Using Autophagy to Heal Your Thyroid

Using autophagy to heal your thyroid

I had trouble sleeping one night and turned on the TV. Naomi Whittel was on the QVC shopping channel talking about how she used the Nobel Prize winning science of Autophagy to heal her autoimmune disease and I couldn’t stop thinking about it. [Read more…]

300 hypothyroidism symptoms: count how many you have

300 hypothyroidism symptoms: count how many you have

The World Health Organization estimates that thyroid dysfunction affects 750 million people worldwide and the American Thyroid Association warns that up to 60 percent of those with thyroid disease are unaware of their condition.

Of the 750 million people with thyroid dysfunction, 1.3 million of them are currently following my site Hypothyroid Mom. The majority are here because they are still feeling unwell despite standard hypothyroidism treatment. Most are told their thyroid is “fine” while they struggle with a countless number of symptoms. Often times their doctors have no clue the vast array of symptoms that can befall a thyroid patient and most patients have no idea their symptoms could possibly be a red flag that their condition is not being well treated. Some may back down from speaking up to their doctor because they feel “doctor knows best” or that they don’t have any scientific proof to back up their claims…until now. [Read more…]

My Battle with Postpartum Thyroiditis

My battle with postpartum thyroiditis

A Hypothyroid Mom reader named Jenny contacted me with her story of postpartum thyroiditis and it felt so familiar. I have lived through postpartum thyroiditis after the birth of both my sons. At a time when a mother is expected to be filled with joy at the miracle of her babies, women with postpartum thyroiditis struggle feeling alone, often misdiagnosed with postnatal depression or anxiety, all while their thyroid is left unaddressed but wreaking havoc on the mother’s mind and body. But no one really wants to hear that. We are hushed and dismissed or carelessly misdiagnosed with mental health issues.

It is well known in the medical world that there are 3 times in a woman’s life when she is most vulnerable to develop a thyroid condition or worsen an existing one, known as the 3 Ps: Puberty, Pregnancy/Postpartum, and Perimenopause. With over 700 million people with thyroid issues worldwide, and over half unaware of their condition, postpartum thyroiditis is more common than anyone can imagine, yet thyroid testing is not part of routine screening at a woman’s first prenatal visit when she is newly pregnant (and it should be!)  nor at the first postnatal checkup around six weeks after giving birth (and it should be!) .

Jenny wrote,

“I write to you Hypothyroid Mom not to complain or grumble, but to raise awareness. To be a silent friend so that other women can read and feel someone understands. During my harder days, I felt so alone.” [Read more…]

EFT Tapping for Anxiety, Depression, Fibromyalgia, Weight Loss, Insomnia

EFT Tapping for Anxiety, Depression, Fibromyalgia, Weight Loss, Insomnia

We’ve all heard of yoga, meditation, and massage to de-stress, but what about Tapping? It’s zero risk, zero cost, and highly effective.

I first heard about Tapping on the Megyn Kelly TODAY show on January 16, 2018. Megyn was joined by Adrienne Cerulo, who said a healing technique known as Tapping freed her from four years of excruciating pain, and Nick Ortner from The Tapping Solution. Cerulo said she was still pain-free after two years, and Ortner led the studio audience in a demonstration of the technique.

How many times had I heard from Hypothyroid Mom readers struggling with fibromyalgia, anxiety, depression, weight gain, and insomnia? Too many to count. And here was a zero cost, effective treatment that required no doctors, no medications, no supplements, that was so simple to learn and do yourself. I was literally swept away as I watched this video below thinking about how many people could benefit from this technique? How many adults? And how many children?

You may be quick to dismiss Tapping, also known as EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques). Your first reaction may be that this is all “woo woo”, but one quick look at the list of recent published studies at the bottom of this article will make you think twice.

[Read more…]

Hypothyroidism? Hair Loss? Fatigue? Heavy Periods? Check Your Iron

Hypothyroidism & Iron Deficiency

Iron. I’ve been interesting in including an article all about iron and hypothyroidism for some time, but I didn’t want just any article. I wanted the perfect one.

The metabolism of thyroid hormones and iron are inter-dependent. Iron deficiency can produce hypothyroidism and vice versa. This is so important, yet often missed, in the treatment of hypothyroidism. Why isn’t every single person, and I mean EVERY single person, with hypothyroidism given iron testing? The treatment of hypothyroidism by conventional medicine, and all it misses, really baffles me. [Read more…]


I'm fine, thanks

I’m fine, thanks

One lie. A little one. Intended to answer the question “How are you?” in the expected way. Well meaning. Until you develop a chronic illness like hypothyroidism. Then those three little words become way too big to handle. [Read more…]