Thyroid. The tiny, but mighty, psychiatric imposter.

Thyroid. The tiny, but mighty, psychiatric imposter.

A frantic email. A son. His mother. A psychotic episode at work. An involuntary admittance to a psychiatric unit. No prior history of mental health issues. Her severe hypothyroidism diagnosis months before. Is there a connection? Came the plea. Psychiatrists insisted no. But then the discovery of Hypothyroid Mom online. “Please, please help my mother,” he wrote.

Fear rippled through my veins. An urgent need to help this woman and the countless others. All being overcome by their brains, or so it may seem.

Connection, he asked. Where do I begin? [Read more…]

Top thyroid medication, according to 3,665 hypothyroidism patients

Top thyroid medication according to 3,665 hypothyroidism patients

I’ve been asked numerous times to share the results of a poll that I posted on the Hypothyroid Mom Facebook page, titled “Which thyroid medication works best for you?” [Read more…]

How Posture Affects Your Thyroid

How Posture Affects Your Thyroid

When this chiropractor contacted me about the importance of good posture for thyroid health, there I was slumped in my chair typing a reply on my computer keyboard. I had never really given much thought to my poor posture quite honestly, until then. [Read more…]

20 Insanely Clever Thyroid Gift Ideas

20 insanely clever thyroid gift ideas

Thyroid symptoms seriously suck. What better gift to give a thyroid person than a clever gadget that’s actually helpful. You’ll literally want to keep a few for yourself…to family members looking for gifts for me this year, hint hint 😉
I don’t know about you but I still want to give my loved ones special gifts despite our roller coaster year of the pandemic and lockdowns and purchasing them online is a great option. These goodies are all available at Amazon.

[Read more…]

10 signs your feet are warning you about a thyroid problem

10 signs your feet are warning you about a thyroid problem

Snuggled in a fluffy white bathrobe in an upscale spa, I was waiting to have my feet pampered with a deluxe pedicure as the basin was filling with warm, fragrant water.

“Your feet are extremely dry with thick, hardened skin on your heels that have deep cracks. I see feet like this in women with sickness,” the woman remarked, a little too loudly, inspecting my feet at close range.

“What type of sickness?” I whispered, feeling very embarrassed as people in the crowded spa turned to gawk at my feet.

“You should see your doctor about your feet.”

This woman giving me a pedicure could see as plain as day the signs of a serious health condition right there in my feet, but it would take 10 more years to finally receive my formal diagnosis: severe hypothyroidism. [Read more…]

Hashimoto’s thyroiditis: a case of immunological mistaken identity

Hashimoto's Thyroiditis: A Case of Immunological Mistaken Identity

The immune system  serves as a defense system to eliminate foreign invaders like viruses, bacteria, and cancer. Yes, that makes logical sense, but where things get complicated is when your immune system makes mistakes and attacks your own body parts as if they were the enemy and that includes your thyroid gland. [Read more…]