CHRONIC: Thriving While Living with a Chronic Illness

CHRONIC: Thriving While Living with a Chronic Illness

When I launched Hypothyroid Mom in October 2012, my dream was to reach 250 followers. Little did I know that 4 years later, this blog would have over ONE MILLION followers, yes I said one million. I will never forget the people who first followed my Hypothyroid Mom Facebook Page when I only had 40 or so followers. Whenever I see their profile pictures pop up when they comment on a post on my page, I smile. All these years later and they are still here. How blessed I feel. Karen is one of those early followers and I’m so proud to have her writing here today. [Read more…]

Why Caring for Your Liver is Key to Healing from Hashimoto’s

Why Caring for Your Liver is Key to Healing from Hashimoto's

Let me guess. Your doctor has never mentioned your liver. Right?
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Manifesto for the Hypothyroid Mom

Manifesto for the Hypothyroid Mom

This guest article left me thinking, thinking so deeply. I know you will be left thinking too….

None of this is your fault.
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9 Ways to Revive Your Libido with Hypothyroidism

9 Ways to Revive Your Libido with Hypothyroidism

“What? Hypothyroidism could be the reason for my low libido? And here I thought I was the only one.”

I hear from women (and men) of all ages struggling with low libido. Sex drive turns out to be quite a complex symptom for those of us with hypothyroidism.

No. You’re not the only one.

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Thyroid & Mental Health: It’s NOT All In Your Head

Thyroid & Mental Health: It's NOT All In Your Head

A Manhattan psychiatrist poses this question:

How much of what we are calling psychiatric pathology is in fact thyroid disorder?

I’m sitting on the edge of my seat as I prepare Dr. Kelly Brogan’s guest article for Hypothyroid Mom. Her question has my mind reeling. How many of my fellow Hypothyroid Mom followers are diagnosed with mental health illnesses? Could some or many of them be misdiagnosed? Could these symptoms be a red flag that somewhere deep in their body their soul is waving up in the air trying to alert the person, the doctor, someone, that their thyroid condition is undiagnosed or inadequately treated?
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searching for the causes of Hashimoto’s disease. the key to healing

searching for the causes of Hashimoto's disease. the key to healing

The number one cause of hypothyroidism is the thyroid autoimmune disease Hashimoto’s. The majority of my Hypothyroid Mom readers have Hashimoto’s, but most do not know it. The thyroid antibodies for Hashimoto’s (Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies & Thyroglobulin Antibodies) are often not tested in mainstream medicine. Even when thyroid antibodies are tested and a patient is diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, the only treatment by mainstream medicine is thyroid hormone replacement medication. Hashimoto’s is more than a thyroid condition, it is an autoimmune disease. The underlying cause(s) of Hashimoto’s will vary for each patient and healing happens when the cause of that person’s Hashimoto’s is discovered.
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