Graves’ disease gal in London

Graves' disease gal in London

Going from hyperthyroid to hypothyroid. [Read more…]

hello hashimoto’s

hello hashimoto's

You aren’t just what you eat.

You are what your body can do with what you eat. [Read more…]

My Journey with Thyroid Doctors

My Journey with Thyroid Doctors

Photo by Stephannie Camosse Photography

People of all ages can develop thyroid disease. A woman in her early twenties shares her struggle to find a good thyroid doctor.
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How Thyroid Disease Affects Marriage

How Thyroid Disease Affects Marriage

Thyroid disease can take a toll on marriage. Popular blogger Unveiled Wife inspires us to have hope and to love with all our heart.
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10 Nutrient Deficiencies Every Thyroid Patient Should Have Checked

10 Nutrient Deficiencies Every Thyroid Patient Should Have Checked

Nutrient deficiency is a part of the thyroid puzzle that has been particularly fascinating to me. There are certain nutrients essential for thyroid health yet often times doctors are not checking to see if they are a root cause of a person’s thyroid issues. Of the ten nutrients Dr. Osborne mentions in this guest article, I have personally had deficiencies in of them. How about you, could nutrient deficiencies be a part of your thyroid problem?
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Style and Beauty Tips for Hypothyroid Symptoms

Style and Beauty Tips for Hypothyroid Symptoms

Who knew that little butterfly-shaped thyroid gland at the base of our necks could affect our physical appearance head to toe?! I invited makeup artist Gwen Lewis to share style and beauty tips to help us look FABULOUS despite our hypothyroid symptoms.
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