Thermography: The Benefits of Thermal Imaging for Thyroid Disorders

Thermography: The Benefits of Thermal Imaging for Thyroid Disorders

This image is from my recent thermography. Do you see the red markers of inflammation in my neck and shoulders, right near my thyroid? Do you also see the red around my nose (allergies have been a constant all my life) but peer even closer and do you see the red around my mouth, in particular the bottom left side? You see I’ve been searching for the cause of my very high CRP (C-reactive protein) lab test, a marker of inflammation, and that’s said to be a sign of heart disease. What’s bizarre is that I would never have known that I have high inflammation if I hadn’t done that test and then this thermography? I have no obvious signs of inflammation, but just the same there it is was glaring at me. [Read more…]