SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) & Hypothyroidism

SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) & Hypothyroidism

Could you have bacterial overgrowth in your small intestines?

I thought, “NO, Not me!”

Turns out SIBO may very well be an issue for me. I’m currently undergoing testing for SIBO, parasites, Candida, and more with a functional medicine practitioner. I’ll be sure to share all that I learn at Hypothyroid Mom in the coming months.
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Stressed? Wired but Tired? Crashed? Hypothyroidism & Your Adrenal Glands

Stressed? Wired but Tired? Crashed? Hypothyroidism & Your Adrenal Glands

I have a feeling that if I polled my Hypothyroid Mom readers that the vast majority struggle with adrenal problems and they have no idea. Our fast stressful lifestyles make us vulnerable to adrenal issues. Add to that our adrenals and thyroid hormones are so closely connected that when one is out of whack it throws off the other too. [Read more…]

Top 9 Natural Hypothyroidism Treatments

Top 9 Natural Hypothyroidism Treatments

Which foods should I include in my hypothyroidism diet?

Which foods should I avoid for hypothyroidism?

Are there natural treatments for hypothyroidism?

You can’t imagine how many times I’ve been asked these questions by Hypothyroid Mom readers. I’m always on the lookout for great material to help answer these questions and I’ve found it here in this guest article by a health guru I love to follow, Dr. Josh Axe. I’m thrilled to include him at Hypothyroid Mom.

Please note these remedies mentioned in this article are not meant to replace your thyroid hormone replacement medication. Always speak to your doctor before making any changes to your medication protocol or starting supplements to be sure they are right for you. My goal at Hypothyroid Mom is to share all the possible treatments for hypothyroidism in the hope that you find what works for you. I personally take thyroid medication every day. Thanks to optimal thyroid treatment (finding the right types of thyroid medication and at the right dosage for my body) together with many of the natural treatments that I include at Hypothyroid Mom, I feel fabulous with hypothyroidism. Yes it’s possible and I hope the same for you.
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Acne. Melasma. Could it be your thyroid?

Acne. Melasma. Could it be your thyroid?

Ever since I posted the article Skin Signs of Thyroid Disease written by dermatologist Dr. Amanda Oakley, I’ve heard from countless Hypothyroid Mom readers struggling with various skin-related issues. There are two that come up often – acne and melasma. I decided to dig into the research to see why so many of my readers are having these issues. [Read more…]

Lose Weight With These Breakfast Smoothies…Yes Lose Weight

Lose weight with these breakfast smoothies...yes lose weight

I can’t tell you how many thousands of messages I’ve received over the last four years from Hypothyroid Mom readers struggling to lose weight. It is seriously frustrating to watch the number on the scale rising. I’m on the lookout for simple weight loss tips to help us all. I have a feeling you’ll really like this one.
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Could You Be Deficient In Vitamin B12?

Could you be deficient in Vitamin B12?

Do you struggle with fatigue, frequent colds, flus, anxiety, depression, paranoia, insomnia, anemia, PMS, acne, allergies, swollen/inflamed tongue, hair loss, yellowed skin, herpes, psoriasis, nerve pain, shortness of breath, numbness/tingling in hands/legs/feet, balance problems while walking, incontinence, loss of taste and smell, brain fog or memory loss?

Vitamin B12 deficiency can be a very sneaky condition that gets missed, but it can quickly become serious and harmful. Don’t forget to speak to your child’s pediatrician about B12 testing. I’ll never forget a parent contacting me at Hypothyroid Mom about their 10 year old son who had fatigue, poor growth, learning challenges, anxiety, depression, irritability, “flat” emotional tone, leg pains, loss of appetite, and trouble walking. Turned out this boy had severe vitamin B12 deficiency. Often times children fall through the cracks of mainstream medicine. Vitamin deficiencies are thought to be only for “adults” but this is not the case.
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