Do you have hypothyroidism? Look at your hands

Do you have hypothyroidism? Look at your hands

Our fingernails (and toenails actually) say so much about our health. It is mind-blowing when you look at the references listed at the bottom of this article the number of conditions of the nails associated with hypothyroidism including Alunula (absence of the Lunula, the little white moons of the bed of the nails), Onychorrhexis (longitudinal ridging of the nails), Beau’s Lines (transverse grooves or depressions of the nail plate), Koilonychia (spoon shaped nail plates), Onycholysis (separation of the nail from the nail bed), Pterygium Unguis (thinning of the nail fold and spreading of the cuticle over the nail plate), Onychomycosis (fungal infection of the nail), Yellow Nail Syndrome, brittleness, slow growth, and thickening.

I first heard Dr. Peter Osborne describe the following common symptoms of hypothyroidism he notices in his patients’ nails and it got my mind racing. I dove into studies and books to figure out how low thyroid can affect even our nails. What the heck! Not even one part of our body is safe from hypothyroidism.
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Menopause, Perimenopause, Thyroid & Vaginal Dryness

Menopause, Perimenopause, Thyroid & Vaginal Dryness

It is not a coincidence that women are particularly vulnerable to develop a thyroid condition at 3 times in their lives – puberty, pregnancy, and perimenopause/menopause. Our sex hormones and thyroid hormones are intricately connected. When our sex hormones shift we are vulnerable to have shifts in our thyroid hormones too and vice versa. Perimenopause and menopause can be more challenging for those of us with thyroid issues.

It’s a challenge too to determine which symptoms are menopause related and which ones are thyroid related. I wonder how many people are told their symptoms are all due to perimenopause or menopause when in fact they are really the result of an undiagnosed or inadequately treated thyroid condition.

Studies like the two I include in the references at the bottom of this article show female sexual issues with thyroid disorders including lowered libido, painful intercourse, impaired orgasm, and reduced vaginal lubrication. This topic is clearly quite complex when it comes to hypothyroid women.

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Which is Better, Synthroid or Armour Thyroid Medication

Which is better, Synthroid or Armour Thyroid Medication

Which is the best thyroid medication for hypothyroidism?

I am asked this question all the time and my answer is always the same, “It’s individual.”

While some do great on T4-only levothyroxine medications like Synthroid, commonly prescribed by mainstream doctors, many of us continue to feel horrible on these drugs. My life changed when I found an open-minded thyroid doctor who listened, really listened, to me and my symptoms. Careful trial and error with thyroid medication brands and dosages and I found my “sweet spot”. With stress, age, and the onset of perimenopause, my “sweet spot” has changed over time, and thankfully each time we find my new “fabulous”.

I take a combination of Nature-throid (a brand of natural desiccated thyroid) and a compound time-release T3 (created by a compounding pharmacy). Oh boy does dosage ever make a difference for me. I feel terrible when my Free T3 is low or even middle of the range. I feel fantastic when its at the top quarter of the normal range. Finding what is right for my body has been life-changing. I feel better today at 46 years old than I felt at 30…yes really. I hope the same for you.
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Are you taking your thyroid medication properly…are you sure?

thyroid medication

After 3 years of taking thyroid medication for hypothyroidism every day, I found a great new thyroid doctor and for the first time discovered that I was taking my thyroid medication all wrong. I was taking my medication at the very same time as foods, medications, and supplements known to interfere with the absorption of thyroid medication. Yet my previous thyroid doctor and pharmacists never thought to tell me such important information.

I no longer take a T4-only levothyroxine medication like Synthroid, which is a popular prescription for hypothyroidism in mainstream medicine. I felt awful on T4 only. Some do great on these medications but I just didn’t. Our bodies are all different. I now take natural desiccated thyroid which contains both T4 and T3 thyroid hormones. My doctor has me divide my dose to twice a day to spread the affect of T3 in NDT to keep up my energy throughout the day. I take half of my dosage first thing in the morning when I wake up and the other half in the afternoon several hours apart from the food, supplements, and medications mentioned below in this article. First speak to your doctor before changing how you take your thyroid medication.

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13 Things Helped This Hypothyroid Man Beat Chronic Mental Illness

13 things helped this hypothyroid man beat chronic mental illness

After a lifetime of chronic anxiety and depression with doctor after doctor failing to “fix” him, a health journalist decided he was going to have to do it himself. Fed up, he decided to take control of of his health, and rebuild his body and brain. He started down a road of intense research and self-experimentation with supplements, diets, devices, and other lifestyle factors. He is a human guinea pig in search of cutting-edge solutions for brain and mental illness.

On his journey, he discovered that one of the underlying triggers for his chronic mental illness was a low thyroid problem. He shares the 13 key things that have helped him reach vibrant mental and physical health – something he didn’t know was possible.
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10 Tips To Lose Weight With A Low Thyroid Problem

10 Tips To Lose Weight With A Low Thyroid Problem

Dieting? Exercising? Still can’t lose weight? Dr. Kent Holtorf shares 10 surprising factors likely contributing to your weight loss challenges with hypothyroidism that you probably haven’t considered (and your doctor probably hasn’t considered). [Read more…]