You know you have an (untreated) thyroid problem when…

You know you have an (untreated) thyroid problem when...

It is a pleasure to include my friend and fellow thyroid advocate Sarah Downing at Hypothyroid Mom. She is passionate about helping thyroid patients around the globe. [Read more…]

What I wish others knew about living with a chronic unseen illness

What I wish others knew about living with a chronic unseen illness

Pastor Trisha Peach struggled for several years with symptoms that doctor after doctor could not figure out. It would turn out that she was struggling with the thyroid autoimmune condition Hashimoto’s, a chronic illness that goes unseen by people around you.
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DREAM BIG: Why Thyroid Patients Need and Deserve Change

DREAM BIG: Why Thyroid Patients Need and Deserve Change

It is a pleasure to include my friend and passionate thyroid advocate Sarah Downing.

With Sarah as one of our fighters, change is near. I can feel it.
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Living with a chronic illness that no one sees

Living with a chronic illness that no one sees

When Pastor Trisha Peach was a kid, she always thought that if you had a medical problem, you just had to make it to a doctor – just survive long enough to get to a hospital and then you would be fine. The doctors would have all the answers. They would be like the heroes on TV, capes and all. She discovered that she was wrong.
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Sick to Death: My Life with Thyroid Disease

Sick to Death! Kickstarter

From the moment I met award-winning filmmaker Maggie Hadleigh-West this summer in New York City, I knew instinctively that I was meeting a woman who was going to make change. There was a fire in her eyes and an urgency in her interview questions. To know I will be part of her upcoming thyroid film Sick to Death! gives me goose bumps.

Maggie is fundraising with a Kickstarter to help cover costs for the creation of the film and I hope readers will consider contributing.

Maggie Haleigh-West’s film Sick to Death! will shake up the medical world and change corrupt practices around thyroid disease. I know so.

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12 Things You Should Never Say To or About a Thyroid Patient

12 Things You Should Never Say To or About a Thyroid Patient

It is a pleasure to include my friend and fellow thyroid advocate Sarah Downing at Hypothyroid Mom. [Read more…]