reasons – being a female.

    Do you know anything about these kinds of sensations & feeling ok then flat ‘bug dips’?

    Do you know what th

    1. Did you get any resolution to this? I too have similar symptoms 🙁

    2. blank Amy Meekhof says:

      Sounds like adrenal dips. Have your cortisol tested by saliva with esp if adrenals are suffering your cortisol won’t be consistent it will be up and down. Which in turns effects thyroid

    3. blank Debbie Schultz says:

      I had that same thing happen yesterday. I felt dizzy and nauseous. I just found out about six months ago. My calves look bigger and I’m holding fat around my stomach and hips. There is a thyroid Clinic in Denver Colorado, about an hour from Colorado Springs where I live. I’m also more easy to cry.

  2. I’m glad I came across this post today. Yes- so many of us grew up on having a bowl of cereal for breakfast as our parents frantically tried to get themselves and their kids ready for work and school each morning. That habit has carried over to me in adulthood- although I try to trick myself into thinking honey nut cheerios are healthy and for adults. I am going to focus on the PFF goal for breakfasts to see how I feel. I would think avocado toast with an egg on top would qualify?

  3. I love your website! It has helped me so much! However, how dare you illegally use my sisters picture for your pop up description!! You were not given permission and now her face is being used to promote your website. Please have respect and take it down!!

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