A cardiologist explains why magnesium is so good for your heart health

A cardiologist explains why magnesium is so important for your heart health

I first saw one of Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s YouTube videos on heart health and I was hooked. Dr. Gupta is a cardiologist in York, England. He explains how important magnesium is for everyone to maintain good heart health. [Read more…]

Dirty Genes & Hypothyroidism: Q&A with Dr. Ben Lynch

Dirty Genes & Hypothyroidism: Q&A with Dr. Ben Lynch

WOW Dr. Ben Lynch, a pioneer in the field of epigenetics and author of the most anticipated new book of 2018 “Dirty Genes”, at Hypothyroid Mom! I had goosebumps on my arms as I put this article together. Now let’s find out how we can clean our “DIRTY” genes (the good news is that our health is not held hostage by our genes!) and reverse disease. [Read more…]

What if the cure for depression is OUTSIDE your brain? 6 strategies that work

What if the cure for depression is OUTSIDE your brain? 6 strategies that work

“My doctor wants to put me on an antidepressant,” my reader wrote. “Are drugs, and the side effects they bring, my only option? [Read more…]

How Your Thyroid Affects Vaginal Dryness, Libido and Painful Sex (And what you can do about it at any age!)

How your thyroid affects vaginal dryness, libido & painful sex (and what you can do about it at any age)

Are your issues with your thyroid causing you problems in the bedroom? For many women, it absolutely is. I’ve invited a gynecologist and obstetrician to talk about how our hormones – sexual and thyroid – dictate a lot about what’s going on down there in our “lady parts”, regardless of our age.

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Why Don’t I Have Any Energy? All about your mitochondria

Why don't I have any energy? all about your mitochondria

Mitochondria are key energy sources for our bodies. They are tiny factories housed within our cells that take the foods we eat and the oxygen we breathe and convert them into energy. Each cell holds hundreds or thousands of mitochondria. They are found in greater concentrations in active organs and tissues like the heart, brain, and muscles. When mitochondria are damaged, we suffer from low energy, fatigue, memory loss, pain, rapid aging, and more. This is why caring for our mitochondria is so important. Taking care of your mitochondria can make you leaner and smarter. It can help prevent aging and increase your energy.
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The Secret Poison That Drives Hashimoto’s

The secret poison that drives Hashimoto's

Hashimoto’s. It’s the number one cause of hypothyroidism, yet few of my Hypothyroid Mom readers have heard of it. Hashimoto’s. It’s more than a thyroid condition. It’s an autoimmune condition, yet thyroid medication is often the only treatment offered. Hashimoto’s. It’s a sadly common health condition that can come with all sorts of symptoms that doctors may mistakenly attribute to mental health issues. Hashimoto’s. It’s not all in your head. If you aren’t feeling well, it’s because thyroid hormone replacement medication doesn’t address the autoimmune component. Hashimoto’s. It’s possible to determine the root cause. It’s possible to reduce thyroid antibodies. It’s possible to feel well. [Read more…]