Is Your Thyroid Affecting Your Credibility?

Is Your Thyroid Affecting Your Credibility?

I was an over-achiever, driven by the need to always be “perfect”. That’s how I landed a spot in a Master’s degree program at Columbia University and a plum job on Wall Street. My credibility was everything. I could be counted on to out perform. Family, friends, professors, co-workers, bosses, I mean everyone could count on me.

Yeh, that was all before hypothyroidism.

Then my house of cards came tumbling down.

When I read thyroid & life coach Stacey Robbins’ article on credibility, I knew instantly that this was an article I must share at Hypothyroid Mom.
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Why are there so many unhappy thyroid patients?

Why are there so many unhappy thyroid patients?

Unhappy? Oh, yes. Far too many unhappy thyroid patients unfortunately.

Learn the “old school” way (now overlooked by mainstream medicine) of diagnosing and treating hypothyroidism that works for many, including me.

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Peri-Menopause and Your Thyroid

Peri-Menopause and Your Thyroid

Peri-menopause. Oh how I hate it. It all started for me at age 43 with a major shift in my menstrual cycles and then came the symptoms including major hair loss and what physically appeared as rapid aging of my skin. It threw my thyroid health into a tailspin too and what was once my “sweet spot” for thyroid medication dosage that made me feel great was no longer effective. Finding my new “sweet spot” took a few years but thankfully today at age 47 I feel fantastic again. I know there is more to come as peri-menopause can last 5 to 10 years leading up to menopause, and I know things will shift but as they “knowledge is power”. I will take the bull by the horns with every fall and turn and ensure I come up feeling well again…and I hope the same for you.
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16 Natural Remedies for Headaches (could be your hormones)

16 Natural Remedies for Headaches (could be your hormones)

Chronic headaches. Yup. They are red flags my body frantically waves around whenever my thyroid medication dosage is off. When I was first diagnosed I had no clue those headaches were a sign of my hypothyroidism but once my doctor would adjust my thyroid meds and got my Free T3 back to the top quarter of the normal range where I feel my best VOILA my headaches were gone. Just like magic, right? No, actually there are many studies linking headaches and migraines to our hormones (not just our thyroid hormones, but also our sex hormones and the hormones produced by our adrenal glands) but I wonder how many doctors and their struggling patients know this.[1-8]
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What are artificial sweeteners doing to your thyroid?

What are artificial sweeteners doing to your thyroid?

I know. I know. Losing weight with hypothyroidism can feel impossible. You’re trying your best to make changes to your diet in the hopes of losing some of the stubborn weight and you figure artificial sweeteners with fewer calories are a good option. But are they? [Read more…]

Tired all the time? It could be your Mitochondria.

Tired all the time? It could be your Mitochondria.

Do you remember your high school biology class when you learned about the structure of the animal cell? Do you recall the sausage-looking organelles in the cytoplasm called the mitochondria (singular mitochondrion)? They are responsible for the conversion of food to usable energy in the form of ATP. The mitochondria are called the “powerhouses of the cell”.

(Can you tell I was once a high school science teacher? I worked for several years after college as a high school science, math, and French teacher in Toronto Canada before moving to New York City for my graduate studies. I loved taking what were very boring subjects and transforming them into fascinating classes for my students. Taking complex material and making it easy to understand is actually what I try my best to do at Hypothyroid Mom. My hope is that I make the science of thyroid disease easy for everyone to understand.)

Are you tired? It could be your mitochondria.

I bet you had no idea that your high school biology class would actually become something very useful to you! It could explain why you are so darn tired all the time.
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