With over 1 million Hypothyroid Mom followers over the past decade, I’ve heard it all. There is no better way to learn what actually works to help people feel better than hearing it straight from thyroid patients themselves.
Are you feeling stuck with hypothyroidism and don’t know what to do? All you need is a conversation with someone who gets it to give you the jumpstart you need. Book an individual session with me today and let’s create your action plan.
At the end of our session, I’ll send a summary email with concrete actionable resources you’ll never find anywhere else. Are you ready to feel better with hypothyroidism, finally? I look forward to speaking with you.
If you’ve followed me at Hypothyroid Mom for any length of time, you know that the biggest problem that hypothyroidism patients face is finding a good thyroid doctor. Here’s the thing. Levothyroxine medications DON’T work for everyone.
This includes levothyroxine generics as well as brands including Synthroid, Levothroid, Levoxyl, Unithroid, Tirosint, Eltroxin, and PMS-Levothyroxine, Euthyrox, Thyroxine, Berlthyrox, Droxine, Eferox, Elthyrone, Eltroxin, Eutirox, Letrox, Levaxin, Levotirox, Levothyrox, Levotiroxina, Oroxine, T4KP, Thevier, Throxinique, Thyradin, Thyradin S, Thyrax, Thyrax Duotab, Thyrex, Thyro-4, Thyrosit, Thyroxin, Thyroxin-Natrium, and Tiroidine.
Levothyroxine contains inactive T4 thyroid hormone. That T4 must be converted by the body to the active T3 thyroid hormone that does the job of binding to the receptors in the cells. Organs all over the body desperately need T3. But for many of us, our bodies don’t do that T4 to T3 conversion efficiently and we are stuck symptomatic despite “normal” thyroid labs.
With doctors trained in medical school and then the big endocrine societies around the world providing their continued education telling doctors that levothyroxine is the only drug to prescribe, most doctors will refuse you alternative T3 medications and natural desiccated thyroid NDT. And then even when you find a doctor who will write a prescription for T3 and NDT, they may often times don’t have the expertise to determine the right dosage to relieve your symptoms.
This is why I’ve made it my mission for years to compile good thyroid doctor recommendations from my many followers that have been lucky to find great doctors that prescribe T3 and NDT and finally got their lives back. I now have long thyroid doctor lists for every U.S. state (many accept insurance and Medicare too!), as well as the UK, Ireland, Canada, Australia, South Africa,, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Finland, Netherlands, France, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Romania, Puerto Rico, Bahamas, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and New Zealand.
*The sessions are delivered via Zoom all around the world. Or by phone, if you prefer, in the U.S. and Canada.
Popular topics that people like to discuss with me during their individual sessions:
The 6 key hypothyroidism lab tests and optimal ranges. Have your thyroid lab numbers ready for the call, and we’ll walk through them together step by step so that you understand each one and how to obtain the ones you’re missing
Natural ways to boost the conversion of inactive T4 to active T3
Dietary changes that make the most difference for hypothyroidism – foods to eat and foods to avoid
Helpful tips to lose stubborn hypothyroid fat, reverse hair loss, clear brain fog, and boost energy
Supplement protocols that are consistently helping hypothyroid people feel better according to polls I run with my Hypothyroid Mom followers about what is working and what is not
Why doctors insist on lowering your thyroid medication dosage even when you finally feel better on a higher dose
Why you may be feeling worse on your thyroid medication and what to do about it
How an astonishing number of patients are taking their thyroid medication all wrong
What one thing you can take in the morning to dramatically boost energy and you already have all the ingredients in your kitchen pantry and fridge
Why peri-menopause, and menopause can be particularly challenging times in a woman’s life with hypothyroidism and tips to navigate through them smoothly
Steps to boost your chances of making babies when you’ve struggled with infertility, failed IVF or miscarriage
If you’ve recently been diagnosed with hypothyroidism, of you suspect you have it, what steps I wish I had taken at the very start if I had known what I know now
What time of day is best to take your thyroid medication and how to ensure optimal absorption of every pill
Special considerations regarding thyroid medication with gastric disorders including celiac disease, lactose intolerance, intestinal infection, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, and bariatric surgery
How autoimmune diseases tend to appear in clusters and how thyroid medication does nothing to stop the autoimmune cascade in Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
The lifestyle interventions that my thyroid autoimmunity social media followers rave about most
Special considerations for people with no thyroid gland due to thyroidectomy, RAI, anti-thyroid drugs, or congenital hypothyroidism
How preparing for your thyroid lab testing days the right way is essential for accurate results including warnings made by endocrine societies that are not reaching doctors and patients
If you’ve tried T3 medications but your heart raced, an important list of things to check
Your thyroid levels keep fluctuating up and down every time you get tested and what next steps to take
What if you’ve tried every thyroid medication out there and none of them worked for you, here’s what I did in this situation that most patients have no idea about that changed everything for me
A list of patient-recommended thyroid doctors in your area that prescribe the alternative T3 and natural desiccated thyroid medications so you can finally try T3 or NDT to see if it might change your life too
I stumbled upon Hypothyroid Mom on the Internet. I don’t remember how it happened but I am grateful that it did. I couldn’t believe that I was reading information that sounded just like ME! I sat at my computer and cried.
Pat Pankey
Hypothyroid Mom’s Early Follower
At last, I found hope
Hypothyroid Mom is a powerful resource for those who have lost hope and feel alone. I’ve been following her for years. Thanks Dana for giving me hope and information that changed my life.
Julie Meyer Potter
Mother & Grandmother
From unable to work to thriving
The day I happened upon Hypothyroid Mom, Dana’s story sounded just like mine. I sought the help of a doctor who diagnosed me with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, adrenal fatigue, Cushing’s disease, insulin resistance & fibromyalgia. From unable to work, I’m now working full time while studying for my degree!
Karen G.
Housing Outreach Worker
Thyroid awareness champion
Two sons, same metabolic disorder known as Congenital Hypothyroidism CH, two very different futures. One started kindergarten, the other requires 24 hour supervision and a GPS tracker in case of elopement #Autism (CH not detected on newborn screening). I thank Dana for her tireless devotion to thyroid awareness.
Jessica Wade
Autism & Congenital Hypothyroidism Advocate
I saw the effects of thyroid disease on my career
I’ve suffered my whole life with hypothyroidism including hair loss, feeling cold all the time, weight gain, lethargy, and attention span. I saw the effects of thyroid disease on my small business but I am on the right track now. And it is all because of you, Dana.
Lisa Smith
Small Business Owner
Exceptional resource for parents of hypothyroid children
I am a mother of a hypothyroid daughter. Always searching and worrying about her future. Dana opened my eyes and the unknown became a familiar truth. It is a must for any mother who wants information to guide her child through this journey.